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    posted a message on Making a unit spawn when another unit dies

    I'm trying to make a suicide unit, like the baneling, only that when it dies it'll spawn other units as well. I've searched the forums and played around with behaviors and such, but I'm at a loss. How would I go about making it so when unit A dies, Unit B spawns?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Keeping unit orders after behavior change?

    I assume you're using triggers, so I can't give you any technical advice, since I don't know crap about triggers. But couldn't you just add in a line or whatever that has the move command repeat once every 3 seconds or something? So they get frozen, and they can't move even though the move command keeps repeating, but as soon as they get unfrozen, they'll move.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Blizzard's letter about Nexus Word Wars

    <<quote 206654>> @Colt556: Go

    My point still stands as well, though - I'm not saying we necissarily 'need Blizzard to meddle'. That doesn't change the fact that they weren't exactly 'out of bound' here. Like I said, I'm a real advocate for people being able to say whatever the hell they want, as its always the interpreter's "fault" if he "takes offense" - those are his feelings. That doesn't change the fact, however, that Starcraft 2 is an online game. People play it for entertainment. You shouldn't force yourself to utter your junk anyway. If I want to chill out and do some Starcraft, I do not need to be spammed with "cocksucker" and "whoremonger". If Blizzard's 'meddling' achieves this, then honestly, I don't mind it. As long as they don't go overboard - which they haven't in this case. <</quote>>

    That's the thing, though. No-body is forcing you to say anything. If you want to chill playing starcraft without having to spam obscenities, don't play the map. I mean jesus, people need to be accountable for themselves. It's not the map-makers place to ensure nobody gets offended. If it offends you, stay away from it.

    Blizzard's actions would have been acceptable, if publishing was optional. If they went "Ok you can publish your map on our servers for more coverage and better download rates, but you have to abide by our rules" then that's fine, they'd be well within their rights to take the map down. But instead they -FORCE- us to publish on their servers, and then try to force these rules on us. That makes it wrong, just wrong. They're usurping our right to create and play what -WE- choose, and instead they're telling us what we can and can not play. This game is, at minimum (I forgot) rated T for Teen, and any teenager is perfectly capable of deciding what they take offense to.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Blizzard's letter about Nexus Word Wars
    Quote from Mozared: Go

    @Colt556: Go

    Check the list Rodrigo used for his map, he uploaded it in his other topic. His map wasn't just banned because of the word 'dyke'. There was stuff like cocksucker, whoremonger, petcock and hoecake in there too. You can't expect Blizz to *not* ban a map that requires you to actively type out words like that to beat it. I'm all for eliminating censorship, but stuff like that simply has no place in a game made for entertainment, regardless of how it's used.

    But that doesn't change the fact. The entire map could have been composed soley of swear-words, it doesn't change anything. It's not Blizzards place to tell us what we can and can not play. If people find it offensive to have to type such words, then here's a thought - DON'T PLAY THE MAP! I mean again, WC3 and SC didn't have blizzard meddling in their affairs, and we survived. Maps that were poorly constructed, or offensive were ignored. No one's forcing you to join such maps, it's entirely voluntary, so simply stay away from maps you don't like. Big Brother Blizzard micro-managing our content is the primary reason I refuse to buy the game.

    I mean fuck, I'll admit it, I played a lot of those porn bounds. Dodge all the obstacles and get rewarded with a nice juicy pic of some sexy naked chick, was a guilty pleasure. And if nothing else it was amusing to see all the shit people came up with. Maps that were JUST porn, TD's shaped like swastikas, maps devoted to being offensive and crude. Sure it might not be tasteful, but it was fun and amusing, and above all else, we were free to do it. This may sound melodramatic, but freedom is important. Big organizations should only have enough power to keep things running, nothing else. Blizzard does not need to micro-manage our content, tell us what's appropriate and what isn't. It's not their place, and if they didn't FORCE us to use their fucking servers, they wouldn't be liable.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Data] Working with Beams (Beginner Difficulty)

    Hm, I have a question. I used this guide to create a special ability, I used the void ray's lvl 3 effect (god, that was almost not worth the effort :(). But I've hit a real snag. I used this tutorial to create the custom actors, but instead of having the Attack actor use the Beam one, I have it linked to the "void ray beam attack" actor. However whenever I use the ability, it shoots out like normal, dissapears normally, it all works perfectly... except that after it's finished, there's this... tether between my ship and the target. It's the lvl 1 void ray beam, and it'll just connect the two ships indeffinently, never going away. I've spent HOURS trying to fix this, I've exhausted every possible option I can think of. I just don't get why it's happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated :(

