Starcraft: Mass Recall
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StarCraft: Mass Recall
StarCraft: Mass Recall (SCMR) is a project that recreates the classic StarCraft and Brood War gameplay as well as the entire single-player campaigns within the StarCraft II engine. StarCraft: Mass Recall contains 68 maps, 59 from the original StarCraft/Brood War game, 3 that were hidden or deleted on various StarCraft supports, and 6 from the 1998 demo campaign.
You need to have StarCraft II installed in order to play the Mod. StarCraft II is free-to-play, you can download the game client from the StarCraft II Official Game Site.
Also check out:
- our project thread at TeamLiquid forums
- a commentated playthrough by Jayborino (v6.x, hard difficulty)
- a playthrough by professional StarCraft II player Crank (HotS version, hard difficulty)
- story and cutscenes video series / playthrough by Executor Nral (v8)
Do not hesitate to leave feedback or suggestions in the comment section below.
We hope you all enjoy playing StarCraft: Mass Recall!
- The StarCraft: Mass Recall - Team
“Ah, Executor! En Taro Adun! It is good to see you once more upon the field of battle.” – Fenix
FRIENDLY DISCLAIMER: This Mod and all campaign files are free. This means, all who work on Mass Recall are putting their free time into an incredibly comprehensive remaster of all of StarCraft and Brood War, including entirely new custom campaigns such as the Stukov Series and Enslavers Redux. Thus, there should be absolutely no expectations that bug fixes or new features will be released in any sort of timely manner. This is a "we'll get to it when we get to it" situation. Please be aware the modders here have work lives, family lives, and simply do not have the energy to maintain a lively work cycle to keep the Mod 100% up to date. We do promise we will release updates when we feel they are ready to be released. We hope that you understand our position on this.
Latest News
“Receiving incoming transmission…” – Adjutant
December 29th, 2021
The Spanish (EU) localization of StarCraft: Mass Recall (version 8.0.1) is now available!
The first major redesign of our project page is now live!
StarCraft: Mass Recall is done for the foreseeable future. Have fun!
You can find all essential files that are required in order to play StarCraft: Mass Recall, as well as the Bonus campaign Enslavers Redux in the "Downloads" section below!
Note that the Cinematics addon has not changed. If you have the latest Cinematics addon already installed, do not replace it with the file included with StarCraft: Mass Recall v8.0, this is just a "dummy" file in case you're not using the addon.
“This is kind of exciting for me.” – Sarah L. Kerrigan
StarCraft: Mass Recall 7.0 Trailer #2
StarCraft: Mass Recall 7.0 Preview Trailer #`1
Current Version: 8.0.1
Required files:
Localizations (one of these required):
- SCMR Localization v8.0.0 English
- SCMR Localization v8.0.1 Deutsch
- SCMR Localization v8.0.1 Español (EU)
- SCMR Localization v8.0.0 Español (Latino)
- SCMR Localization v8.0.1 Polski (2024.08.23) - includes Polish localization of the Stukov Series + Enslavers Redux
- SCMR Localization v8.0.0 Русская
Optional addons:
SCMR Cinematics Pack (Recommended)
Enslavers Redux Bonus campaign (Recommended)
- SCMR v8.0.1 Extra Campaign - Enslavers Redux - English
- SCMR v8.0.0 Extra Campaign - Enslavers Redux - Русская
- SCMR v8.0.1 Extra Campaign - Enslavers Redux - Spanish
To install the SCMR Cinematics Pack if you've already run the installer without it, replace the "SCMRcinematics" file in your "Mods" folder with the one in the cinematics pack download. Similarly, if you have already downloaded the English Localization Mod but wish to change languages to one of the above supported versions, replace the "SCMRlocal" Mod file in your "Mods" folder with the respective language you wish to use.
If you've played previous versions of StarCraft: Mass Recall, for a clean installation it is recommended you delete any previous StarCraft: Mass Recall-related folders or ZIP-Archives from your StarCraft II installation directory, and delete or rename the SCMR.SC2Bank file in (Documents)/StarCraft II/Banks.
Older versions and localizations
- Chinese Localization v6.2.1:
1st method:
Required files:
Localization (required):
- SCMR Localization v6.2.1 International Subtitles (including Chinese)
Optional addons:
2nd method:
The Chinese Localization v6.2.1 of StarCraft: Mass Recall is also hosted on the Chinese cloud-service by Baidu. There you can also find a comprehensive installation guide in Chinese to properly install this localization. To get to the required files and the installation guide follow this link here.
