Mapster Mentoring is a scheme to help newbies get better at map making. There will be a list of mentors that newbies can contact to ask about questions, get tips and generally get help from.
How does this differ from IRC?
IRC is great, but often either people are already in the middle of a discussion, or are too busy working on their own maps to answer complex questions. The forums are also a good place, but tend to bump threads off the first page too quickly. This means that simple questions that could be answered in a few sentences could take a couple of days to be answered. The mentoring scheme is not meant to replace any of these, but to provide a quick way to get answers to small questions that otherwise would go unnoticed.
How do I become a mentor?
To become a mentor, simply post an application in this thread. Almost all applications will be accepted. Here's the format to post:
Name:<Insert your name here> Help type:<Say whether you can help with data, triggers, terrain, galaxy, sc2layout files etc> Specialty:<Say what kinds area you specialize in. Such as Dialogs, ability's, actors etc> Maps:<Say what maps you are working on/ have made. Can also be assets and librarys> Contact:<Post how you would like to be contacted. PM, MSN, Skype, Email, Bnet, anything. Post the contact info if you want to be contacted via anything but PM initially> Time Zone<The time zone you are in.>
How do I become a Mentee?
To become a mentee, simply pick the person/ people that best suit your needs and either send them a PM asking for contact info or add them if they already have contact information on their mentor application.
Help Type: Galaxy/Triggers, strictly where mathematics is involved. Examples:Card Sorting, Dialogs with acceleration Speciality: Dialogs, Code optimization, System design Maps: AoS2 Developer, GXML (Scripting tool for dialog creation) Contact: Preferred: PM, Email: If you can't find it in my profile page, PM Time Zone: GMT+8 (SEA)
Help Type: Data, triggers Specialty: Effects, Behaviors, ability and hero related things, actors related to those Maps: Gates of Darkess, AoS 2 Spell maker (Resigned due to lack of motivation) Contact: Preferred: Any. PM for skype, MSN or Email. Twitter: @TheAlmaity Time Zone: GMT+1 (CET) Notes: Not too reliable... I sometimes forget PMs :( And dont regularly open the editor to work on stuff.
Help type: SC2Layout Files, Triggers Speciality: Converting Layout design to SC2 Layout. Cat'alogs Maps:RDM, Dialog Based Inventory Contact: PM or Email [email protected] Time Zone: WET (GMT +1), WEST (GMT +2)(Summer Time) Notes: Has a habit of meowing, often. PM's first reply usually fast after that can take up to 3 days.
Help Type: Terraining Speciality: Details to make your terrain stand out from other terrain Maps: Currently working on AoS 2, check my profile for showcases and other stuff. Contact: Preferred: PM Time Zone: GMT+1 (CET)
Help type: Data, triggers, layout files, game design Speciality: Data: Very good with abilities. I made about 30 different abilities, each with 5-8 levels, featuring beams, passive skills, AOE effects, etc. Layout files: Moved most things, changed/added button and hover textures. Triggers: What can I say? I try to keep events to a minimum and use action definitions and functions as much as possible. I actually study computer science. Maps:Warlords ORPG Contact: For the first contact always PM. Skype or mail are a possibility but I won't give them out right away. Time Zone: GMT +1
Help type: Complex Data, Basic Triggering Speciality: All-Around Data, Trigger/Data combination Maps: UloseTheGame's Alternate Melee Mod(A mod comprised of just three original races. The Grugz, the Marine Corp, and the Void Pirates. This mod will showcase the power of the data editor. Contact: In-game (UloseTheGame.140 (NA)), Skype (Full name:UloseTheGame), Email ([email protected], i do not check this much) Time Zone: EST(GMT -5)
Help type: Data and triggers. Specialty: Mostly I do custom abilities (and related stuff, such as unusual attack forms or passive buffs). But just about anything involving effects or behaviors... I will sometimes use triggers, but will data-editor everything when I can. Maps: Working on a Homestuck AoS, and a fleet game called Crusade of Excessive Violence. Nothing to actually /show/ yet, but mostly because of various school stuff. CoEV in particular is very ambitious. Also used to be working on something called Empyrean Caverns, but it turned out to be boring to play (though the data editor work was sound). Contact: MSN ([email protected]), AIM (tasszer), email ([email protected]), or PM. Time Zone: GMT -5.
