Enoki's Collection

I create SC2 Mods and I create assets to go with them


I tend to just keep them and I'd like to give people a chance to use them!


COMMISSIONS AND REQUESTS OPEN (I do both all the time)

Anything over an hours worth of work would become a commission

No ask is too small or large (unless it is)


Stuff I make may include:

- Completed Model sets: A new or already existing unit model with it's complete build and death models, as opposed to just the model itself

 - Team Color Effects: Recolored effects that work better with tints, they'll appear as white normally

- Replaced Textures: Textures that replace the original to modify existing models without needing actually to have new models

- Reworked Models: Already existing models modified to work better or function differently

- Model Variations: Different versions of already existing models in order to create diversity or a variant of the unit for a different faction



Use anything you'd like, as long as you use it well!


Amazing People I've worked with/used:

TangorCraft (M3 Tag Editor)

Solstice (M3 Studio Blender plugin)

Synergy (Race-swapped campaigns and Azeroth Reborn, and occasionally torturing me)

Kat (Photoshop Wizard, making and generating wireframes and icons since the dawn of time)

DaveTheSpectre (Great m3 artist)

Subsourian (Lore master and incredible voice actor)


and anyone else who has worked with/commissioned/requested me who I've neglected to mention here.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 10, 2023
  • Last Released File
    Mar 25, 2024
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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