- French Localization v6.2.1:
Required files:
Localization (required):
Optional addons:
- Korean Localization v7.1.0:
Required files:
Localization (required):
For translators:
SCMRlocal changes from v7.3 to v8.0, provided by 628w
“Uh... how do you work this damn thing?” – Marine
(for Windows, if you're using Mac follow the manual installation guide below)
For a fresh auto-install please carefully follow these steps:
1. Download the SCMR installer and the required files (see the "Downloads" section above).
2. Move all downloaded ZIP-Files and unzip the installer to your StarCraft II installation directory. The default path to it is: "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II\".
3. Run the installer.
4. After SCMR is successfully installed, use the shortcut on your Desktop to run SCMR.
Auto install video guide by DeltronLive
Note that this is for an older version, just make sure you have all the latest required files specified in the "Downloads" section above, otherwise the process is the same.
Manual Installation
If auto-install fails and/or you would like to manually install SCMR, please carefully follow these steps:
1. Download the required file sets (see the "Downloads" section above). For StarCraft: Mass Recall to work properly you need to download the Campaign Maps - that are bundled with the Main Mod (SCMRmod) and a "dummy" Cinematics Mod (SCMRcinematics) - as well as the Assets Mod (SCMRassets) and a Localization Mod (SCMRlocal).
2. Then extract all ZIP-Files to a folder of your choice. The extracted folder should look like graphic [1] below.
3. Now, open your StarCraft II installation directory where the StarCraft II.exe (WIN) or .app (MAC) is located. Per default this is on your primary C: drive under "Program Files (x86)" (WIN) or "Applications" (MAC). The standard paths to the StarCraft II installation directory are shown below.
Windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II"
Mac OSX: "Macintosh HD/Applications/StarCraft II"
The StarCraft II installation directory should look similar to graphic [2] below. Note that you may need to create the "Maps" folder here if it does not already exist. Then move the folder called "Starcraft Mass Recall" (with lowercase "c") from the extracted folder to the "Maps" folder within your StarCraft II installation directory. The "Maps" folder should now look like graphic [3] below.
4. Next, move the "Mods" folder from the extracted folder into the StarCraft II installation directory (the same place as the "Maps" folder). Your "Mods" folder should now have four Mod files and resemble graphic [4] above.
5. While your newly placed "Starcraft Mass Recall" folder within the "Maps" folder should now look like graphic [5] below.
Other (older) manual installation guides:
- Step-by-step Installation Guide (English)
- Installations-Handbuch (Deutsch)
Alternative ways to play
If the above doesn't work for you, first and foremost make sure that:
- you have all the necessary files in the right directories
- you've set the correct paths for the shortcut
- you're running the latest version of StarCraft II
Alternative way to play without the shortcut:
- locate SC2Switcher.exe in the Support folder (your StarCraft II installation directory)/Support
- locate the SCMR Campaign Launcher file in (your StarCraft II installation directory)/Maps/Starcraft Mass Recall
- drag and drop the SCMR Campaign Launcher file to SC2Switcher.exe
If you wish to play while logged on to, you will need to take the following steps:
- Launch StarCraft II using the launcher
- Alt-tab to Desktop
- Launch StarCraft: Mass Recall using the created shortcut
Note that you can still save and load any SCMR map, as long as you're logged in.
Bonus Campaign - Enslavers Redux Installation
ZIP Download -
This file includes a new 30-mission extra bonus campaign "Enslavers Redux" by OmegaWeaponX! This series contains 4 episodes, with 9 unique maps per Terran, Protoss, and Zerg races, with 3 epilogue maps. Content and story is based on the original Enslavers custom maps in StarCraft and Dark Vengeance maps in Brood War. Features brand new dialog and story, missions, and enhanced heroes with their own level-up mechanics! Learn what happens between the major StarCraft episodes and the events leading up to StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty!
While this custom campaign can be played stand-alone by opening up the unique Enslavers Redux Campaign Launcher and launching missions from there, it is also integrated into Mass Recall via the "Extras" menu. In order to load it properly in for the Mass Recall Launcher to work with this campaign, follow these instructions:
- Download the above ZIP-file containing Enslavers Redux
- Go into your StarCraft II folder -> SCMR Mass Recall -> Extras:
- Within Extras, place your ZIP-file, then uncompress it there. You should have a folder that says 8. Enslavers Redux. It should look like this now:
- You've got Enslavers Redux installed! Now from the SCMR Campaign Launcher go to Extras and click on the Enslavers Redux menu panel. You can launch any mission from here or open the Enslavers Redux Campaign Launcher and launch missions from there!