Help type: Triggers and Data Specialty: Basically anything trigger related is good, but for Data I'm better at standard units, abilities, behaviors, and effects. Maps: I haven't released any maps to battle net or sc2mapster, but I have built engines for third person shooters, top down shooters, diablo style games etc... I work on lots of different types of stuff. I did work on zergling burgers for a bit before I quit the project Contact: PMs at sc2mapster Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). I log in for an hour or so weekdays and a good portion of the weekends, so you should get a response within 24 hrs. Notes: ''Most amazing mapper that ever lived'' is probably an exaggeration
Help type: Anything! Speciality: Making maps.... so Terrain, Data and Triggers. Maps: I'm a mapmaking machine! I'm over the bnet map limit. Some projects include: RandSquad Arean, Shotgun Defense, 1v1 PARTY! Tug of Power (Not yet released) Contact: PM Time Zone: EST
Help Type: Graphical, From 3ds Max to Photoshop & incorporating that into SC2 Examples: Some Assets in the DB (Planet Pack, ice tilesets) & all around help in artist tavern Speciality: Graphics Contact: Preferred: Windows Live Messenger, E-Mail, PMs, Skype... Time Zone: GMT-6 (CENTRAL AMERICA)
Help Type: Data working with Triggers Examples: UPDATE: Anything having to deal with Triggers or Data. As of 10/4/12 I am still occupying most of my time with non-SC2 related topics (Working on a Java game and college applications), but I will still be willing to help when I can. I'm a bit rusty, so as of now I would seek help from another mentor. Speciality: Data working with Triggers Maps: None released. Have done a bunch of smaller data related things for fun. I've never had time to make a full scale map. Fun Fact: No one else has a fun fact section in their info. Cool fact, right? Contact: Preferred: PM, but you can request a different contact format. Time Zone: GMT - 5
Help: Data, Galaxy Script, kinda everything except terrain and modelling ;) Speciality: Data, I guess Contact: PM or IRC for first contact Time Zone: GMT +1
Help type: Data. Speciality: Ablities,Basic Actors. Maps: Battle Arena Contact: Skype-Aczchef20 Time Zone: EST Availability: Week Days - 5 pm - 10 pm, Weekends - 10 am - 10 pm.May be playing SC NA: TheDoorToGG #828 PS: I might reject you i have my own data helping thing so could be busy.
Help type: Data, Triggers, Terrain, Galaxy, Model Conversions, Texturing Speciality: Pritty much all of the editor functions other than layout files (So far), texturing in GIMP and Photoshop, Basic 3ds Max Maps: A multiplayer FPS, A single player FPS, A top down survival map, A FPS library Contact: MSN Time Zone: New Zealand (+12 Hours GMT)
Help type: Data Specialty: Abilities, Actors, some Site Ops. Maps: I haven't released any maps on BNet or SC2Mapster, but I do alot of self projects, trying to discover new things and come up with some insane ideas. Here's a link to my Youtube with some of my videos. LINK Also have many maps with semi-complex to complex Ability setups that are not displayed. Contact: Private Message Time Zone: GMT -5 (Eastern Standard) Canada.
Help type: Mostly data, pretty good triggering (not custom scripts) Specialty: Anything data-related. Maps: Most maps still in development. Have released StarCraft+, debugging trigger libraries, and a gameplay statistics leaderboard. Contact on MSN:[email protected] (if you add me, say you're from sc2mapster or something) Time Zone: Hawaii
Help type: Data and more data Specialty: Almost everything in the data editor although my specialty lies with extremely complex abilities and actors (20+ effects and 10+ actors for a single level ability). I also do everything 100% in the editor. If someone tells you that you will need a trigger, come to me and I'll show you how to do it in the editor. Maps: Data Editor for AoS 2 & Deadlock: Tactics Contact: PM works, but I prefer vent, if I'm on I'll normally be in it. vent: Port: 58412 Pass: starcraft Time Zone: EST Notes: No data experience needed, simply motivation to learn. I will not create your map for you ;P
Help type: Terrain: Art, Structure, Design Data: How can you make your terrain stand out with Data Other: Importing Music and Models Maps: Projects Worked On (Public) Antidiluvian Vale 2.0, Bnet US Public; Twilight Outlands 2.0, Bnet Public; Sc2 Micro Tourny, Bnet Public; WWII Diplo, Bnet Public; and many more.
