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    posted a message on The Thread of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    Quote from Gradius12: Go

    @SolidSC: Go My personal theory is that primates are stronger because they have to be, climbing around in tree-tops and all that. When we evolved from primates, we stopped swinging around in trees and descended to the plains.

    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    @SolidSC: Go There is so many reasons why do we have weaker bones than primates. Lighter bones can be evolutionary favorable, like its more flexible so it brakes less, which may be favorable for us, since we no longer leave on trees...

    Descending from the tree tops to the plains would have not lead to our devolution in strength. Transitioning to a weaker smarter species is not evolution from a species who is much more stronger and has great intelligence to begin with.

    National Geographic - Ape Genius

    Chimpanzee Memory Test

    Monkey cooperation and fairness

    Monkey man

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    posted a message on The Thread of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    @Gradius12: Go Real missing link or evolutionist be trollin http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/05/090519-missing-link-found.html

    @Hookah604: Go @0:35 here is the Darwinius masillae in the national geographic link.

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    posted a message on The Thread of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    @b0ne123: Go I do not believe that we humans evolved from primates. If we humans truly evolved from primates we would have inherent their primate strength. A primate bone density is denser their natural physical strength is stronger than ours. I would agree with evolution as the cause for humans to come from apes but the primate have attributes that we dont and naturally we should have these attribute inside us because of the evolution process.

    I cant stand it when some evolutionist talks about birds and how they evolved. Then when everything is said about birds and how they evolved then the evolutionist apply everything they discussed about birds on humans and they end the show. Giving you a birds eye view on human evolution. What you will never hear a evolutionist do is talk about human evolution and bring conclusive evidence that humans evolved from apes because no definite prof exist. Only a theory will be discussed that a missing link once lived that unites apes and man.

    Ancient Aliens: The Series - Aliens And The Creation Of Man

    Intelligent Design On Trial NOVA

    Why Evolution is True and Why Many People Still Don't Believe It

    Everything You Know IS Wrong 2012

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    posted a message on The Thread of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    @Hookah604: Go Magnetic fields what will you do next.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/s1xS-ssfTM8?fs=1
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    posted a message on [Data, Actor] [Events + Message] Texture Select By ID

    @Kanitala: Go Yea, Applying the mod texture to the monolith is the main goal. Replacing the dark pylon texture with the mod texture was a small test for me, so that I can better understand how to put the mod texture on the monolith. So far I have been able to accomplish this but that was only done with the diffuse texture. When I try to put all the textures on the monolith I get errors. Example: CActorUnit[Monolith] Cannot select texture with texture catalog entry

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Data, Actor] [Events + Message] Texture Select By ID

    @Kanitala: Go I used the dark protoss upgrade to apply the Mod texture to the pylon.

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    posted a message on [Data, Actor] [Events + Message] Texture Select By ID

    I have been trying to make this pylon from Thrikodias' Assets collection. http://www.sc2mapster.com/media/images/46/792/Khala-Pylon.png

    So far I have replaced the dark pylon textures with the khala pylon textures.

    I used the dark protoss upgrade to apply the texture to the pylon and this is what I got.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on The Thread of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/tj0hL3pirDI?fs=1

