Bio-Tech Company

Bio-Tech Company

What is this?

Bio-Tech Company is a single-player campaign for Starcraft 2.



This campaign consisted of various scenarios where I explore different gameplay ideas I had. It was made around 2012-2014 and thus is a bit dated but I still think it might be enjoyable for people to play. The focus is not on story-telling but more on unique gameplay settings.



The Bio-Tech Campaign

This is the newest version of the Bio-Tech Campaign. The zip contains 10 map-files and 2 mod-files.



Copy the SC2Mod files into the Mod folder in the Starcraft 2 folder
Copy the SC2Map files into the Map folder in the Starcraft 2 folder
Open up the BioTechCampaign.SC2Map file and press "test map" button.

The mission launcher will then start.

 The map files must be in the right folder for the mission launcher to work. Similar to this:

C:/StarCraft II/Maps/BioTech/BioTechCampaign.SC2Map

 If the location is off the mission launcher will not function.


All feedback is appreciated.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 19, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jan 25, 2023
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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