I've terrained on some pretty big projects (though it's a shame many never went public!) Some of these are quietly under development, others are probably not ever going to be completed. These include Zerg Hunter RPG III, Deadlocks Tactics, Seismic Smash, Henchman Adventures, and many more. I am currently working on a little project with a friend, and a "big" (highly publicized?) project. Several Yeti Maps have made it to page 2 or 3 for more than 3 months at a time. What I can do for you: You have creative ideas and an inspiring vision for that terrain. That's awesome! But going from vision to solid terrain is a big leap! I can show you: How to Import WoW Models and Custom Music to make your map stand out from the crowd, how to reduce water lag in the data editor (there are a lot of things you can do!), how to customize the texture of your textures in order to make Xil-Sand Wavy or Mar Sara Dark Sand plain, Change Terrain-Set Linked Textures of certain doodads so can have MOAR ROCK COLORS, and much, much more. I can help you organize a large project, and teach you effective means of balancing your terrain without spending unnecessary time and energy doing busy work, and can give you artistic advice and feedback. Contact: Skype, information given on request. Bnet, Information given on request. Sc2mapster PM. Email: [email protected] Contact me for help, advice, consulting, collaboration, or lulz.
HELP TYPE: triggering, cinematics, data, actors, behaviors, pretty much everything short of scripting SPECIALTY: Triggering, Terraining and Cinematic Creation (check out my youtube show StarCrapTV if you want to see my work) MAPS: StarCrapTV (check it out on CONTACT: PM, MSN/Email ([email protected]). Time Zone: eastern standard.. for example its 1:28 rite now as i post this! notes: I hav a lot of experience i have been using the editor since the beta and used the WC3 editor since that game was released. you can see my work in my show i am really good with triggers and terraining and cinematics/cameras.. also good with the data editor!)
Help type: Triggers, Terrain, Data Specialty: Ill help mostly with Triggers or Terrain. Maps: Working on Gem Tower Defense from WC3, other maps working on dont have names yet. Contact: Steam: zeroame; PM; xbox live: Naddox; Starcraft ZeroAme.686 (NA) take your pick Time Zone: Central or GMT-6
Help Type: Abilities, Behaviours, Effects, Actors (especially composite units) and R&D Speciality: I try to figure out the fields and events that no one knows what they do. I also help people trying to make funky and unusual abilities. Have made several ability simulations alowing fine tuning of how they function. I developed the method of how to make a functional terratron like units just using data and no model editor. Also was among the first people to co-discover how to use the Texture Select By ID actor event Maps: Just some example maps for the SC2Mapster wiki, tough forum problems and contributions to the community project Contact: PM Time Zone: GMT+1
Help Type: Terrain, i can do pretty much anything in the terrain area. Specialty: Umm Still terrain. Maps: I have no published maps of my own however i have done multiple terrain jobs Contact: Pm preferably
Name: Cybrok (Zach) Help type: Triggers, Data Speciality: Triggers; Period Effects, Dialogs, Leaderboards. Data; Abilities, Units, Models, Actors Maps: Frozen Glory (In-Progress), Storming Assult (Old), Helped on Death Haven. Contact: PM or Email [email protected] Time Zone: EST (-5) Eastern Standard Time, US East Coast Notes: Emails are responded to within a day. PM's may take up to 2 days.
Direct Ventrilo/In-Game Party Chat is Available Friday-Sunday. Teamviewer program is allowed for the student to watch my screen as I show them.
Donations to my project would be great but NOT needed.
Name: DarlD (Mark) Help Type: Triggers (I work in GUI since more people can understand that.) Speciality: Anything trigger related. Maps: None released yet, Members of a few major projects. Currently working on WW2 Diplomacy Full World Version and *Warcraft: A new dawn. Contact: PM, Skype: Mab.youyoux (I'm on this the most), e-mail: [email protected] Time Zone: EST (-5)
I will use any tools needed to help. Teamview, teamspeak, ventrilo, skype. Whatever. I want to help!!!
