Team Recruitment

Are you an Owner looking to find additions to increase your Team? How about a player looking to join a Team? Recruit here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Dallas, Texas Team >>
by VindicatorDX
1 1,330
Starcraft Tactics (recruiting) >>
by _ForgeUser2581991
7 2,477
Join us today... Tactical Gaming! >>
by _ForgeUser4601963
0 886
Anyone wants to make a RTS map? >>
by _ForgeUser4519440
9 1,560
Art of War project looking for data editor expert and modeler. >>
by _ForgeUser3735439
0 954
Project Overlord - Seeking Members >>
by _ForgeUser267899
3 1,632
Anyone want to help for New Epic/Competitive Map? >>
by _ForgeUser4493758
7 1,905
Looking for texturer >>
by _ForgeUser3935562
0 867
"Megiddo" recruitment >>
by _ForgeUser4426202
1 949
Rainbow Brigade needs YOU! >>
by _ForgeUser1651707
6 2,092
Starcraft(footmen) Frenzy - Need item & ability creators! *Beta keys* >>
by _ForgeUser4350968
9 3,509
Community Project: Unit Hitboxes >>
by _ForgeUser4398850
Public Message by Unknown User: Cancelled.
1 1,182
How to give a hellion the ability to build all Tarren buildings >>
by _ForgeUser4511125
2 1,416
Team Pandora is looking for a 3D artist / Animator and terrain artist >>
by _ForgeUser328937
7 1,917
Clan RCDF - Zombie clan >>
by _ForgeUser4415164
5 2,041