I have been working on a melee map. Now, I've decided I wanted to replace SCVs with Hellions. I have made it so Hellions can Gather, Repair, they're made from The CC, but when I give them the build ability they can only build one building. (The building I have to select when I add the ability) I want to give them the the ability to make ALL of the Tarren buildings. Can anyone tell me how to do that?
I have been working on a melee map. Now, I've decided I wanted to replace SCVs with Hellions. I have made it so Hellions can Gather, Repair, they're made from The CC, but when I give them the build ability they can only build one building. (The building I have to select when I add the ability) I want to give them the the ability to make ALL of the Tarren buildings. Can anyone tell me how to do that?
Here's the method I've been using to add the ability: http://www.gardenofaiur.com/blog/starcraft-2-editor-tutorials-guides-and-map-hosting/
Also, I figure I might as well ask this in this thread. How do I alter the cost of units?
What Blizz does is use two sub menus, one for basic and one for advance buildings. Then they put each ability to construct in the respective sub menu.
If you just want the SCVs to look like Hellions then you should just change the SCVs actor instead, that might be easier.
It might. How do you do that? Or maybe a link explaining how to :)