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Realistic scale

    Yeah, FPS or TPS, your camera is still hovering around your marine's head. So I still say just make things bigger, not like it'll affect gameplay if the hercules takes up half the screen in RTS view, eh?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Blizzard's letter about Nexus Word Wars

    While it's reasonable for Blizzard to remove maps with "offensive" material, the thing that makes it so bad is that, where is the line drawn? What's "bad", I mean for fucks sake they remove maps for having the word "Jesus", honestly? Since when is the most prominant holy figure in the world an offensive word? I mean it's always a slippery slope with companies/governments having control. Giving them unnecessary control is NEVER good, and it -ALWAYS- leads to disaster. Blizzard micro-managing custom content is the same thing, it's unnecessary control. We managed for 12 fucking years to live with maps with the words "Dyke" or "Jesus", hell WC3 had maps that were devoted to porn and nothing else, and yet somehow we managed to survive. We don't need Big Brother Blizzard telling us what we can and can not see, or do.

    What they SHOULD have done, is make the publishing system optional. If you wanted to publish your map so it was officially supported by Blizzard, and thus had the potential to get more views, go ahead. But you have to subscribe to their rules. Otherwise it works as normal, you host your map and other people download via peer to peer. So sick of companies and governments, and any large organization, micro-managing people's lives. As Vapor said, the game flat out says online interactions are not rated. We simply do not need Blizzard fucking micro-managing the content we make and use.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Realistic scale

    Since it's an FPS, just make everything else bigger. I mean, you could make the hercules SO large, it'd take up the entire screen in normal play. But since in an FPS your camera will be on the head of your marine, the hrecules being so large is acceptable. I myself am making a normal RTS type map, and if you think you have it tough making shit look good, well.. you're wrong XD But I digress, just make other stuff bigger since it's an FPS.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Blizzard's letter about Nexus Word Wars

    Makes me miss the good old days of WC3, when we didn't have Big Brother Blizzard watching over us, telling us what we can and can not see or play. Isn't SC2 rated M? Or did Blizzard stop making games for people older then 12?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Question: Any Halo Models?
    Quote from happy04: Go

    @Colt556: Go

    Colt... your uneducated, vulgar, and disgraceful opinions and mannerisms are not something that really belongs here. You cannot use models from any game not owned by blizzard unless you have express consent from the creator of said model. You should refrain from profanity on the mapster forums, and you should also respect other people even if you disagree with their views. You came here asking for help, and when you got your answer and it wasn't what you wanted you raged. Please take this attitude elsewhere. It is not productive.

    You do have the right to make your own content outside of blizzard, so if you have a problem then don't support them. Make your own game, distribute it on the itunes marketplace, distribute on pirate bay, distribute anywhere. You can get content out to people and you don't need blizzard, just like this discussion doesn't need to be made.

    Another thing, if you can find models you like that are public domain, you can simply get a student edition of 3ds max 2011 from the autodesk website and make your own bones and animations to make the models work properly. Just convert them to m3's when you're done and that's roughly all you'd need to do. Mapster isn't about doing things for you, it's about explaining to you how to do something once you've tried and got stumped.

    Why do people post when they have no idea what they're talking about? Honestly, where did I even HINT that I wanted to use models from the games? I asked if models existed, meaning if someone's made them. If I planned on taking them from the games, why would I ask if they exist, since obviously they exist, they're in the game. So you're being a hypocrite, on one hand you say it's ok to use models made by individuals, yet you turn around say it's not ok to use any model not made by blizzard? Get your facts straight.

    As for my profanity, I swear, and obviously the forum owners don't care otherwise there'd be a mandator profanity filter (like on a lot of forums). I came here asking if the models existed, I didn't rage when I was informed they didn't, you clearly didn't read any of my posts. I ranted about Blizzard and their shitty practices when it comes to user-made content, as the person who replied to me made it sound as if they'd remove my map simply for using models based on Halo. From there it spiraled into me bashing Blizzard's OTHER shitty practices, and people defending them.

