
All about development of the Data Editor.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Previous WDE and Ideas >>
by nevjmac
90 55,271
[Read-Me] Map Development Forums >>
by _ForgeUser4398850
Public Message by Unknown User: Locked.
2 11,762
make move command use energy >>
by blueberrilmao
1 116
sc1 pathfinding dragoon >>
by blueberrilmao
2 63
Removing a unit's ground collision >>
by s1edda
1 87
Thor doesn't walk in High Impact Mode >>
by sudossss
3 163
Custom structure warp in issues >>
by aldarisoftheconclave
1 228
Importing custom models >>
by gh0stdrak3
4 576
Skill attack >>
by TheTr4wler
1 277
Adept animation >>
by TheTr4wler
1 289
Create an ability that you can use when you killed enough ennemies >>
by TheTr4wler
7 307
Adept psionic transfert idea >>
by TheTr4wler
2 211
Morphing a unit then unmorphing it >>
by TheTr4wler
4 307
Adding X count to Arm Magazine unit via a behavior/effect >>
by LetterkennySkids
2 846
How to make liberator allowed to attack both air and ground units within the area only? >>
by koori_chikage
1 686