Please note - This campaign has no unique audio for voices and as such it is required that subtitles are enabled in order to actually read what transmissions are saying :)
Informational Pages
“Come, stand here. You need to see this.” – Gerard DuGalle
- Options
- Terran SCMR Models
- Zerg SCMR Models
- Protoss SCMR Models
- Faction Model List Options
- Cheat Codes
“I swear it's always some damn thing.” – Joeyray
Make sure to check out the auto install and manual install video guides also linked above. The end result in these videos is the same, regardless of install method.
Also make sure you're using an up-to-date version of StarCraft II.
Common issues:
- Param/Value/-Error: If lots of texts are like that, you may have a problem with your Mods: Delete SCMRmod and SCMRlocal, and re-download them from the links above. If it is only one or two lines (say, a mission objective), report it in the comments section (in that case, please specify which language you are playing in).
- Dependency cannot be loaded: The Mods are not at the proper place. Check that you have put your Mods (SCMRmod, SCMRassets and SCMRlocal) in the "Mods" folder, as on the pictures above.
- Unable to load map: Your Maps are not at the proper place. Check that you have put the episode files such as "1. Rebel Yell" in a folder "Starcraft Mass Recall", itself to be placed in "Maps", as on the pictures above.
“Who's in charge here?” – Marine
[ Click here to view full credits ]
Map Design and Scripting
based on the StarCraft 2: Brood War Mod by
Additional development by
Custom 3D Models and Textures by
GhostNova | Units: Dropship, Stukov (co-author SoulFilcher), SC1 Queen's Nest, SC1 Ghost, SC1 Citadel of Adun, SC1 Battlecruiser, SC1 Siege Tank, SC1 Academy, SC1 Devourer Portraits: Fenix, Duran, Stukov (co-author SoulFilcher), Goliath |
Thrikodias | Units: Tassadar, Observatory, Arbiter Tribunal, Warp Gate, Bengalaas, Kakaru, Psi Emitter, Stasis Cell, SC1 Defiler Mound, SC1 Photon Cannon, SC1 Robotics Facility, Portraits: SC1 Mengsk, Valkyrie, Tassadar, SC1 Adjutant, SC1 Zasz, SC1 Daggoth, SC1 Corsair, SC1 Defiler, Dropship, SC1 High Templar |
GnaReffotsirk | Carrier, Shuttle, Queen, Creep Colony, SC1 Guardian |
Cacho56 | Units: UED marine, SC1 Sunken Colony Portraits: Duke, DuGalle, SC1 Arbiter, SC1 Siege Tank, SC1 Battlecruiser, SC1 Science Vessel, |
SoulFilcher | Units: Ion Cannon, SCV (Retro), Stukov (co-author GhostNova) Portraits: Stukov (co-author GhostNova) Icons: Kerrigan, Tassadar, Devourer, Queen |
Gradius | Units: Cerebrate Portraits: SC1 Overmind |
XibadivS | Control Tower, Machine Shop |
Snowflake Entertainment / Project Revolution | Valkyrie |
buhhy | Dragoon |
KORroy | Portraits: Aldaris |
Hammer107 | ComSat Station, SC1 Barracks, SC1 Engineering Bay, SC1 Missile Turret, SC1 Starport, SC1 Armory, SC1 Bunker, SC1 Factory, SC1 Medic, Raynor (Vulture), SC1 Spore Colony, Tassadar (Gantrithor) |
Kailniris2 | Shield Battery, Psi Disrupter textures |
Delphinium1987 | Psi Disrupter mesh |
MSeverns | Duran, Raszagal units |
DaveSpectre | Jim Raynor portrait |
Skulluse | Sarah Kerrigan portrait |
Kanitala | Terran beacons |
ZeShmoutt | Retextured Hunter Killer, Devouring One |
SyCoAttack | Dark Protoss (Shakuras) doodad retextures |
TooMuchTuch | Decals: Alpha, Delta, Nova, Omega Squadron, UED, Kel-Morian Combine |
Frankiealaplaaja | Decals: Mar Sara militia, Sons of Korhal |
Kostyarik | Animations: briefing Start button, score screen |
Re1deR | Briefing transitions, portrait highlight texture |
Jones FixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixed | Town sign textures FixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixed |
Additional Artwork
luhkoala | SCMR loading screen, remastered victory screen backgrounds, additional loading screen artwork |
Existor FixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixed | SCMR logo & banner FixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixed |
qimingnan | Chinese version |
Khyinn | French version |
FirefoxGhost | German version |
storycraft | Korean version |
628w | Polish version |
Re1deR | Russian version |
Leader_DS | Spanish (European) version |
bluefenixcursed FixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixed | Spanish (Latin American) version FixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixedPlaceholderFixed |
For Brood War-like multiplayer, you can have a look at Starbow.
