Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Did they fix the arcade rejoin bug? >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
1 1,116
Mac editor is fixed/partially fixed, as of latest patch >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
2 1,183
LIVE MAP THREAD (who is hosting your map?) >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
1 853
Mapster ribban picture >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
1 852
Propose NEW features for mapster >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
2 934
Patch 3. 9. 0 Russian Roulette >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
5 1,882
Best computer/rig to buy/build to use galaxy (for a movie) >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
16 3,084
Artists wanted! >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
3 1,469
Mac Editor: Galaxy memory/access crash from update :'( >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
7 1,551
Why no "New MAPSTER Website" PR? >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
15 3,603
StarHEROES "party" feedback :) >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
2 2,014
Kreygasm just did my first attack <3 >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
0 713
Adventure / competitive arcade maps? >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
9 1,727
Can we have a new Sub forum? >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
2 964
Map link in map info >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
5 1,170
[solved]Enforce disabling simple command card <3 >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
Public Message by Unknown User: <3 <3 <3
2 1,046
Photon Cycles Review >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
3 1,528
40 second warcraft movie fight >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
1 920
blizzard community vote >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
0 641
Movie Contest >>
by _ForgeUser5978106
7 1,737