I didn't research problem of hacking, but my skepticism comes from the fact that "Haven Forces" map had cheaters after signatures were implemented(and I'm sure that author used signatures (who wouldn't)), and if you use google to find hacked banks you also discover that apperently there is a tool called "banksigner".. It's not a core feature of map, so I'm not convinced that it's worth implementing it.
And.. I'm letting lobby system go, finally players with low shaders option won't suffer because I decided to use decals for ground textures :D
@SoulFilcher: Go
From SNES Super Bomberman, mostly from Super Bomberman 5. I'd like to implement all powerups from that game, but it takes time and thinking about how to transfer them from joystick control to keyboard control (and sometimes I make silly mistakes in design/coding which hinder my progress and force to take breaks). Which unnknown bomberman games do you have in mind? :D
P.S. if you do play it, please only use 1st lobby and stay away from others (until I fix everything).
@DuckyTheDuck: Go I don't know, you sounded like you needed more ideas and I though this series has too many games to lack ideas. Hell it even has a N64 version, which totally sucks by the way, but may have some interesting powerups. Like tiny ultrafast bombermen (I don't remeber if it appeared in other games).
Can it be played against AI or something like that?
Yeah, you can play vs AI opponents. In game, enter lobby and press "+" near to empty player slot, it will be filled with AI opponent. They were one of first things I coded, so they don't make any use of advanced powerups, but even so they can be quite a challenge. They offer a good learning partner if player is completely new to game and make a fun addition when you play 1 vs many allied AIs. So feel free to try the map :D
I think that SB5 got plenty of fun powerups, after that game I can always check x-box version, or revisit starutn bomberman (I heard that it was the best bomberman game out there). But a big amount of available ideas shouldn't stop flow of innovation, right? ;D
Do you plan to implement different models to choose from? Since the map is called bomberbot, you could limit the models to mechanical units - I have goliath and stalker in mind. They would need to be tweaked so that the size is the same across all models to keep it balanced, or you could balance it yourself (bigger but faster model, etc.).
I plan many things. And I look positively towards personalization. As of now I don't think that model variations could hurt the game, so It'll probably be in. Also, there is no need to limit available models to mech, I for example would love to play as orange or lemon, an innocent fruit eliminating unfortunate foes (well, okay, maybe a fruit model is a little overboard, won't know until I see it in action :D).
Since I'm cutting multiple lobbies, I've decided to improve/change menu UI. If anyone has any complains, or suggestions on what he/she would like to see added/improved, now is the best time to let your voice be heard.
I'm not sure if it's relevant here but IIRC (because nowadays I only join a lobby) arena sizes are/were confusing a bit. I vaguely remember seeing the number 9 and 13 players and the general progression in the size of the arena wasn't really clear. Perhaps you could specify sizes in dimensions in # of blocks?
Secondly, have you considered greying out dead players instead of crossing them out in the top right? Their colours and the red cross-out makes it a bit cluttered, and the colours of dead players don't really matter - you can determine the leader and runners up by number of wins anyway.
Arena sizes suggest amount of players for that size. I think that "This map size is good for 13player combat" is clearer than simple " 23x29". Though I admit that I didn't spend much time on that part, map sizes/start locations were meant to be improved later on.
Have you tried giving bomb placement a sound? It's a bit hard to explain but I think it'd give a better feeling of interaction with the player. Maybe it has something to do with the map being silent in general. It might make more sense not to hear others' bomb placement sounds to retain certain tactics like "hiding" your bomb and such.
ps Enjoyed our game the other day... just KenLaszlo keeps beating me silly and I sometimes snap
I certainly feel what you're saying. I initially disabled it because it generated too much noise (from every player planting bombs), but that issue could have been handled better. An excellent suggestion, I love those little things you mention, because I'm usually more concerned about "bigger" problems, which makes me vulnerable to not noticing little flaws.
The feelings are mutual, those games were awesome. If only I didn't suicide as often as I did >.>
And KenLaszlo is simply unreal. You guys provide a great challenge, I'm looking forward to playing with you again.
Not sure what the lobby is for. Like there are 4 lobbies. Let all 12 people do battle royale. the more the merrier lulz. But not really 12 players in 1 lobby will be hectic... IMO, I'd rather limit the max player size to say 8, and let there only be 1 lobby.