Old time Brood War players may enjoy the Carbot Animations Brood War series.
Other custom campaigns from various authors can be found at the Custom Campaign Initiative.
This is a completely unofficial, non-profit, fan-made and free-to-play remake and in no way endorsed by or affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. and/or Activision Blizzard, Inc.
StarCraft, Brood War, Wings of Liberty, Heart of the Swarm, Legacy of the Void, and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
When I try to open any maps except the launcher I receive this error : ( Unable to load 'MapInfo' from 'Untitled Map' ) , also the launcher fail to initialize any map !! ... please help guys :D
Thx Gnite. Not only you open the launcher but you load the mission as you played it for the very 1st time and only then you load your saved game. Good to know!
Iron Fist Campaign
1. Mission 1 is fine at easy settings.
2. Mission 2 named "Shipyards" is undoable by lack of pilots. I managed to use the two pilots to capture the two Battlecruisers but there is a 3rd one and I do not have any pilot left (I had only 2). What am I supposed to do ? There must be a bug, player should heve 3 pilots of there are 3 Battlecruisers. You get 2 new pilots of you lose them (I got that during my 1st attempts) but I have not lost any in my saved game... "Optical flare "ability does not work on structures, this does not help a lot. This is a mission I had also to skip in your 1st version of your mod.
I sometimes get the Direct X / Open GL error when trying to load a saved game.
I find that if I go to the launcher start the mission again and then load my save it works fine for me.
I've used this twice when I've had a problem opening saves and its worked both times (note I'm not using the retro mod though).
A BIG thanks to Jones, Telenil and the rest of the crew for allowing me to play the classic SC1 with the updated SC2 engine!
One thing to note in Terran07S - I wiped out the orange base first and then the blue one (by doing this the protoss never arrive - is that meant to happen as everything has already been wiped out?
Rebell Yell,
I finished scenarios 9 and 10 without issue. This is really a nice campaign! Congrats to the team!
The sole major remaining issue is "The Big Push", Terran opponents are far too strong.
Then I shall play Iron Fist to stay with the humans (always on easy difficulty level of course).
The problem that I have , the problem is fix by himself .
I carried out the instructions manual "by the book":
I loaded the Starcraft Mass Recall.SC2Save. Only then I loaded my saved game: TERRAN 10 The Hammer Falls.SC2Save.
Then I got an error message.
It means you cannot play a game on Friday evening and hope to finish it on Saturday afternoon...
This was a huge bug in version 1 of your mod, it seems this stayed. The player is condemned to play until the victory, did you indend to create an addiction ? ;-)
Joke apart it is quite annoying especially when the player has already built a huge base...
@RobertCL: Go
Operation Silent Scream doesn't have SCVs. Your siege tank are the key units for destroying bunkers, and you can use defensive matrix, yamato cannon or lockdown to destroy their siege tanks.
@Trilbyhats: Go
There is a Starcraft 2 option that does that. It's one of the buttons near the minimap, I thik it's called "Team Colors".
@Almercer: Go
Uh, is it a specific level or something?
Hello there, nice mod, but I got a minor problem. Everything works fine, except for one thing; the team colors always show up as blue (player) and orange (enemy). This happens on every map, even the zerg maps, which don't have playable blue zerg. I followed the instructions and I'm using the retro mod. Any idea as to what could be the problem?
I can't select any buildings , or unit . I can't see how minerals and vespen gas I have .
I have the retro version. I can't create buildings with scv or create units with buildings.
There is any solutions to see those information to play normally and enjoy the game.
So long as you have any structures left, you are not eliminated. The only exception in most cases is an objective specifying a certain hero must survive.
But yeah, in that level it's just all about not stopping making stuff. Constantly be making more units and bunkers. Don't venture out unless you're feeling *REALLY* confident, or have a really *big* army.
@Telenil: Go
That was just a suggestion to ease playing, i aint big fan of handicaps myself.
About the 30 mission, i was scared as hell when they charged so i've turned on terribleterribledamage. They were eating my CC and as i recall losing CC is losing scenario. Or was i worng and i could just save one supply depo and win?
a. regarding the 30 minutes (mission 3 is 30 min if I remember well) you surely confuse with someone else. Blaze talked about "Fury of the Swarm" but it is not a scenario name in Rebel Yell...
b. Is there a way to win scenario 8b (Silent Scream) without SCV at your disposal ? In other words you must destroy AI bases without support (excepted limited reinforcement units), is it well the concept of this scenario ?
