Cant help u in any way, just wanted to say when the first mission came out i was starstruck by the atmosphere, potential of this project. Hope it turns out well.
Its gonna be worth it. Unlike other games this one is like HARD. Dark souls HARD. The sound,visuals are all implacable. Its a step above most rts nowadays, given its also in early access.
U have to give huge props to the mapmaker. Making 20 + awesome missions is no easy task. Usually midway point people lose motivation,interest, job or school stuff comes about. This really is hard and if there ever was an award it should be given to this person.
I been waiting forthis so long. Seriously this mini campaign is real underrated. One can see it was made by a person who has passion for this game. Its funky, lovable weird. I loved the past missions and cant wait for next!
Cant help u in any way, just wanted to say when the first mission came out i was starstruck by the atmosphere, potential of this project. Hope it turns out well.
In reply to mithras_gnosis:
In reply to DrSuperEvil:
U have to give huge props to the mapmaker. Making 20 + awesome missions is no easy task. Usually midway point people lose motivation,interest, job or school stuff comes about. This really is hard and if there ever was an award it should be given to this person.
Hi yall! I know this is a starcraft 2 forum but i came across a really great game that reminded me on starcraft 2, its called "they are billions".
If u like starcraft u should enjoy this one. Hope im not breaking any rules. Peace
I been waiting forthis so long. Seriously this mini campaign is real underrated. One can see it was made by a person who has passion for this game. Its funky, lovable weird. I loved the past missions and cant wait for next!