Notes: I really just want to help my fellow mappers. I will be more than happy to help ANYONE with any trigger problem what so ever!
I'm still wondering how you made it such that the text doesn't wrap into a single paragraph >_> Even when i press enter, my text always wraps upwards, ignoring my enter button.
Or use another markup type, for example BBCode. Since in this forum, BBCode gets converted to WikiCreole anyway, you can still use all WikiCreole commands, as well as BBCode tags.
Name: Helral Help type: SC2Layout Files, Triggers Speciality: Converting Layout design to SC2 Layout. Cat'alogs Maps: RDM, Dialog Based Inventory Contact: PM or Email [email protected] Time Zone: WET (GMT +1), WEST (GMT +2)(Summer Time) Notes: Has a habit of meowing, often. PM's first reply usually fast after that can take up to 3 days.
Some basic knowledge of programming concepts would be great. Though I'd be happy to guide someone who's just starting out, the only thing I ask in return is that the love be spread <3 once you've picked up enough tricks of the trade :P
Almost forgot: Notes: At peak busy periods of life, May take awhile to respond, but nonetheless will do so when able.
Help Type: Terraining Speciality: Details to make your terrain stand out from other terrain Maps: Currently working on AoS 2, check my profile for showcases and other stuff. Contact: Preferred: PM Time Zone: GMT+1 (CET)
I have basic knowledge. Enough to know how things are put together. Would you mind mentoring? Once I learn this stuff I would be glad to share the love! <3 ^^
I edited my application in both our posts Wolf - I misunderstood your "Maps:" inquiry, thinking it meant "what kind of maps can you provide help on" while it in fact meant "what maps have you done/worked on?". "Almost everything" seems a rather big boast when considered in the light of the actual question =P
Sure, drop me a PM, let me know what you expect of me as a mentor there :) We should probably come to a compromise regarding expectations as to avoid any potential disappointments.
Anyways, I've gotta hit the sack. Will probably respond tomorrow.
Name: Obatztrara
Help type: Data, triggers, layout files, game design
Speciality: Data: Very good with abilities. I made about 30 different abilities, each with 5-8 levels, featuring beams, passive skills, AOE effects, etc. Layout files: Moved most things, changed/added button and hover textures. Triggers: What can I say? I try to keep events to a minimum and use action definitions and functions as much as possible. I actually study computer science.
Maps: Warlords ORPG
Contact: For the first contact always PM. Skype or mail are a possibility but I won't give them out right away.
Time Zone: GMT +1
Easy mistake to make :). The maps thing is just so that people can contact someone who knows what they are talking about. No use contacting someone about heroes when all the person has done is a couple of TDs.
Maps: UloseTheGame's Alternate Melee Mod(A mod comprised of just three original races. The Grugz, the Marine Corp, and the Void Pirates. This mod will showcase the power of the data editor.
Contact: In-game, Skype(Full name:UloseTheGame), Email([email protected], i do not check this much)
Name: Biophysicist
Help type: Data and triggers.
Specialty: Mostly I do custom abilities (and related stuff, such as unusual attack forms or passive buffs). But just about anything involving effects or behaviors... I will sometimes use triggers, but will data-editor everything when I can.
Maps: Working on a Homestuck AoS, and a fleet game called Crusade of Excessive Violence. Nothing to actually /show/ yet, but mostly because of various school stuff. CoEV in particular is very ambitious. Also used to be working on something called Empyrean Caverns, but it turned out to be boring to play (though the data editor work was sound).
Contact: MSN (tassadarzeratul @ live . com), AIM (tasszer), email (bio @ physicist . net), or PM.
Time Zone: GMT -5.
If you need proof that I'd be a good mentor, I can show you some practice stuff I did and/or EC when I home.
Name: Küken
Help: Data, Galaxy Script, kinda everything except terrain and modelling ;)
Speciality: Data, I guess
Contact: PM or IRC for first contact, preferably Skype later, but any instant messengers should work.
Time Zone: GMT +1
What is Mapster Mentoring?
Mapster Mentoring is a scheme to help newbies get better at map making. There will be a list of mentors that newbies can contact to ask about questions, get tips and generally get help from.