    GROUP III ELECTROMAGNETIC-AC Oscillating electromagnetic fields Filmed 1991-1996, 11 of 15 methods of levitating an object known to the author John Iwaszko, edited from the video Antigravity the reality made in 1996. The antigravity method shown in this edit, was introduced and was referred to as Magnetic Pulse Propulsion which has now been reclassified by the author as Electromagnetic AC Group IIIB ii) Electrodynamic Suspension (EDS)-Induced currents/Eddy currents- Oscillating electromagnetic Fields- DC Pulse, AC (LF, & HF) The 12th Method of antigravity is achieved in a very similar way to that of the previous method 11 but instead of mechanically inducing Relative motion between conductors and magnets, relative motion is induced by time varying currents of electricity generally referred to as alternating currents or AC. The simple experiment showed that if we raise a magnet away from a conducting loop of wire, the movement of the magnet generates a current through the loop in this direction that it opposes the change of the Magnetic field in the upward direction then the coil will produce a magnetic field in the opposing direction attracting the magnet. If we reverse the situation and push the magnet towards the coil the current will reverse in the loop and the magnetic field repelling the magnet. This is shown here demonstrating that a magnet can push a ring of non ferrous aluminium away by relative motion and that the effect is also reduced when the ring is open circuit. We can use this general principle to create levitation or negative gravity that generally pushes conductors away but can also be made stable by various means other than pivoting or tethering which we will now discuss. WARNING:- Some of these experiments operate directly from 240VAC mains supply or far higher voltages at high currents are potentially lethal. Do not build unless you know exactly what you are doing. Do not touch any part of the equipment while it is plugged into a mains outlet. And remember that the methods described do not conform to any electrical safety standard and many of the experiments performed are downright dangerous. Powerful magnets such as neodymium magnets or powerful magnetic fields generated by coils can be dangerous and not to be played with. Powerful magnets or magnetic fields can crush fingers. The power of magnetism can also cause chunks of metal to take flight and cause injury to body parts and or blindness. Rotating machinery can pose a danger from rotating or reciprocating parts. Particularly when machine parts move toward each other, or one part moves past another, which can crush limbs. Extremely intense sounds can burst ear drums or can be physically painful to human ears. High-intensity ultrasound waves are extremely dangerous to experiment with as they can heat human eyes or other tissue by absorbing ultrasound energy which becomes heat by vibration and corresponding energy loss. Exposure to radio frequency energy or ionizing radiation that can be generated by coils can not only burn as they get hot but also cause radiation burns, damage to the skin or other biological tissue. Direct skin contact with liquid nitrogen will cause severe frostbite (cryogenic or cold burns). This may happen almost instantly on contact, there is always a potential hazard when handling liquid nitrogen. Be careful! Use good solid judgement in your work, and think ahead. I John Iwaszko do not endorse the experiments shown, and am merely passing on information, I have learnt through experiment. Safety is your responsibility!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Unit Gains Expirience Level - not working with veterancy behavior?

    @Demtrod: Go

    Unit - Add 1 Stamina to (Triggering unit) {from (Triggering unit) }. My guess is that you are giving your triggering unit stamina that it has already.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Battle.net World Championship in starting in 2 hours

    DAY 2 of the 2012 BattleNet World Championship Begins in 45 mins 18 secs.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Making custom command card buttons / icons

    @Bilxor: Go Thank you for this tutorial. I solved my problem with the faded outline. What I did was copy the alpha layer on the Yamato cannon and then I past the alpha layer on the Blue Yamato cannon alpha layer. Now the Custom button looks like the rest.





    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Making custom command card buttons / icons
    Quote from Bilxor: Go

    Let me know if you have any questions or problems.

    3. Resize and center your picture so as to leave a 4-pixel-wide border around the edge of the frame. Making a frame this exact in size is easiest done by zooming way in until the individual pixels are visible.

    I have a problem with step 3. How do you resize the picture so you can have the 4-pixel-wide border and what does this step look like when finished? I skip step 3 and did the rest of the steps and everything worked. But skipping step 3 resulted in a faded outline around the button.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Unit Suicide Fail

    @TwoDie: Go Thanks that solved the problem. I had to add zerglings and the other ground attack only units to the list. I did this when I notice a zergling was following one of my carriers.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Unit Suicide Fail

    @TwoDie: Go

    Everything is ok with the broodlord data. Both the broodlord and broodling are trying to attack my air units. The trigger is the culprit. When the zerg air units spawn and are given the attack point to go to the broodlords are ok and seek out ground targets but when the broodlords fly over that attack point they become idle and that when the problem trigger kicks in and the broodlords start attacking my air units. This is the trigger that is giving me problems with the broodlords. So I should make the trigger to target broodlords and have them seek out ground units while the rest target what ever units they can.


    Posted in: Triggers
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