@RobertCL: Go
He means handicap for the AI, reduced hit points =) I'm not for adding handicaps, because the whole point is to play with Brood War units, not Brood War units at half strength. But I will nerf the levels you mention further.
Regarding the final attack wave in the 30 minutes mission, do you lose the mission or is it just that you can't stop it? You don't have to stop it, only to have a building alive until the end.
@Blazethesage: Go
Woopsies. Will fix.
@ninemonkeys: Go
No. I may make retro and grid compatible in the future.
"Also during Despearate alliance mission finals zerg assault is way to huge for easy."
No, no, no.
Hardcore games will find what they want at medium and hard settings.
The game must be playable for newbies or casual players who just want to destroy units in a rocking chair without thinking too much.
I admit that Norad II scenario was perhaps easy but I had to replay it because AI attacked with all its forces the surrounded zone when I approached too close with my main units so only a rush through enemy lines saved me. So even at easy settings the situation is far from easy.
Those who want difficulty have already what they want, easy must be easy like its name: "easy". According to me easy setting is already too hard...
No way to add handicap at easy settings, it is already too difficult (at least for me). I am the kind of player who takes time to develop a base and to get upgrades before moving (unless I see I am lacking of minerals or gas), this way of playing is incompatible with medium or hard settings, thx God the easy settings is designed for me ;-)
As a suggestion i would like to state that it would seem reasonable to include handicap at easy difficulty. The same way casual settings of SC 2 camapigns have it.
Also during Despearate alliance mission finals zerg assault is way to huge for easy.
I actually didn't have any issue with those levels. In level 5, all you need is a few Wraiths to distract initial opposition, and a strong force loaded into five or six dropships to drop onto the enemy island. Once you're there, you can essentially just roll through the enemy base.
As for The Big Push, the Norad II alone can be a huge contributor to base defense, so long as you keep him repaired. And, if you're cautious, you can use him to take out the closest enemy's Starport really early on, as it's separated off by itself with only a few Missile Turrets and Wraiths to guard it. But add a bunker and a couple of Siege Tanks at the top of the ramp into your base, and you're golden. The only real thing to watch out for is air attacks from Orange's direction.
However, I do have a report of unexpected AI behavior leading to a *massive* difficulty spike that I'll repeat here, just in case.
Episode 6, Mission 6: Fury of the Swarm. After my four outlying bases are destroyed as per usual, the first note of concern arises when, after pulling troops in those bases back to preserve them, I use them to spy on the site of my former bases, in hopes of catching the enemy's new expansions before they are properly defended.
The enemy never expands there.
This is merely the calm before the storm.
By 7 minutes in, game-time, my primary base is assaulted by a *MASSIVE* amount of ground troops via overlord drop from the north; large numbers of zerglings and hydralisks, and several Ultralisks. An attack this large is unprecedented that early, and I see no possible way to defend against something that intense that quickly. Maybe with professional-level macro dedicated specifically to building up a defense against that attack, but it would be a close shave.
Worth noting is that I'm even playing on Easy. I shudder to imagine what might happen on higher difficulties.
Scenarios difficult to win at "easy" difficulty settings:
5. Revolution (surely possible but I just lacked of minerals)
8. The Big Push (impossible due to agressive AI behavior and its apparent unlimited nr of resources)
8b. Silent Scream (I destroy the main base (violet units) thx to the few reinforcement units but I have only the 2 heros left (Raynor and Kerrigan) and I can't destroy other buildings). Without a SCV to exploit the base there is no possibility to win this scenario.
Thanks Telenil,
am I able to use the "SCMRmod.SC2Mod" from SCMRmod Grid together with the "StarCraftRetroCore.SC2Mod" from SCMRmod Retro Edition (includes more Brood War sounds & models)?
@ninemonkeys: Go
If you downloaded the retro edition, yes to both questions. The SCMR names are admittedly confusing, perhaps we can clarify that after the final wave of bugs have been squashed.
@RobertCL: Go
Thanks =)
Now that I think of it, people playing in Easy should report any level they clearly find impossible to complete. The point of that difficulty is to be accessible to almost everyone, but it's difficult to know where the perfect challenge is without feedback.
The full mission list with names and numbers are available in the Launcher.
I need a little help with this mod.
Do I need both "StarCraftRetroCore.SC2Mod" and "SCMRmod.SC2Mod"? They're included in the same archive. And regarding the Step-by-step-tutorial:
Note : since the release of Heart of the Swarm, Brood War musics are available in
Starcraft 2 iteself. Go to Menu → Options → Sound, then look in the bottom right
This information is regarding the music, not the sounds, correct?