How does this differ from IRC?
IRC is great, but often either people are already in the middle of a discussion, or are too busy working on their own maps to answer complex questions. The forums are also a good place, but tend to bump threads off the first page too quickly. This means that simple questions that could be answered in a few sentences could take a couple of days to be answered. The mentoring scheme is not meant to replace any of these, but to provide a quick way to get answers to small questions that otherwise would go unnoticed.
How do I become a mentor?
To become a mentor, simply post an application in this thread. Almost all applications will be accepted. Here's the format to post:
How do I become a Mentee?
To become a mentee, simply pick the person/ people that best suit your needs and either send them a PM asking for contact info or add them if they already have contact information on their mentor application.
Mentor List
Help Type: Galaxy/Triggers, strictly where mathematics is involved.
Examples: Card Sorting, Dialogs with acceleration
Speciality: Dialogs, Code optimization, System design
Maps: AoS2 Developer, GXML (Scripting tool for dialog creation)
Contact: Preferred: PM, Email: If you can't find it in my profile page, PM
Time Zone: GMT+8 (SEA)
Help Type: Data, triggers
Specialty: Effects, Behaviors, ability and hero related things, actors related to those
Maps: Gates of Darkess, AoS 2 Spell maker (Resigned due to lack of motivation)
Contact: Preferred: Any. PM for skype, MSN or Email. Twitter: @TheAlmaity
Time Zone: GMT+1 (CET)
Notes: Not too reliable... I sometimes forget PMs :( And dont regularly open the editor to work on stuff.
Help type: SC2Layout Files, Triggers
Speciality: Converting Layout design to SC2 Layout. Cat'alogs
Maps: RDM, Dialog Based Inventory
Contact: PM or Email [email protected]
Time Zone: WET (GMT +1), WEST (GMT +2)(Summer Time)
Notes: Has a habit of meowing, often. PM's first reply usually fast after that can take up to 3 days.
Help Type: Terraining
Speciality: Details to make your terrain stand out from other terrain
Maps: Currently working on AoS 2, check my profile for showcases and other stuff.
Contact: Preferred: PM
Time Zone: GMT+1 (CET)
Help type: Data, triggers, layout files, game design
Speciality: Data: Very good with abilities. I made about 30 different abilities, each with 5-8 levels, featuring beams, passive skills, AOE effects, etc. Layout files: Moved most things, changed/added button and hover textures. Triggers: What can I say? I try to keep events to a minimum and use action definitions and functions as much as possible. I actually study computer science.
Maps: Warlords ORPG
Contact: For the first contact always PM. Skype or mail are a possibility but I won't give them out right away.
Time Zone: GMT +1
Laertessc2|UloseTheGame (Formerly Laertessc2)
Help type: Complex Data, Basic Triggering
Speciality: All-Around Data, Trigger/Data combination
Maps: UloseTheGame's Alternate Melee Mod(A mod comprised of just three original races. The Grugz, the Marine Corp, and the Void Pirates. This mod will showcase the power of the data editor.
Contact: In-game (UloseTheGame.140 (NA)), Skype (Full name:UloseTheGame), Email ([email protected], i do not check this much)
Time Zone: EST(GMT -5)
Help type: Data and triggers.
Specialty: Mostly I do custom abilities (and related stuff, such as unusual attack forms or passive buffs). But just about anything involving effects or behaviors... I will sometimes use triggers, but will data-editor everything when I can.
Maps: Working on a Homestuck AoS, and a fleet game called Crusade of Excessive Violence. Nothing to actually /show/ yet, but mostly because of various school stuff. CoEV in particular is very ambitious. Also used to be working on something called Empyrean Caverns, but it turned out to be boring to play (though the data editor work was sound).
Contact: MSN ([email protected]), AIM (tasszer), email ([email protected]), or PM.
Time Zone: GMT -5.
Zeldarules28, AKA most amazing mapper to have ever lived
Help type: Triggers and Data
Specialty: Basically anything trigger related is good, but for Data I'm better at standard units, abilities, behaviors, and effects.
