That one doesn't save, it gives me some "script compile errors"
And i don't understand that stuff, so what do I do now?
It should work.
If this mod fail to save, try download WarCraft.SC2Mod and WarCraftData.SC2Mod again and save them to the right place, then the WarCraftAbil.SC2Mod should be able to saved.
Hello I make the transfer progress between the maps. Trying to transfer the level of ability . I use function "Add Level To Unit Ability". However, it is not working correctly. Is there a way to automatically raise the level of ability?
Otherwise, I use the function to "Issues order", and use the ability of learning.
Issues order is a better way to do this. Add Level To Unit Ability kind of work, but it does not respect the ability points.
Hi Guys, everytime I try to make a new map with these dependencies following the steps from both Renee and another poster here I keep getting this error:
Also in Renee's instructions where he modifies War 3 Extra and adds the local file "WarCraftAbil.SC2Mod" is that supposed to be "WarCraftDataAbil.SC2Mod"?
Renee! Everytime I try to create a map with the dependencies, When I press ''Next'' after choosing all the dependencies (WarCraft.SC2Mod, WarCraftMeleeAI.SC2Mod, WarCraftData.SC2Mod, WarCraftDataAbil.SC2Mod, WarCraftTerrainArt.SC2Mod) literally nothing happens. The cursor becomes the circly loading thingy for maybe half a second before turning back into the normal cursor, But besides that nothing happens.
Remove Warcraft and WarCraftData from the list and try again. Because WarCraftDataAbil already depended on they.
Hi war3slipknot, I updated the mod, the offline race pick should worked now.
(Still AI is orc only. Because AI of other race haven't developed)
Seems worked. Can you search it again?
Some of the mod still has problem now and then though.
There must be some bugs on side. The mod is actually there, but can't be find by the search feature.
Many of the newly uploaded/updated mods encountered the same issue. Blizzard says they already know this and is trying to find out the reason...
A easy way to do it is simply change the HD model data instead of the LD model data.
Search War3_HD in model data and change them should work.
Yea, some things the editor just doesn't link everything for you.
Change the actor event and remove the AdefVisualDummy event could prevent if firing when you active the ability.
If you are using war3 mod (GA). Just kill the gate unit, and then play 'Open' animation is ok.
Issues order is a better way to do this. Add Level To Unit Ability kind of work, but it does not respect the ability points.
You simply can't modify the official race pick list. It's hard coded.
You seems created wrong folder.
It's 'WarCraft', not 'Warcraft 3'.
Unfortunately, this can't be played properly in SC2.
The only way is use 3rd party convert tool to convert the m3 file to xml, rename the animation, then covert them back.
The default camera is set by per Tileset.
So go the terrain type in data editor, and change them to sc2 camera, it's done.
Remove Warcraft and WarCraftData from the list and try again. Because WarCraftDataAbil already depended on they.
basically, it seems they renamed the old regions.xml to sc2_regions.xml (to divide sc2 and heroes?)
That's why the old regions.xml no longer worked.
Just rename it and it worked again.
New workaround heard from the Blizz people:
Put this to your SC2 installed folder.