• 0

    posted a message on Weapon Range issue.

    Set the "weapon minimum range bonus" in your leveling behavior to zero.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Skill attack

    Hi, I think with the way you worded this post probably no one will be able to help you so im going to clarify some things in order for you make your problem request understandable.


    First, in starcraft 2 no attack will be "aimed" (in a way where you use the mouse to select a target point and attack) attack are simply performed at a target unit, if you want to aim any effect you'll have to use an ability target effect that uses an effect at a target location which can be a launch missile effect, an effect AoE area effect that affect units in a circle, a cone, or a rectangle to apply another effect to units within the area of effect. That been said you can make the effect of a unit's weapon attack to launch an specific effect at a random point or several random points near the attacked unit giving it a random chance of hitting or no hitting the target. or if its a weapon that targets ground units, you can make an effects that launches a missile in straigth line to a fixed distance that explodes after colliding with a ground unit or reaching its final destination or pierces all enemies in a straight line like the lurker attack, that will also grants the posibility for the missile to fail hitting it's target if the target moves out of the way before the missile reaches it. So you have a possibility of doing this changing the effect of a weapon to give it a random chance of striking its target, but yo could also take a unit remove its weapon and attack abilities and add an effect target ability that uses one of the effects I described before, make the ability autocastable, and make the ability be able to target the ground or nearby units, so that the taget ability works like an attack that can be performed at a target point or unit and if you leave the autocast active it will use the ability in the same way it would use a weapon  while there are available targets.


    Regarding your question about where to change the place where a projectile comes out of unit when performing a launch missile effect, that is determined by the action actor that is linked to a launch missile effect (if you are duplicating all the components or modifying an existing launch missile effect), within the action actor in question you will find a field named "Launch Attachment Query", there you can choose the name of an attachment point that the model a given has to launch the missile from that point, the most common attachment points are origin (model's feet), center (center of a model), weapon (the unit's model weapon attachment point) and there are many others but is important to keep in mind that not all unit model have the same named attachment points. 


    Finally, to receive helpful feedback when posting a question or a request, you should decompose the problem in simple and concrete problems to solve, in order for people to be able help you. Your post clearly shows to me that you don't have clarity about how weapons or launch missile effects work in fine detail, so first you should study those subjects on your own, as well as action actors, damage effects, randon point effects and search area effects. 


    Here I leave you a video to make skilllshot effects that may come handy to make non homing attacks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xradjsdTlfg&t=147s&ab_channel=LazZ'sMapmaking


    My other recommendation would be to join the sc2mapster discord (you can find the link, by clicking in the "forums" tab of this site. The link is located in the square box that is right below). If you join the discord there is a section called data where you can post any data question and there are many active sc2 modders that may reply with an answer way faster than here. I tell you this because most sc2 modders are not very active in the forums of this website, and sometimes you won't get any reply for days or even months and I don't always have the time to make replies in this forum.



    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adept animation

    Hi, if you want to know the names of the animations of any model in the game, just do this: go to the model of the object you want to view the animations (whether is a unit, an effect or anything else), then find the "Art: Model" field of model and open the window, then while you are in that window click on the button of that window that says "View in Cutscene Editor", this will load the 3D model in question into the cutscene editor. The Cutscene Editor will place the 3D model you selected into a scene that matches the terrain and the objects within your map, but most important, it allows you to view the model, the name of its animations and play the animations. The name of the animation that is preloaded by default byt the chosen model is displayed in the blue bar that appears at the lower part of the Cutscene Editor window, to change the animation to another animation, make a right click at the animation bar to be able to choose another animation. Beyond that, the numbers above the animation bar correspond to the duration of each segment of any animation in seconds and deciseconds, and you can use the controls that are to the left of the animation bar, to play and pause the animation that is currently loaded among other things. I leave 2 screenshots below, highlighting what I mentioned.



