Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Targeting Unit with Magazine from one of its Ammo Units >>
by professorterrible
4 1,256
Mechanic Idea: Energy Grid >>
by professorterrible
0 646
Question: Comparing Casters to Missiles in Validators >>
by professorterrible
2 783
Junker Wireframes >>
by professorterrible
1 772
Feedback Request: Hero Ability Ideas >>
by professorterrible
1 893
(Solved) Morph Ability while Moving - Animation Issue >>
by professorterrible
3 1,107
Question: Cone Vision with LOS Blockers in Data Editor >>
by professorterrible
8 1,786
"Enumerate Area" Validator - Nearby Friendlies Problem >>
by professorterrible
2 944
Validators - Comparing Variable Distances >>
by professorterrible
2 815
SOLVED: Damage Response - Removing Effects >>
by professorterrible
1 663
[QUESTION] Creating New Decals >>
by professorterrible
1 917
Options to create a Multi-Beam Resource Harvesting Unit >>
by professorterrible
3 861
Protoss Shield Impact Issue >>
by professorterrible
2 1,401
Soundtracks in the Data Editor >>
by professorterrible
3 1,022