Maps: I haven't released any maps to battle net or sc2mapster, but I have built engines for third person shooters, top down shooters, diablo style games etc... I work on lots of different types of stuff. I did work on zergling burgers for a bit before I quit the project
Contact: PMs at sc2mapster
Time Zone: (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada). I log in for an hour or so weekdays and a good portion of the weekends, so you should get a response within 24 hrs.
Notes: ''Most amazing mapper that ever lived'' is probably an exaggeration
grenegg9 (NA Bnet: Kezaron.812)
Help type: Anything!
Speciality: Making maps.... so Terrain, Data and Triggers.
Maps: I'm a mapmaking machine! I'm over the bnet map limit. Some projects include: RandSquad Arean, Shotgun Defense, 1v1 PARTY! Tug of Power (Not yet released)
Contact: PM
Time Zone: EST
Help Type: Graphical, From 3ds Max to Photoshop & incorporating that into SC2
Examples: Some Assets in the DB (Planet Pack, ice tilesets) & all around help in artist tavern
Speciality: Graphics
Contact: Preferred: Windows Live Messenger, E-Mail, PMs, Skype...
Help Type: Data working with Triggers
Examples: UPDATE: Anything having to deal with Triggers or Data. As of 10/4/12 I am still occupying most of my time with non-SC2 related topics (Working on a Java game and college applications), but I will still be willing to help when I can. I'm a bit rusty, so as of now I would seek help from another mentor.
Speciality: Data working with Triggers
Maps: None released. Have done a bunch of smaller data related things for fun. I've never had time to make a full scale map.
Fun Fact: No one else has a fun fact section in their info. Cool fact, right?
Contact: Preferred: PM, but you can request a different contact format.
Time Zone: GMT - 5
Help: Data, Galaxy Script, kinda everything except terrain and modelling ;)
Speciality: Data, I guess
Contact: PM or IRC for first contact
Time Zone: GMT +1
Help type: Data.
Speciality: Ablities,Basic Actors.
Maps: Battle Arena
Contact: Skype-Aczchef20
Time Zone: EST
Availability: Week Days - 5 pm - 10 pm, Weekends - 10 am - 10 pm.May be playing SC NA: TheDoorToGG #828
PS: I might reject you i have my own data helping thing so could be busy.
Matthew (Umbra Lamina)
Help type: Data, Triggers, Terrain, Galaxy, Model Conversions, Texturing
Speciality: Pritty much all of the editor functions other than layout files (So far), texturing in GIMP and Photoshop, Basic 3ds Max
Maps: A multiplayer FPS, A single player FPS, A top down survival map, A FPS library
Contact: MSN
Time Zone: New Zealand (+12 Hours GMT)
Help type: Data
Specialty: Abilities, Actors, some Site Ops.
Maps: I haven't released any maps on BNet or SC2Mapster, but I do alot of self projects, trying to discover new things and come up with some insane ideas. Here's a link to my Youtube with some of my videos. LINK Also have many maps with semi-complex to complex Ability setups that are not displayed.
Contact: Private Message
Time Zone: GMT -5 (Eastern Standard) Canada.
Help type: Mostly data, pretty good triggering (not custom scripts)
Specialty: Anything data-related.
Maps: Most maps still in development. Have released StarCraft+, debugging trigger libraries, and a gameplay statistics leaderboard.
Contact on MSN: [email protected] (if you add me, say you're from sc2mapster or something)
Time Zone: Hawaii
Help type: Data and more data
Specialty: Almost everything in the data editor although my specialty lies with extremely complex abilities and actors (20+ effects and 10+ actors for a single level ability). I also do everything 100% in the editor. If someone tells you that you will need a trigger, come to me and I'll show you how to do it in the editor.
Maps: Data Editor for AoS 2 & Deadlock: Tactics
Contact: PM works, but I prefer vent, if I'm on I'll normally be in it. vent: Port: 58412 Pass: starcraft
Time Zone: EST
Notes: No data experience needed, simply motivation to learn. I will not create your map for you ;P
Help type: Terrain: Art, Structure, Design
Data: How can you make your terrain stand out with Data
Other: Importing Music and Models
Maps: Projects Worked On (Public) Antidiluvian Vale 2.0, Bnet US Public; Twilight Outlands 2.0, Bnet Public; Sc2 Micro Tourny, Bnet Public; WWII Diplo, Bnet Public; and many more.