    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Create an ability that you can use when you killed enough ennemies

    To know if a buff is stacking, while you are testing things, simply take the buff that can have multiple stacks, go to the behavior modification field, find the life armor bonus field and set it to 1, with that your unit will gain +1 bonus to armor whenever it gets a stack of the buff of the stacking buff and you can see the total bonus to armor by placing the cursor over the armor icon of your unit.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Create an ability that you can use when you killed enough ennemies

    Well this can be done in several ways but there are many things to consider so I’m not gonna give you an exact solution, but rather the basic principles to do something similar and the rest you will have to figure it out yourself. First you need two buffs, one will apply a stack of a buff that acts as a “counter”, that upon reaching a certain number of stacks will restore the cooldown or the charges of the ability you want to use, the “counter” buff will be the second, also create an apply behavior effect that applies 1 stack of the buff, and in the effect unit field set it to source. Then to set up the buff that adds charge go to the damage response, and in the “Combat” tab, set “Chance” to 1, set the handle field, to the apply behavior effect that applies the “counter” buff, then set “Location” to Attacker and in the “Minimum” enter a number equal to minimum amount of damage that holder of the rechargeable ability needs to deal to get a stack of the counter buff (so for example if your unit has multiple abilities that deal 10 damage, then you can set the minimum damage to 10, then set the counter buff to have 50 stacks, so after the unit gest 50 stacks of the counter buff, you can add an effect in the refresh effect field of the counter buff, that restores the charges or the cooldown of the rechargeable ability).


    After setting the main buff that applies the charges, you need to create the effect that restores the charges or cooldown for that you need to create a modify unit effect. After go to the modify unit effect and go to the field called cost, the window of that field adds a new entry, in the new entry, set the ability field to your rechargeable ability, then go the “none” tab of the window and set cooldown operation to “Set”. If your ability requires charges in order to be used go to the charge field in the cost tab, and type -1 (to restore 1 ability charge), if your ability is a regular cooldown ability go to the cooldown field in the cost tab and type zero (to restore its cooldown). After that set impact unit within the modify unit effect to source.


    After that create a set effect and add to the set the modify unit effect, plus a remove behavior effect that removes all stacks of the counter buff.


    Finally go to the “counter” buff and in the refresh effect field, add the Set effect previously created, then go to validators and create a behavior count validator the checks if a unit has the maximum number of stacks of the “counter” buff and set the validator unit field of the validator created to source. Then add the validator you created to the set effect and add the buff that applies the counter buff to the unit with the rechargeable ability.

    What this does, is that you have unit with a buff that applies a “counter” buff whenever it deals X damage, and when the unit gets the maximum number of stacks, the refresh effect in the counter buff will restore/reset the cooldown/charges of the rechargeable ability.


    If you had trouble following or understanding what I’m talking about, is because you lack the knowledge you need to accomplish what you need in this case, so you will have to read the entries that cover ability costs, buff behaviors, apply behavior effects, validators and modify unit effects in the sc2mapster wikia or any online forum that covers those. You can also check in the editor the campaign hero Vorazun, she has a blink ability and a teleport attack ability, and the blink ability restores the cooldown of the teleport attack whenever its used.


    Well this is as far as I go, good luck!   

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Create an ability that you can use when you killed enough ennemies

    Your post is too vague, describe in detail what you are trying to accomplish, if you want any helpful feedback.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Adept psionic transfert idea

    To make the adept disappear, you will need to create a buff. After creating a new buff, set its duration to the duration of transfer ability, then go to the "Behavior: (Modification) - State Flags" field look for the "Invulnerable" flag, the "No Draw" flag, the "Suppress Collision" flag and the "Stun" flag, and enable all of them. The "invulnerable state" should prevent other units to be able to interact with the adept, the "No Draw" flag makes the unit's actor disappear visually to all players, the "Suppress Collision" flag should allow other units to walk through the adept (so that it doesn't become an invisible obstacle) and finally the "Stun" flag, prevents the adept from attacking or moving on it's own and prevents it from taking player commands.


    Then, to add the buff, go to the "Transfer" ability, look for the a field named "Post effect: behavior", within that field, add the behavior that makes the adept "dissappear" and set the behavior count to 1. That's the simplest way to do it in my mind. If you have any doubts or issues about this, check the entries in the sc2mapster wikia in the data section that dive into behaviors, abilities and effects that handle behaviors, to get a grasp of how it all works.