Hmm... Let's say you want to keep the lobby. 12 players in.
- With 2 lobbies: 6 each. 3v3 This is pretty good already
- With 3 lobbies: 4 each. 2v2 or FFA. This is good only for FFA. 2v2 still ok.
- With 4 lobbies: 3 each. FFA only. Only good for FFA. 3 guys in a lobby kinda dry..
If you want to keep lobbies do max 3. but imo destroy lobbies, only 1, limit max player size to 6 or 8.
Otherwise, the best bomberman spinoff in SC2 Arcade yet. Keep updating. hopefully more bomber, not just automaton/tastosis bot. SC2 Music kinda lame too, especially protoss music, just doesnt fit the scenario. AI is actually very smart, they know how to block your path. Teal and Blue color, pick one, too similar... confusing. Camera toggle follow doesnt seem to work last time I tried.
Does this also mean you'll have indestructible block clusters and not just the "every other block is indy" layout?
Different layouts is something I'd like to see. But, it's not something I'm working on right now. If you got an idea for alternative layouts, post them and I'll possibly implement such option in next update. Otherwise it'll remain low on to-do list, until I get in the mood to design them.
I don't know when next update will be ready, but I want to release it before new year.
@Maknyuzz: Go
Well, I had my reasons for 4 lobbies, but with time I came to realize that first of all I'm making a SC map, not something else. If people want to play separately they will play separately. But if they all play same map, they probably want to play together, which means that multiple lobbies do nothing other than:
confuse newer player;
add extra bytes of map space;
disappoint players who play with low shaders due to methods I used to make lobbies.
In next update there will be only one lobby. First player to click the button will setup games parameters (but I guess with this I also must add an option to usurp host of his powers if he proves to be incompetent).
Player amount in map should be balanced by ability to set arena to different sizes. Final arena size is as big as 4 regular arenas combined, which is enough to house 12 player company. (I won't decrease player amount because I enjoy thinking about chaos created by 12 player bomberman match. But if I see it as issue in the future I might split map in 2 modes, one with 8 players and another one with 14); I know that some colors are too similiar, but cannot remove them due to player amount.
Music.. got any advice where I can look for free tracks? About camera, did you try to turn it off or turn auto-follow back? Also, what is your screen resolution? Thanks for feedback, it seems that different bomber models is something that people would enjoy.
@DuckyTheDuck: Go
For music, I know http://www.jamendo.com off the top of my head. I'm not sure you're looking for this kind of music though, but you might find something useful there.
I like that you want to keep player numbers as high as possible, and I don't think there'd be need for 2 modes of the map.
As for map layouts, since even the slightest indy block changes have huge impact on gameplay, very simple patterns of only a few indy block clusters should do the job. Perhaps you can make it randomised with the host being able to set the maximum number of blocks in a cluster under map settings? You could use the common shapes from Tetris for simplicity.
Thanks for link, I'll take a look at it later.
So, an option to randomly spawn clusters of indestructible blocks in tetris shapes? Sounds good. Will try it.
@DuckyTheDuck: Go
Here's some more :)http://www.soundjay.com/free-music.html
I quite like Iron Man, Cautious Path, and Jungle Run. Though you might have longer and more ambient music in mind - these may sound "cluttery" and short.
That site can prove to be useful in other aspects as well. I used some sounds for my stream for example but didn't notice that there were music tracks there as well - could've suggested it earlier.
Whoa, that's a useful site to have in bookmarks. The music is also very nice. But you're right, it's not something that would fit. A shame they don't have more tracks.
I'm hesitant to make single-player before I finish all powerups.. But I suppose I could create a dungeon mode like in original bomberman where you go down 50 stages of randomly generated levels with different monsters.
And rankings.. I don't think there is anything to track down. What would you base your rank off? Kills, wins? I don't see any stat that would be an accurate representation of skill/rank, especially since game is heavily influenced by luck. It would be like making a ranking system for russian roulette game. I just don't see how it would work.
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@Hookah604: Go
I didn't research problem of hacking, but my skepticism comes from the fact that "Haven Forces" map had cheaters after signatures were implemented(and I'm sure that author used signatures (who wouldn't)), and if you use google to find hacked banks you also discover that apperently there is a tool called "banksigner".. It's not a core feature of map, so I'm not convinced that it's worth implementing it.
