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    posted a message on Making AI Hero escort player-controlled Hero

    @SoulTaker916: Go

    I had hoped the solution could just be a simple escort enabling through AI. I guess not.

    I tried to create a set of issue order triggers that could guide the non-playable hero but it was a bit clumsy and very reacting a bit wierd. If I could get the heroes to treat each other like Raynor treat Kerrigan in the second lab mission in HotS I would be saved.

    Anyhoo, I'll upload the map here in case someone is interested enough to take a peak.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on BioTech Mission6 beta

    @FenixKissKerrigan: Go

    Thank you for your reply, I'm glad you liked the terrain :)

    I'll look over the terrain again and will try to look after places where I can implement your advice.

    God, I've thought I had fixed param bug. I've now tried to remove the local languages and then add them again, perhaps it works now. How does those locale text thing work actually? It seems that many of my maps still have those issues despite me thinking I've fixed em.

    That creep bug is something I have not encountered. Have anyone else experienced them?

    The lurker thing is fixed now, it uses button B

    I have updated the mission file in the opening post. If anyone without the enGB version could test it and see if the param bug has been fixed I would be very grateful :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Making AI Hero escort player-controlled Hero

    I am trying to make it so that an AI Hero are escorting a player Hero, somewhat similar to the Lab mission where Raynor escorts Kerrigan.

    On this map there are two heroes whom are a team. The player will control one hero and the computer ally will control the other. The player can switch which hero to control with an ability that has a hefty cooldown. The two heroes have a different set of abilities.

    I want the hero that are not under the player's control to follow the player hero and assist with auto-attack. I have tried to use the escort AI trigger to create this effect but has so far not been successful.

    I have used these triggers

    AI - Set the target for player 2 attack waves to be escorting unit group JaneUnitGroup with replace behavior Replace Never. This version will leash.

    AI - Add Hamilton to the next attack wave for player 2, the unit is specifically assigned to escort Jane offset by 7.0 towards 0.0 degrees.

    AI - Send the attack wave from player 2 to attack in 0 seconds and Don't Wait

    player 2 have start campaign ai set.

    It doesn't work. I wonder if this is because an AI will not be able to escort a player unit no matter what and that I should give up on this solution entirely.

    I also wonder if there are another easy way to mimick this effect? I have tried to look at the "leash" ability to Lab Raynor on the Lab mission but I was not able to successfully copy it.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on BioTech Mission6 beta

    @njordys: Go

    Perhaps I should have posted some screenshots. Here they are

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #135: The Expedition

    Thanks for feedback guys.

    Tonight I worked on another angle. I tried rework the mountains a bit taking your advice into consideration, and I tried to make the glacier more pronounced and believable. I had to adjust the fog, I could'nt find any skybox that worked with the greenish fog I had before. So now it's night time :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #135: The Expedition

    I felt a bit inspired this today. There is only one angle though so I'll have to fill some gaps to get other screenshots. That'll have to wait.

    Perhaps I'll use this theme in a mission.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on BioTech Mission6 beta

    I could not resist and had to go back to this mission to tweak it up a bit as it had a weak execution. I'm starting this thread in hope to get some more feedback.

    You are a terran faction controlling with Zerg psi technology, and you are after a Protoss artifact. It's a Zerg (player) vs Protoss (computer) singleplayer mission. You are to destroy the four Protoss bases. The twist here that there are three wandering Disrupters that can turn your Zerg units against you given enough time.

    Some of you might have tested this mission before. If you still want to try it out then here are the new changes:

    1. Improved Terrain - Aesthetic changes, and some adjustments to ease troop movement
    2. Buffed Disrupters - Disrupters now defend themselves and has help from minor escorts.
    3. The introduction part is now skippable - You can move straight to the primary mission without having to complete the introduction to Disrupters game mechanic part.
    4. Adjusted AI - The AI now bring Observers with attack waves and have some Observers on the map as well.
    5. Scripted Events - There are now some scripted events at key points during the mission. These are meant to counter the dwindling difficulty as more Nexus are destroyed.
    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Is SC2 Mapster Dying?

    I think I could make a better effort on giving feedback on new projects. From my own experience I know that praise and critisism can give me new perspectives on my maps, and thereby rekindle and refreshen my enthusiasm for mapping. It makes me more productive. I see that campaign projects are very niche and rarely get feedback. The tools for Sc2 campaigns are also lacking, which also contribute to inactivity.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 2.0.10 has been deployed to the server, AND here are some good news...

    Ooh, 3-D doodad rotation? For real?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Feedback] The Mercenaries

    I've tested the new mission based on the biotech map. I didn't have much time this evening so i cheated on some occasions to avoid defeat.

    I really liked your version of this. To me it felt more streamlined, more natural, then my version. The encounters where a bit more numerous and placed at good spots. There where also more stuff going on then in the original, more varied encounters like that mexican showdown. My only complain would be that those supplies-debris had too much hitpoints, with only two units damaging them it's a bit of a tedious wait.

    I myself was quite satisfied with the scenery on this map, but I actually prefer your take on the gameplay.

    You also have a talent for story telling. I was intrigued by those flashbacks. I was a bit confused at first but then I realised what where happening in the cinematics.

    All in all, I can see that your skills are improving. Nice work, looking forward to see more :)

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Raise-Lower terrain - Camera and Building issues

    Found an alternative fix to the structure problem. When I removed radius and pathing there were some issues with addons like tech labs and such. Instead, I simply went to the actors of the unit in the data editor and removed the "flattenterrain" events. Simpler then I thought it would be.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on merge mod with map

    I have this map which are connected to a mod. The mod contains custom models and unit/actor data. I realise now that making this mod was completely redundant as the models and actor data just as well could have been imported to the map itself. I wonder if there is a way to merge the mod-file data and the map-file data to create one file.

    My biggest problem so far is to remove the mod-dependency on the map-file. As long as the units and models are used in the map it seems very difficult to remove the dependency. I have been working a very long time on this map and having to remove all the custom doodads just to put them back on place again would require a tremendous amount of work.

    Have anyone else been in this situation? Are there anything I can do merge these files?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on My coming campaigns
    Quote from EivindL: Go

    That sounds really cool, actually. Some time ago I was thinking about doing one in a partially flooded installation, where you'd lose oxygen (and eventually life) every time you went underwater. It's a crazy idea, but I like crazy ideas.

    Ooh, that could have great potential in combination with that raise lava triggering, only for water. I assume it will work for water as well as lava.

    Instead of instant kill when the water raises you lose life (or get a timer and a speed reduction)

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Raise-Lower terrain - Camera and Building issues

    Disabling the pathing and radius did the trick. I'll only fake the collision with pathing blockers. Thanks.

    The camera was a bit tough, though. I looked for it but I could not find a way to disable "blend with terrain" in the data editor or with triggers. Care to give me a nudge on where to find it?

    Thank you for your help :)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Raise-Lower terrain - Camera and Building issues

    Hi. I'm making a mission where I use the raise and lower terrain tool quite alot but I am having some issues with game camera and structures regarding these height dfiferences.


    The game camera follows the terrain, it move upward when you zoom in over high terrain and it lowers when you zoom in under low terrain. This can be distracting when you move throught terrain that has alot of height differences. I want it to be static and not follow the height of the terrain. Is there a easy way to do this?


    If I lower the terrain quite alot and then put a structure on it the structure will raise the terrain just under the structure instead of adjusting to it. I can make it will follow the terrain by using the "uniform" tool afterwards, but if then I close the mission and opens it again in the editor or start to play the mission the terrain will raise again. Is there a way to bypass this hinderance?

    Posted in: Terrain
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