    Posted in: Data
  • 0.921688621512291

    posted a message on Morphing a unit then unmorphing it

    Ok normally I wouldn't do this and is not something that I or anyone else on this site usually does, but I made a demo map with a morph ability that allows a high templar unit to morph into an archon for 12 seconds and then detransforms. I leave a temporal link the file of the demo map here: https://ydray.com/get/t/u17162386178339eShFd4b16ad4db0eli


    To acomplish this I had to do the following I created 2 custom buffs, then created the morph ability the "morph to" unit to archon in the "Info" field of the ability and then the unit archon needs to turn back as the templar in the "Info Umorph" field of the ability, then created two apply behaviors to manage the duration of the morph ability and handle ability commands, after that I created the issue order commands with similiar parameters as I described in my former post. After that I added two "morph related events" within each unit actor (the actor of the custom templar and the actor of the custom archon), in order to allow the templar and the archon to change its model when it morphs or unmorphs.


    So if you want to use this morph ability in another map you need either copy or replicate completely all custom elements of the demo map, which are 2 custom units with 2 added events to each unit's custom actor, a custom morph ability, 2 custom buffs, 4 custom effects. The duration of the "Unmorph Timer" buff, determines the duration of the morph ability. To understand which elements I modified within the custom units, unit's actors, ability, behaviors and effects, check the demo map and check all the data fields highlighted in green in each custom object.


    I leave screenshots highlighting the events added to each unit actor and another screenshot displaying where within the morph ability, I added the apply behavior effect, that adds the buff that handles the duration of the morph ability.


    Since this took me quite some time, this is my final reply on this subject, if you have doubts about how the morph ability works you can check this entry: https://sc2mapster.fandom.com/wiki/Data/Abilities/Morph, if you need a better understanding of the editor check https://sc2mapster.fandom.com/wiki/ or any of the available online tutorials and forums that dive into the different aspects of the editor.


    Best of luck.

    Posted in: Data
  • 2.73405120337463

    posted a message on Morphing a unit then unmorphing it

    Hi I have an idea of how do something like this, for that you need the following:


    You need to create two morphing abilities one that gives the high templar the ability to morph into an archon (aka your morph ability) and then you need another that give the archon the ability to morph back into the high templar (aka an unmorph ability). After that create a buff with a duration equal to the time the high templar is expected to remain morphed into the archon and another buff with a short duration like 0.2 seconds and then go to the "Behavior: Modification" field open it and click on the "Behavior" tab on the Modification window and scroll down until you find a field named "State: Flags" and enable "Invulnerable". Then you need to create two issue order effects, in the first set the "Ability" field to the name of your morph ability that turns your archon into a high templar, then create another issue order effect set the "Ability" field "Stop". After that set "Effect: Unit" field and "Target" field of both issue order effect to "Source unit". After that create and apply a buff effect that applies the short duration buff and set the "Effect: Unit" field to source. 


    After that, take the buff that has the expected duration of the morph ability, and got to the "Expire Effect" field, and add the apply buff effect that applies the short duration buff. Then go to the short duration buff and go to the "Initial Effect" field and add the issue order effect that has "Stop" in the "Ability" Field, then go to the "Periodic Effect" of that buff and add the issue order effect that has the ability field set to the ability of your archon to morph into a high templar, then go to the "Period Count" field and set it to 1 and go to the "Period" and set it to 0.1.


    Finally go to your custom archon unit, go to the "Behaviors" field on that unit and add the buff that has the duration that matches the duration that you morph ability is supposed to have.


    What this will accomplish is that when your high templar morphes into an archon, the archon will have a buff with a fixed duration that after expiring will apply the short duration buff. When the short duration buff is applied the initial effect of the buff will order the archon to stop anything it's currently doing and the expire effect will order the archon to "unmorph".


