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    posted a message on [Data, Actor] [Events + Message] Texture Select By ID

    Well after doing some re-texturing to some textures files, I tried to Import them back into the game and now I'm getting a error message that tells me its unable to load image and Core: a required object could not be found.

    I've done this before roughly about a year ago and haven't had any problems with it up until now. What has happen to the textures files it's preventing me importing back into the game?

    Edit: Ok that was a pretty stupid question I had there. I eventually figure out what I was doing wrong . Turns out I just had to save the map for the texture to register in the editor.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Mysterious Blue After Glow

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Good guess. That would be neat to see. Here is the deal my 1 Picture here does not do this Mysterious Blue Glow justice because It actually fades in and out and moves around.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Mysterious Blue After Glow

    Hello there, I found a pretty neat bug today so I thought I would share it because it will certainly make you think whats going on here.

    Ok this is what happen I was doing some landscaping and out of the corner of my eye I see a mysterious blue glow on the terrain. At first sight It was something new to me I never saw it before and I was thinking what is that where did it come from. So I go to the doodads tab and do a select all function thinking I will be able to select it and nothing happened so next I go to the units tab and do the same thing and still it was not selected. At first I was about to restart the map editor because there was no way in selecting this Mysterious Blue Glow and I didn't want it in the map but after testing the game I see the blue glow is gone in the game but once your back in the Editor the blue glow is still there. Now to get an idea what this blue looks like here is a screen cap of the mysterious blue glow.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [Solved] Disappearing Boss Bar

    Well what ever the problem was I was able to fix it. Here is what I did, I deleted the trigger and made another one and now the boss bar works and stays up unit the boss has been defeated.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Disappearing Boss Bar

    @joey101d: Go

    No problem there

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Disappearing Boss Bar

    @Knallertton: Go


    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Disappearing Boss Bar

    @willuwontu: Go

    That is probably the case. Several times now I have seen the Boss bar disappear right after I redirected a Melee attack from the Boss unit to another unit, Tho this is not the case everytime sometimes the Boss bar just disappears right after it was created.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Disappearing Boss Bar

    @Knallertton: Go Here is a list of the boss bar UI triggersI use for my map.

    • UI - Display boss bar 1 with title "Hybrid Destroyer ", portrait Assets\Textures\ui_chatbaricons_terran_individual.dds and maximum value 100 for (All players)
    • UI - Set boss bar 1 boss to Boss[0] (Do refresh the boss bar)
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Disappearing Boss Bar

    Hi there, I ran in to a strange problem with the Boss Bar UI in my map. The problem is that the boss bar is disappearing randomly while the boss is still alive. I dont have a clue why this is going on with the boss bar. The boss bar was working fine in the previous patches for my map.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Will blizzard get mad if I use Real Nation/Religion Names?

    The chances will be very easy to dispute against if one person who dislikes a viewpoint in your game when that viewpoint is proven fact. The greater part of the problem will be on the generalization of religions for your map in the terms on how you want to go about it... Lot can be said here but I will keep the focus on religious labels. See if your just wanting to attribute any kind of general religious labels for any national territories, then there is nothing wrong with that but in the deeper context of things there will always be something that is not portrayed correctly like a certain religious faction.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on Will blizzard get mad if I use Real Nation/Religion Names?

    First off Yes your map would probably get removed if you don't represent the World Nation and Religion correctly. I already see inconsistencies with your understandings about what Nation Israel Religion is. Israel is really Zionism which is way more radical then the regular Judaism because Zionist believe America(USA) was basically created to destroy Islam. While with Islam its religion is more versed around the religion begin the State while the Nation states are just titles of nobility that Western states(Romans) have forced. The real nobility is in the bloodline and their very tribal based because of this. When it comes to America we have no Religious state therefore America has given equal choice to all Religious beliefs fashioned with the Leaders beliefs. That begin said Christianity is a religion of belief which in turn Atheism is a religion of disbelief and this is the ultimate path that all religion succumb to begin, either a religion of life or a religion of death those are the only two religions to pick from for this brave new world.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
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    posted a message on [Bug] Fleet Beacon Default Requirements

    @SoulFilcher: Go Map is marked as an arcade map. Here is a Screen cap of the dependencies.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [Bug] Fleet Beacon Default Requirements

    Hi there, I found a bug in my map when I upload it to Bnet; However, this problem is no where to be seen when I test the map in the Editor.

    Here is the issue. I ran into a strange problem with the Fleet Beacon research ability in my map specifically the Gravitic Thrusters. For some strange reason the Fleet Beacon research ability works as desired when I Test the map in the Editor but once I upload the map to Bnet the Fleet Beacon research ability specifically the Gravitic Thrusters no longer is working properly. For some strange reason the Gravitic Thrusters Requirements is switching to the Default Requirement once establish on Bnet and is also causing the upgrade not to function properly for the Scout.

    I've tried fixing this problem with the research ability several times, but to no success it still reverts back to the default requirements once the map is establish on Bnet again. I havent found a fix yet but right now the only solution to me that seems viable is to make another Gravitic Thrusters Research Upgrade and not use the Gravitic Thrusters that is already there in the Fleet Beacon research ability.

    Its a very strange bug seeing the stuff I done should have corrected it by now.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on Ironically: In the End Obeying Saved the Day

    @ThePhail: Go

    Well generally that would be the case for any one of our nature but I see Amon as that misunderstood god character trying to put an end to the work started by its fellow Xel'naga entities. Amon is displeased with the results of life in the universe because Amon was bedridden in a void of weakness that was absorb form lower life forms. Its possible Amon became a Suicidal Fanatic due to these life energies and with that yes that is pretty evil.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Ironically: In the End Obeying Saved the Day
    Quote from ArcaneDurandel: Go

    Yes, the Overminds actions allowed Kerrigans creation. But do recall that the dark templar were the only reason the Protoss were not totally exterminated by the Overmind. Without the dark templar, the Protoss would have stood no chance against the swarm and the Overmind would have completed the total annhilation of Aiur.

    So in other words Amon already lost the game in SC1. I like it.

    Posted in: General Chat
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