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    posted a message on make move command use energy

    i found a tutorial online, but it doesn't seem to work. for one i cant change the commands in ability: commands. so yeah any ideas on how to do this? i followed this tutorial exactly: https://www.thehelper.net/threads/have-move-ability-cost-energy-is-it-possible.151440/

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on sc1 pathfinding dragoon

    i mean i just got a very devious idea but idk how to do it, im thinking of making the move command not work half the time, but those ideas are great, ill try to implement them, once i figure out how to do what i wanna do rn

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    posted a message on sc1 pathfinding dragoon

    so im making a meme mod and i want to add terrible pathfinding to dragoon, how can i achieve this? so far i've altered inner and outer radius, turning speed (didn't change much), and movement acceleration/deceleration, but i feel like i could do more? any ideas? would appreciate it

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    posted a message on how do i add sounds to a unit?

    so im kinda new to the editor and i need a lil bit of help(sorry if this aint the place to ask)
    and i am making a mod
    so i duplicated a unit to make a new one, and didnt copy all the sounds, mainly the attack impact and launch ones
    how do i add the sounds to the unit?

    Posted in: Data
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