I've terrained on some pretty big projects (though it's a shame many never went public!) Some of these are quietly under development, others are probably not ever going to be completed. These include Zerg Hunter RPG III, Deadlocks Tactics, Seismic Smash, Henchman Adventures, and many more. I am currently working on a little project with a friend, and a "big" (highly publicized?) project. Several Yeti Maps have made it to page 2 or 3 for more than 3 months at a time.
What I can do for you: You have creative ideas and an inspiring vision for that terrain. That's awesome! But going from vision to solid terrain is a big leap! I can show you: How to Import WoW Models and Custom Music to make your map stand out from the crowd, how to reduce water lag in the data editor (there are a lot of things you can do!), how to customize the texture of your textures in order to make Xil-Sand Wavy or Mar Sara Dark Sand plain, Change Terrain-Set Linked Textures of certain doodads so can have MOAR ROCK COLORS, and much, much more. I can help you organize a large project, and teach you effective means of balancing your terrain without spending unnecessary time and energy doing busy work, and can give you artistic advice and feedback.
Contact: Skype, information given on request. Bnet, Information given on request. Sc2mapster PM. Email: [email protected] Contact me for help, advice, consulting, collaboration, or lulz.
Mark Proveau
HELP TYPE: triggering, cinematics, data, actors, behaviors, pretty much everything short of scripting
SPECIALTY: Triggering, Terraining and Cinematic Creation (check out my youtube show StarCrapTV if you want to see my work)
MAPS: StarCrapTV (check it out on
CONTACT: PM, MSN/Email ([email protected]).
Time Zone: eastern standard.. for example its 1:28 rite now as i post this!
notes: I hav a lot of experience i have been using the editor since the beta and used the WC3 editor since that game was released. you can see my work in my show i am really good with triggers and terraining and cinematics/cameras.. also good with the data editor!)
ZeroAme ^-^
Help type: Triggers, Terrain, Data
Specialty: Ill help mostly with Triggers or Terrain.
Maps: Working on Gem Tower Defense from WC3, other maps working on dont have names yet.
Contact: Steam: zeroame; PM; xbox live: Naddox; Starcraft ZeroAme.686 (NA) take your pick
Time Zone: Central or GMT-6
Help Type: Abilities, Behaviours, Effects, Actors (especially composite units) and R&D
Speciality: I try to figure out the fields and events that no one knows what they do. I also help people trying to make funky and unusual abilities. Have made several ability simulations alowing fine tuning of how they function. I developed the method of how to make a functional terratron like units just using data and no model editor. Also was among the first people to co-discover how to use the Texture Select By ID actor event
Maps: Just some example maps for the SC2Mapster wiki, tough forum problems and contributions to the community project
Contact: PM
Time Zone: GMT+1
Help Type: Terrain, i can do pretty much anything in the terrain area.
Specialty: Umm Still terrain.
Maps: I have no published maps of my own however i have done multiple terrain jobs
Contact: Pm preferably
Name: Cybrok (Zach)
Help type: Triggers, Data
Speciality: Triggers; Period Effects, Dialogs, Leaderboards. Data; Abilities, Units, Models, Actors
Maps: Frozen Glory (In-Progress), Storming Assult (Old), Helped on Death Haven.
Contact: PM or Email [email protected]
Time Zone: EST (-5) Eastern Standard Time, US East Coast
Notes: Emails are responded to within a day. PM's may take up to 2 days.
Name: DarlD (Mark)
Help Type: Triggers (I work in GUI since more people can understand that.)
Speciality: Anything trigger related.
Maps: None released yet, Members of a few major projects. Currently working on WW2 Diplomacy Full World Version and *Warcraft: A new dawn.
Contact: PM, Skype: Mab.youyoux (I'm on this the most), e-mail: [email protected]
Time Zone: EST (-5)
Notes: I really just want to help my fellow mappers. I will be more than happy to help ANYONE with any trigger problem what so ever!
Updated by DrSuperEvil 4/Apr/2012
@FuzzYD: Go
Added you to the list :)
@wOlfLisK: Go
Great :)
I'm still wondering how you made it such that the text doesn't wrap into a single paragraph >_> Even when i press enter, my text always wraps upwards, ignoring my enter button.
