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Have a Suggestion for SC2Mapster? Want to talk anything SC? Comon' in!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
SC2 Mapster Upgrade Discussion Thread >>
by Flamegoat
441 108,885
[Revived!] Map Night >>
by _ForgeUser4490465
530 64,112
Map of the Week [Waiting new system before complaining] >>
by rodandrod
Public Message by Unknown User: SC2Mapster moderators are allowed to edit this thread and get things going while I have no time.
411 61,643
Leaked Heart of the Swarm beta unit details video >>
by AlexanderO6
98 54,055
Map Night Revived! (EU-NA) >>
by _ForgeUser4519440
217 52,863
SC2 Arcade Alpha >>
by _ForgeUser3201226
301 51,363
SCII legacy of the void >>
by _ForgeUser4678089
308 49,923
Patch 3.0 Map-Maker Troubleshooter Thread >>
by _ForgeUser4398328
302 44,781
Newbie Wednesday- Ask Questions! >>
by Jman1177
262 42,497
SotIS Unlocked >>
by _ForgeUser5857174
Public Message by Unknown User: Dat necro.
210 38,921
[Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - Character Creation >>
by _ForgeUser4490465
188 38,793
[Forum RPG] Embers of Peace - In Character Thread >>
by _ForgeUser4490465
156 35,478
Sc2Streamster: Epic Streaming with capital E >>
by _ForgeUser4519330
190 34,370
SC2Mapster Staff, IRC, Ventrilo, Avatar Rule >>
by Sixen
34 33,107
Has the Arcade gained momentum? >>
by vicboyv
196 30,957