And.. I'm letting lobby system go, finally players with low shaders option won't suffer because I decided to use decals for ground textures :D
@SoulFilcher: Go From SNES Super Bomberman, mostly from Super Bomberman 5. I'd like to implement all powerups from that game, but it takes time and thinking about how to transfer them from joystick control to keyboard control (and sometimes I make silly mistakes in design/coding which hinder my progress and force to take breaks). Which unnknown bomberman games do you have in mind? :D
P.S. if you do play it, please only use 1st lobby and stay away from others (until I fix everything).
@DuckyTheDuck: Go I don't know, you sounded like you needed more ideas and I though this series has too many games to lack ideas. Hell it even has a N64 version, which totally sucks by the way, but may have some interesting powerups. Like tiny ultrafast bombermen (I don't remeber if it appeared in other games).
Can it be played against AI or something like that?
@SoulFilcher: Go
Yeah, you can play vs AI opponents. In game, enter lobby and press "+" near to empty player slot, it will be filled with AI opponent. They were one of first things I coded, so they don't make any use of advanced powerups, but even so they can be quite a challenge. They offer a good learning partner if player is completely new to game and make a fun addition when you play 1 vs many allied AIs. So feel free to try the map :D
I think that SB5 got plenty of fun powerups, after that game I can always check x-box version, or revisit starutn bomberman (I heard that it was the best bomberman game out there). But a big amount of available ideas shouldn't stop flow of innovation, right? ;D
Do you plan to implement different models to choose from? Since the map is called bomberbot, you could limit the models to mechanical units - I have goliath and stalker in mind. They would need to be tweaked so that the size is the same across all models to keep it balanced, or you could balance it yourself (bigger but faster model, etc.).
@kuvasz88: Go
I plan many things. And I look positively towards personalization. As of now I don't think that model variations could hurt the game, so It'll probably be in. Also, there is no need to limit available models to mech, I for example would love to play as orange or lemon, an innocent fruit eliminating unfortunate foes (well, okay, maybe a fruit model is a little overboard, won't know until I see it in action :D).
Since I'm cutting multiple lobbies, I've decided to improve/change menu UI. If anyone has any complains, or suggestions on what he/she would like to see added/improved, now is the best time to let your voice be heard.
I'm not sure if it's relevant here but IIRC (because nowadays I only join a lobby) arena sizes are/were confusing a bit. I vaguely remember seeing the number 9 and 13 players and the general progression in the size of the arena wasn't really clear. Perhaps you could specify sizes in dimensions in # of blocks?
Secondly, have you considered greying out dead players instead of crossing them out in the top right? Their colours and the red cross-out makes it a bit cluttered, and the colours of dead players don't really matter - you can determine the leader and runners up by number of wins anyway.
Looking forward to the sans-lobby version.
@kuvasz88: Go
Arena sizes suggest amount of players for that size. I think that "This map size is good for 13player combat" is clearer than simple " 23x29". Though I admit that I didn't spend much time on that part, map sizes/start locations were meant to be improved later on.
I like greying-out suggestion.
Have you tried giving bomb placement a sound? It's a bit hard to explain but I think it'd give a better feeling of interaction with the player. Maybe it has something to do with the map being silent in general. It might make more sense not to hear others' bomb placement sounds to retain certain tactics like "hiding" your bomb and such.
ps Enjoyed our game the other day... just KenLaszlo keeps beating me silly and I sometimes snap
@kuvasz88: Go
I certainly feel what you're saying. I initially disabled it because it generated too much noise (from every player planting bombs), but that issue could have been handled better. An excellent suggestion, I love those little things you mention, because I'm usually more concerned about "bigger" problems, which makes me vulnerable to not noticing little flaws.
The feelings are mutual, those games were awesome. If only I didn't suicide as often as I did >.>
And KenLaszlo is simply unreal. You guys provide a great challenge, I'm looking forward to playing with you again.
[...] From SNES Super Bomberman, mostly from Super Bomberman 5. I'd like to implement all powerups from that game, [...]
Just checked it out on YT and some of the powerups are insane :D Looking forward to receiving new ones in Bomberbot.
Does this also mean you'll have indestructible block clusters and not just the "every other block is indy" layout?
When can we expect a new version? :)
Played couple of games yesterday.
