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    posted a message on Targeting Unit with Magazine from one of its Ammo Units

    In reply to Wonder_Rem:

     Thanks for your response.


    Specifically, what I was trying to do is refer to the Magazine Owner itself, via an Ammunition Unit I'm not sure how to go about that. My understanding of the Iterate Magazine effect is that the effect has to stem from the Magazine Owner and will then effect the Ammunition Units. What I was looking for is a way to do the opposite, to have an ability target one of the ammunition units and for the effect tree to jump back to the owner.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Targeting Unit with Magazine from one of its Ammo Units

    In case anyone else is looking for this kind of functionality, I managed to find a way.


    When the Ammo Unit is created, the Birth Effect in the AM Ability applies a set that gives both the Owner and the Ammo Unit a unit tracker and each stores the other in the tracker. This way, it is possible to refer to an Ammo Unit's Owner through its Unit Tracker behaviour, with effects like Enumerate Tracked Units.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Targeting Unit with Magazine from one of its Ammo Units

    Is there a way for an effect that targets (or otherwise affects) an "ammo unit" like an interceptor or broodling to then be jumped back to the unit carrying the Arm Magazine ability?


    So an example would be if a debuff affected an Interceptor, that the same debuff would be applied to its Carrier.


    I'm uncertain how to apply this through the data trees.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Mechanic Idea: Energy Grid

    I came up with an idea for a faction mechanic. I don't know if this has been tried or implemented before, but here it is.


    Energy Grid follows these basic principles:


    • Shared Energy: All energy-using units (for special abilities) have a shared energy pool through the Conjoined Behaviour. Units other than Reactors do not regenerate energy themselves.
    • Reactors replace Supply Depots in providing supply to the faction. Each additional reactor also increases the regeneration rate of the shared energy pool. There is a hard limit on the number of Reactors that can be built equal to maximum supply divided by the amount of supply each one provides.
    • Peak Energy: When the energy grid is at maximum (or perhaps within 10% of Maximum), units gain a passive buff from being at peak energy. This buff remains as long as peak energy is maintained and disappears as soon as energy is used. I've also considered that the opposite may be the case, that Low Energy will impose a universal debuff.

    I'm working on implementing this in data. I've never worked with the Conjoined Behaviour before so I guess I'm about to learn about any quirks it has first-hand.


    My own initial thoughts on how the broader faction would be affected by this mechanic:


    • Terran faction that emphasizes experimental and advanced technology, perhaps utilizing reverse-engineered alien technology that requires special reactors to provide energy.
    • Most units should have some kind of energy-using ability, even if only as an auto-cast.
    • There should be alternative options for generating bursts of energy when required, perhaps by setting a reactor to overload or burning off vespene gas.
    • Would likely emphasize fewer units than normal terran factions, with those units gaining extra punch from their unique tricks and special abilities, putting them somewhere between conventional terran and protoss doctrines.

    I'm curious as to others' thoughts on how this mechanic might impact how a faction should be designed and how they would play?



    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question: Comparing Casters to Missiles in Validators

    In reply to DrSuperEvilGamepedia:


    Thanks. I'll give that a try.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Question: Comparing Casters to Missiles in Validators



    I'm trying to set up a missile to kill itself if, during its movement, it is at a cliff level higher than its caster.


    I'm guessing that the Launch Missile Effect's periodic validator/effect might be the key to this but cannot find information on it, or puzzle it out myself. My working theory is to use a Location Compare Cliff Level validator to compare the missile to the caster, but I don't know how I would tell the validator to look at the missile.


    Does anyone have any insights?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Junker Wireframes

    I still don't know if I'm missing something, but I've made a custom "Junker Ghost" wireframe to suit my needs anyway.


    Happy to share if anyone else wants it.





    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Junker Wireframes



    I'm trying to use the Junker models in my map, but cannot find their wireframe images to edit their unit actors. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but does anyone know what the junker wireframes are called?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Feedback Request: Hero Ability Ideas

    Hi Everyone,


    I'm designing a hero unit for my campaign project. It is thematically inspired by the Tal'Darim Blood Hunter, and is a Tal'Darim character.


    I have come up with the following ideas and would be curious for feedback from others.


    Shroud is a targeted area of effect that causes enemy units within to have their sight reduced to 1. If enemies within the Shroud are attacked, they momentarily panic and become Neutral Hostile, attacking any units they can see. Units outside the field are unaffected, because it is intended as a telepathic effect only.


    Null Zone is a targeted missile ability that moves slowly toward its target direction, damaging and pushing enemy units passes, until it reaches either a building, cliff edge, or its maximum range, at which point it explodes, dealing damage and pushback. While it is in transit, the caster can hit a button to teleport to its location, causing it to detonate prematurely.


    I appreciate any feedback you might have.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Showcase] AV Reinforces

    Does Eschueta have a portrait? I love the model (well, really I love your model work in general) but I'm not sure what direction to take when it comes to a portrait.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on (Solved) Morph Ability while Moving - Animation Issue

    Thanks for the reply. I am still a complete amateur when it comes to understanding Actor Events, so that may have been part of the problem.


    I think I have found a work-around. Based on another post, which was about allowing a unit to use a Morph Ability while moving, I created a Dummy Ability (Effect-Instant) that issued an order to use the Morph Ability. I unchecked the "Transient Flag" on the Morph ability, and checked both "Transient", "Preempt" and "Allow Movement" on the Effect-Instant Ability. This seems to have fixed it. The unit will now stop momentarily (which I hope to address by reducing the duration of the morph to zero) but then continues on its path. It animates correctly now as well.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Morph Ability while Moving - Animation Issue



    I've created an instant morph ability that I wanted the unit to be able to use while moving. I achieved this by ticking the "Transient" flag in the ability.


    However, for some reason when the unit has morphed, it continues moving but no longer runs its walking animation. Once it stops moving, its animations start working again just fine.


    Has anyone run into this problem before?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Question: Cone Vision with LOS Blockers in Data Editor

    Don't apologize for questions, I'm just not sure how helpful I can be.


    I've looked again for the map I did it on but it really seems to have gone walkabout on me.


    I'll see if I have any luck replicating it in a new one, if so I'll screenshot the trigger and post it here.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Question: Cone Vision with LOS Blockers in Data Editor

    In reply to dldydgus95:

     I had a look and I can't find the actual map file. I can provide a basic description from memory, however.
    In the data editor I had reduced the enemy units' vision to 0.
    The trigger operates like so:
    • Event: Periodic Event (every 0.5 seconds I think)
    • Pick All Units in Unit Group (Unit Group was just all units owned by the enemy player anywhere in the Entire Map) and do:
      • IF [Distance from Unit to Player Unit without Pathing] <= [Distance From Unit to Player Unit with Pathing]
      • AND the Player Unit is within a Region (Arc of 180 degrees using the Enemy Unit's Facing)
      • Create Revealer at the location of the Player Unit for 0.5 seconds.
      • Else Do Nothing

    The logic behind this trigger is that if it would take longer to path to the player than the distance in a straight line then there is likely a doodad or other terrain obstacle in the way and so the revealer won't be created, since they can't see past that doodad.


    I hope this helps. It is just from memory.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A War Story [Custom Campaign] Announcement

    Nice! Looking forward to see more information.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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