@TheAlmaity: Go
Welcome aboard!
@FuzzYD: Go
. It does a linebreak :D@TheAlmaity: Go
Adding you to the list now.
@FuzzYD: Go
Or use another markup type, for example BBCode. Since in this forum, BBCode gets converted to WikiCreole anyway, you can still use all WikiCreole commands, as well as BBCode tags.
I need to all of you to mentor me! haha!
FuzzyYD, are you expecting someone to know a full programming language for Galaxy or just starting out? ^^
Name: Helral
Help type: SC2Layout Files, Triggers
Speciality: Converting Layout design to SC2 Layout. Cat'alogs
Maps: RDM, Dialog Based Inventory
Contact: PM or Email [email protected]
Time Zone: WET (GMT +1), WEST (GMT +2)(Summer Time)
Notes: Has a habit of meowing, often. PM's first reply usually fast after that can take up to 3 days.
@wOlfLisK: Go
@iSaintx: Go
Some basic knowledge of programming concepts would be great. Though I'd be happy to guide someone who's just starting out, the only thing I ask in return is that the love be spread <3 once you've picked up enough tricks of the trade :P
Almost forgot:
Notes: At peak busy periods of life, May take awhile to respond, but nonetheless will do so when able.
Excellent initiative, Wolf! Here's my info:
Help Type: Terraining
Speciality: Details to make your terrain stand out from other terrain
Maps: Currently working on AoS 2, check my profile for showcases and other stuff.
Contact: Preferred: PM
Time Zone: GMT+1 (CET)
@FuzzYD: Go
I have basic knowledge. Enough to know how things are put together. Would you mind mentoring? Once I learn this stuff I would be glad to share the love! <3 ^^
I edited my application in both our posts Wolf - I misunderstood your "Maps:" inquiry, thinking it meant "what kind of maps can you provide help on" while it in fact meant "what maps have you done/worked on?". "Almost everything" seems a rather big boast when considered in the light of the actual question =P
@iSaintx: Go
Sure, drop me a PM, let me know what you expect of me as a mentor there :) We should probably come to a compromise regarding expectations as to avoid any potential disappointments.
Anyways, I've gotta hit the sack. Will probably respond tomorrow.
I'm in. :-)
Name: Obatztrara
Help type: Data, triggers, layout files, game design
Speciality: Data: Very good with abilities. I made about 30 different abilities, each with 5-8 levels, featuring beams, passive skills, AOE effects, etc. Layout files: Moved most things, changed/added button and hover textures. Triggers: What can I say? I try to keep events to a minimum and use action definitions and functions as much as possible. I actually study computer science.
Maps: Warlords ORPG
Contact: For the first contact always PM. Skype or mail are a possibility but I won't give them out right away.
Time Zone: GMT +1
@Mozared: Go
Easy mistake to make :). The maps thing is just so that people can contact someone who knows what they are talking about. No use contacting someone about heroes when all the person has done is a couple of TDs.
@wOlfLisK: Go
Name: Biophysicist
Help type: Data and triggers.
Specialty: Mostly I do custom abilities (and related stuff, such as unusual attack forms or passive buffs). But just about anything involving effects or behaviors... I will sometimes use triggers, but will data-editor everything when I can.
Maps: Working on a Homestuck AoS, and a fleet game called Crusade of Excessive Violence. Nothing to actually /show/ yet, but mostly because of various school stuff. CoEV in particular is very ambitious. Also used to be working on something called Empyrean Caverns, but it turned out to be boring to play (though the data editor work was sound).
Contact: MSN (tassadarzeratul @ live . com), AIM (tasszer), email (bio @ physicist . net), or PM.
Time Zone: GMT -5.
If you need proof that I'd be a good mentor, I can show you some practice stuff I did and/or EC when I home.
Hell, why not.
Name: Küken
Help: Data, Galaxy Script, kinda everything except terrain and modelling ;)
Speciality: Data, I guess
Contact: PM or IRC for first contact, preferably Skype later, but any instant messengers should work.
Time Zone: GMT +1
Name: Mephs
Credentials: I made smashcraft.
Pay: $25/hr
Everything but terraining.