Not sure what the lobby is for. Like there are 4 lobbies. Let all 12 people do battle royale. the more the merrier lulz. But not really 12 players in 1 lobby will be hectic... IMO, I'd rather limit the max player size to say 8, and let there only be 1 lobby.
Hmm... Let's say you want to keep the lobby. 12 players in.
- With 2 lobbies: 6 each. 3v3 This is pretty good already
- With 3 lobbies: 4 each. 2v2 or FFA. This is good only for FFA. 2v2 still ok.
- With 4 lobbies: 3 each. FFA only. Only good for FFA. 3 guys in a lobby kinda dry..
If you want to keep lobbies do max 3. but imo destroy lobbies, only 1, limit max player size to 6 or 8.
Otherwise, the best bomberman spinoff in SC2 Arcade yet. Keep updating. hopefully more bomber, not just automaton/tastosis bot. SC2 Music kinda lame too, especially protoss music, just doesnt fit the scenario. AI is actually very smart, they know how to block your path. Teal and Blue color, pick one, too similar... confusing. Camera toggle follow doesnt seem to work last time I tried.
Different layouts is something I'd like to see. But, it's not something I'm working on right now. If you got an idea for alternative layouts, post them and I'll possibly implement such option in next update. Otherwise it'll remain low on to-do list, until I get in the mood to design them.
I don't know when next update will be ready, but I want to release it before new year.
@Maknyuzz: Go
Well, I had my reasons for 4 lobbies, but with time I came to realize that first of all I'm making a SC map, not something else. If people want to play separately they will play separately. But if they all play same map, they probably want to play together, which means that multiple lobbies do nothing other than:
In next update there will be only one lobby. First player to click the button will setup games parameters (but I guess with this I also must add an option to usurp host of his powers if he proves to be incompetent).
Player amount in map should be balanced by ability to set arena to different sizes. Final arena size is as big as 4 regular arenas combined, which is enough to house 12 player company. (I won't decrease player amount because I enjoy thinking about chaos created by 12 player bomberman match. But if I see it as issue in the future I might split map in 2 modes, one with 8 players and another one with 14); I know that some colors are too similiar, but cannot remove them due to player amount.
Music.. got any advice where I can look for free tracks? About camera, did you try to turn it off or turn auto-follow back? Also, what is your screen resolution?
Thanks for feedback, it seems that different bomber models is something that people would enjoy.
@DuckyTheDuck: Go For music, I know http://www.jamendo.com off the top of my head. I'm not sure you're looking for this kind of music though, but you might find something useful there.
I like that you want to keep player numbers as high as possible, and I don't think there'd be need for 2 modes of the map.
As for map layouts, since even the slightest indy block changes have huge impact on gameplay, very simple patterns of only a few indy block clusters should do the job. Perhaps you can make it randomised with the host being able to set the maximum number of blocks in a cluster under map settings? You could use the common shapes from Tetris for simplicity.
@kuvasz88: Go
Thanks for link, I'll take a look at it later.
So, an option to randomly spawn clusters of indestructible blocks in tetris shapes? Sounds good. Will try it.
@DuckyTheDuck: Go Here's some more :) http://www.soundjay.com/free-music.html I quite like Iron Man, Cautious Path, and Jungle Run. Though you might have longer and more ambient music in mind - these may sound "cluttery" and short.
That site can prove to be useful in other aspects as well. I used some sounds for my stream for example but didn't notice that there were music tracks there as well - could've suggested it earlier.
@kuvasz88: Go
Whoa, that's a useful site to have in bookmarks. The music is also very nice. But you're right, it's not something that would fit. A shame they don't have more tracks.
Version 0.2 is now published on NA :)
@Nebuli2: Go
v0.2NA = v0.8EU.
Update details:
Merry Xmas!
I really like the new version!
(you have to make ranking system and single player mode:D)
@Hookah604: Go
I like it too <3
I'm hesitant to make single-player before I finish all powerups.. But I suppose I could create a dungeon mode like in original bomberman where you go down 50 stages of randomly generated levels with different monsters.
And rankings.. I don't think there is anything to track down. What would you base your rank off? Kills, wins? I don't see any stat that would be an accurate representation of skill/rank, especially since game is heavily influenced by luck. It would be like making a ranking system for russian roulette game. I just don't see how it would work.