    If you don't want the "unmorph" ability of the archon to be visible for most of the duration of the morphed state, you could also create a requirement for the "unmorph" ability that checks if a unit has at least one stack of the short duration buff that gives the "unmorph command" in order for the unit to be able use the ability, then in both the "Use" and "Show" sections found within the "Basic: Requirement" field of the custom requirement, set the conditions to do that and enable both the "Use" and "Show" options within the "Basic: Can Be Suppresed" field of the custom requirement. After go to the "unmorph" ability, then go to the "Command Button" field of that ability and add the custom requirement to the "Execute" command. If you do that the "unmorph" ability will only be visible and usable while the archon has the short duration buff that has the issue order effects.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Exploring Map Creation and Gameplay in StarCraft 2

    Hi there, if you really want to learn about the editor the best site to go to is https://sc2mapster.fandom.com/wiki/SC2Mapster_Wiki, it has lot of detailed information about many elements and functionalities of the editor. If you want to engage with the community, you should join the discord. The discord is much more active than the forums here. You can find the discord by clicking the "Forum" tab in the upper bar of this site, then in the section that appears right below the upper bar, you will find a link to the discord.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Importing custom models

    The first thing to know is that while you are in the editor, if you import a model but you didn't imported the textures correctly the first time and save, even if you do it later, the model won't display properly within the editor. To make it display properly you need to close the editor and then reopen your map. I forgot to metion that when you want to import a model with custom textures, for it to display properly right away you need to import all the textures in the right way and save your file, then you import the model and if you do it this way it will display properly, as long as there are no missing texture files or textures with incorrect names. If you import the model before the textures and then import the textures and save, the model won't display properly within the editor until close your map and reopen it again, at least that's how it works for me.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Editing Target Filters for an Ability

    To achieve what you are looking for you don't need triggers, instead do this:


    Create to identical heal abilities, adjust the target filters on the first one to exclude mechanical and the second one to include mechanical units, then add both abilities to your Medivac and then add the command buttons of both abilities to the command card of that unit, linking each ability to the respective the command button, and put the command button of the heal ability that targets mechanical units on top of the command button of the other heal ability. After that you need to create two requirements (requirement A and requirement B), which will be used to manage which ability the unit with both abilities will be able to use depending on whetehr the upgrade to modify the targets of the heal ability has been researched or not.


    For that, go to the requirement field of the of the first upgrade created and open it, which will open the requirement window, within the window make a right click on the folder icon with the word "Use" and select requirement node, then set the "Type" of the added requirement to "Not". Then make a right click on added requirement node and add another requirement node. Set the "Type" field of the new requirement node to "count upgrade", set the "Alias" to your custom requirement (scroll until you fin it), and set the "State" to "Completed". Exit the window hitting "ok". This will be requirement A.


    Then you need to create requirement B so go to the requirement field of the of the second upgrade created and open it, then in the requirement window, within the window make a right click on the folder icon with the word "Use" and select requirement node, then set the "Type" field of the added requirement node to "count upgrade", set the "Alias" to your custom requirement, and set the "State" to "Completed". Exit the window hitting "ok". Then open the field of this requirement named "Can be suppressed" and enable the "Use" and "Show" options. This will be requirement B.


    After that you need to add each requirement to the respective ability for it to work. For that go to the "Commands" field of the heal ability tha can't heal mechanical units and open the window/panel related to this field, then select the row that has the word "Execute" and add "requirement A" in the requirement section. Then do the same for the ability tha can heal mechanical units, but when you are in the requirement section of the row that has the word "Execute", add "requirement B" instead of "requirement A".


    What this will accomplish is that you will have a unit that has two heal abilities (one that doesn't heal mechanical units and one that can do it) that have their command buttons on the same spot, but as long as your custom upgrade is not researched, the ability that your unit will be able to use will be the one that doesn't heal mechanical units and you won't see the command button or be able to use the other healing ability (the one that can heal mechanical units). After researching the upgrade to allow the Medivac to heal mechanical units, the hidden ability that can target mechanical units will efectively replace the former, since its command button will be displayed over the command button of the former heal ability and the unit will lose the ability to use the heal ability that cannot target mechanical units. I hope this help.  