    Virtually every statement you made in your post is blatantly false. About the only things you said that hold any weight, is that I'm not respectful (respect is earned, strangers over the internet haven't earned my respect), and that I could use a free modeling program to add bones and stuff to models. Seriously dude, atleast READ the topic before posting.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Dropships carrying vehicles
    Quote from shardfenix: Go

    @Colt556: Go

    To answer your first question (well, at least to help), if your weapons aren't firing at the same time, it's probably something int heir flags. If backswing and linked cooldown are both off, it should work.

    As for the cloak thing: Yes, this is easy. Have a behavior that goes on the unit when it decloaks. Make this behavior prevent cloaking until it runs out.

    Ok well, as for the multiple gun thing, if it is something in their flags, I have no idea what. I've poured over them for hours, and I can't see anything that'd keep them from both firing at the same time.

    As for the cloak thing, I made a behavior that disables the cloak ability, with a cooldown of 7 seconds. The problem is, I can't figure out how to make it activate whenever you press the decloak button. Anything I find revolves around the cloak ability, and unfortunetly the decloak isn't it's own ability, but a part of the cloak ability. I'm at a loss ;-;

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Realistic scale
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    Does changing the scales of buildings and units make the game more immersive if they seem like a more reasonable size. Like if the factory seemed like it actually could fit a thor through the doors?

    Depends on the player, and the map. If you're playing an FPS type map, then yeah, scale would help. However if it's a normal RTS type map, then not so much. I for one try to get the scale as good as I can, however that's not always possible. I mean when you stick a 1km long ship next to a 13 km long ship, it wont be to scale. If it WAS to scale, either the big ship would cover the entire screen, or the little ship would be an ant.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Dropships carrying vehicles

    Yet another bump, with yet another question. Atleast I'm not spamming individual threads for these, eh?

    Anyways, I have a stealth unit that can cloak and decloak at will. However, I want it so that when it decloaks, it puts the cloak on a cooldown. Basically I want it so that you roam around, cloaked, head toward's your enemy, decloak and attack. But you have to wait for the cooldown before you can cloak again. Everything I've found in the cloak behavior and the like all determins the cooldown of the cloak, but I can't find a way to trigger that cooldown simply by decloaking.

    Is there a way to do this without triggers? Since I can't do triggers @_@

    Also, my last two questions still stand (getting a dropship to use two seperate load abilities, and the artillary unit to use two seperate weapons at the same time). So yeah, any help would, as always, be greatly appreciated.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Editing Doodads and blocking air units paths

    Yeah, if you go to Layer, and then doodads, I believe there's one that blocks air. Conversly you could do the very conviluted method I used, where I took an air unit and gave it a ground mover that interacted with the terrain, but not units or structures. So when it came to terrain, it acted like a ground units and couldn't pass, but would still fly over other units.

    As for editing doodads, I don't see a tab either. Maybe try that 'Terrain objects'? Maybe they threw the doodads in that.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Question: Any Halo Models?
    Quote from SouLCarveRR: Go

    @Colt556: Go actually wc3 maps did have limitations.... I doubt "hell" would get your map banned Try using the "new game" check box when searching for games, its basically the equivlent of the game list in wc3..... if you think Dota killed WC3 your horribly mistaken

    Blizzard does support the community... its just your too ignorant to realize this....

    1: I didn't notice any limitations when I was mapping on WC3, I could make my map as large was I wanted.

    2: It has, Hell and other offensive words gets your map removed, you're defending it and you don't even know what it entails.

    3: New game doesn't do shit, it still just shows the most popular maps, unless they changed, which I doubt. I haven't seen anything in patch-notes about them fixing the new map filter.

    4: DOTA did kill WC3, you must be a dota-fan to think otherwise. WC3 use to have TONS of games, you could find anything. You could play cat vs mouse, and then a conquest europe map, and then a world diplomacy, and then a galactic conquest, and then a homeworld map, and then a racing map, then a mario-party-meets-WC map, and then a tower defense map, and so many more. Then DOTA came along and all you see is DOTA and the odd clan recruitment game. To say DOTA didn't kill WC3 is naive at best.

    Blizzard HINDERS their community by micro-managing everything. The community went on just fine before, we don't need blizzard holding our hands. All we need from them is a badass map editor, and the freedom to create and spread our work. Nothing else.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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