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Adding X count to Arm Magazine unit via a behavior/effect

    The only work around that I can think for this, is to add to your commander an ability named "Recall Marine", which causes the caster to do a search area effect that applies a buff named "resummon" to the magazine marines in area around the caster or around target point, using a unit type validators in the apply buff effect to only apply this buff to magazine marines. The "resummon buff" needs to have a kill effect that kills the marine as an initial effect and also have an effect in the death response subsection under the combat modifications section of that buff's modification section that applies 1 stack of another buff named "fast summon" to the caster. The buff "fast summon" needs to have a maximum of 20 stacks. Now here is the trick, you need to go to your arm magazine ability and add a set effect to the "call down effect" field of that ability, the "call down effect" is an effect that is used whenever you use the magazine ability. The set needs to have a validator the three effects. The validator is a unit behavior count validator that needs to check if the caster unit has 1 or more stacks of "fast summon". Then, add the following effects to the set effect you added to the "call down effect" field:


    1. A remove behavior effect that removes 1 stack of "fast summon" buff from the caster.

    2. A modify unit effect that restores life, energy, shields to the caster equal to the cost of using the arms magazine ability.

    3. A modify unit effect that resets the cooldown of the arms magazine ability. To do this create a modify unit effect, go to the cost section, add a new entry, the select the "cost" subsection and select in the ability field the name of your arm magazine ability and its command button, set all cooldown fields within the "cost" subsection to zero. The select the subsection named (None) and set the cooldown operation to "Set".


    What all this will do is the following:


    The commander uses recall ability in an area killing all magazine marines in the area of effect, and each dying marine adds 1 stack of the "fast summon" buff to the caster giving him a number of stacks equal to the number of marines killed.


    Then whenever the Commander uses the arms magazine ability, if he has any stacks of the "fast summon" buff, after using the ability he will regain the stats he spends summoning the marines back and reset the cooldown of the ability to use it again and again as long as he has any stacks of the fast summon buff, but when he loses all stacks the ability goes back to working as normal.


    This allows you to "recall" the marines, before loading your commander into a Dropship and then after he lands from the Dropship he can quickly resummon all the marines that were previously "recalled" at any time.


    Well this work around took me a lot of time to think, so I won't elaborate any further. It may not be what you are looking for but if it works for you and you have any doubts about what I mentioned about abilities, effects, buffs or validators check the sc2mapster wikia section related to editor data where everything is explained in great detail, I leave some relevant links below.






    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Importing custom models

    Hi, for an imported model to display properly when it uses custom textures, you need to import the model along with the custom textures, but the textures need to be imported under the "Textures" folder, to do that, after choosing the import option and selecting the the textures of the model you want to import, within the import panel/window, go to the upper bar in the import panel/window and write "Textures/", this specifies the folder and path where the textures are going to be imported which is the "Textures" folder. I leave a screenshot down below of how it should look like.


    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on How to make liberator allowed to attack both air and ground units within the area only?

    I'm not sure I fully understand, but from a quick look into the editor on how the concord cannon works and the effects used by the Liberator to determine valid targets for it, you would need to modify, not only the weapon's target filters in weapon field of the concord cannon, but you also need to find an effect called "Liberator Target Morph Search Area" that is used by the liberator when it morphs to apply a buff to ground units in range of the concord cannon to determine which of them can be attacked, then you need to go to the "Search Filters" field within the effect I mentioned above and change the "ground" field from "required" to "allowed".


    The validator used by concord cannon is a behavior validator that validates which nearby units have the buff type behavior named "Liberator Target Morph AG Attackable" to determine which units the cannon can attack and this behavior is applied after the liberator uses the morph ability through the linked search area effect I mentioned before, to apply that buff to all the valid targets for the concord cannon weapon.


    Another possible solution would be to remove the validator from the effect "Liberator AG Missile LM Set" used by the concord cannon and modify the range field within the concord cannon to adjust it to the desired area and modify the target filters to whatever you want to be able to attack.

    Posted in: Data
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