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    posted a message on Obfuscating script causes compile error at publish time
    Quote from VindicisSC2: Go

    Has anyone else run into this issue? This is the error it gives:

    Script failed to compile: This field is not a member of the struct type (See Trigger Editor for more details) For a line looking like this: DialogSetVisible(gv_1C0E642E.lv_A394EA11, PlayerGroupSingle(lp_70243BE3), true);

    Obviously I want to find out what gv_1C0E642E.lv_A394EA11 is, but when I view my script and compile it from there I get no error. I looked through all my Show Dialog calls and I'm not seeing an issue there either.

    Do not use Obfuscator if you have custom script in your map. I also got an errors with Obfuscator, he just can't Obfuscate custom script.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on This is How Blizzard cares about Arcade

    Just check their new site http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/ Arcade link is broken http://battle.net/arcade Seriously, when i first time visited site, i checked all links. Took me 1 minute. It's broken about 3-5 days already. Company with 4k employees can't fix this... really...

    And the new arcade interface has not brought any improvements on promoting new maps...gg

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [WC3] Castle Fight

    [WC3] Castle Fight is enhanced version of Castle Fight 1.14b from Warcraft 3. Below a list of features and differences between Warcraft 3 and Starcraft 2 versions:

    • Starcraft 2 version has a comprehensive stats/points and rank system. All data and stats are stored in bank files. Each player can access to all player's data inside a game.
    • Starcraft 2 version has an autobalance system based on stats/points. When game started with 4 vs 4 mode, it creates 2 teams with minimum deviation of ranking points. It does not matter how players are joined in lobby. It's always balancing inside a game. But you can also freeze yourself in team(checkbox during vote time).
    • Starcraft 2 version does not have a rounds. It was removed due to uselessness of this feature.
    • Starcraft 2 version has a regame feature. You don't need to leave a game and start a new one. You can do it inside a current game, when it's finished. Of course if you want to play versus other players you can leave current game.
    • Starcraft 2 version has improved income system. Increased base income and period of income reduced to 7 seconds. You can build only one Treasure Box, but it has infinite upgrades. Taxes are also little changed. All this changes were done to increase gameplay of map.
    • Starcraft 2 version has a new building Upgrade Center, which contains upgrades for units(damage, attack speed, armor, movement speed, hp regen), buildings, Castle(hp, hp regen, armor) and heroes. Upgrades were created for late game.
    • Starcraft 2 version has a new building Tavern with heroes. They have powerful attack and abilities. They can also be upgradable with Upgrade Center.
    • All buildings in Starcraft 2 version has a food requirement. It were done to limit a number of buildings for each player. Currently food limit is 90, if 4 players in team. It's dynamically changes based on number of players in team. So, if 2 players in team, it will be 180 for each player.
    • All buildings in Starcraft 2 version can be salvaged. None resources will be returned.
    • Cheese was removed from the game. Each player can build only one legendary building.
    • In Starcraft 2 Builder can attack enemy units. He can also buy items to increase damage and movement speed.
    • Artillery damage was reduced to 50-100 from original 300-400.
    • Added rewards and achievements.

    In summary, this map is a hybrid of Nexus Wars and Castle Fight in terms of mechanics. New Castle Fight have a dynamic gameplay, more features and competitive factor with stats/ranking system.

    Currently only 3 races are available(human, undead, orc). I plan to add new race each 3 days.

    Map is published on all starcraft 2 servers with name [WC3] Castle Fight.

    You can find additional information about map and development on official website http://sc2castle.com

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Adapt your older maps to War3 Mod 3.0

    @Renee2islga: Go

    I uses latest version for my map and it works fine with your new update. It were broken, but i resaved my map and it's fine now, new behavior ui looks cool.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Swarm 3.0 Coming
    Quote from joey101d: Go

    @KorvinGump: Go

    Did you try using ctrl+alt+f ?

    Quote from joey101d: Go

    Should bring up fps, ping and stall per minute

    It does not help.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Swarm 3.0 Coming
    Quote from deltronLive: Go

    @SolidSC: Go

    For those getting better performance, are you playing from the arcade or from the editor? Also are you using 32 or 64 bit? I was playing on the arcade and was getting some lag with the game showing 0 fps (64 bit).

    I also have 0 fps when you hover mouse on menu with 64 bit client.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 3.0 Map-Maker Troubleshooter Thread
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    Pitfall: Unusable garbage

    Solution Wait for LotV release and hope for the best

    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    @FunkyUserName: Go

    i just opened my main map with a huge pack of data abilities which i was polishing and redoing as i learned new better methods over the years. And guess what? half of them doesn't work and using some of them causing game to crush with a critical error. I spend so much time learning the data editor, i won't kill any more of my time fighting with this bugs.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Patch 3.0 Map-Maker Troubleshooter Thread

    Pitfall: Units can't sell items to buildings/shops.

    Solution: Create Fake empty inventory ability and add it to all buildings/shops.

    Just fixed my map Galaxy Vampirism.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Swarm 3.0 Coming
    Quote from FunkyUserName: Go

    any reports of broken maps already? and more important what was done to fix it. a short summary for the lazy ones would be great.

    I have tested my new map. Some new errors are appeared during debug, but they are not critical. You should fix only game variants.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Swarm 3.0 Coming
    Quote from Forge_User_26451472: Go

    Oh wow, reading it on reddit, my heart just skipped a beat right there Quote:

    Can use MULTIPLE TEXTURE SETS FOR THE SAME MAP, as long as 2 different texture sets don't exist in the same 8x8 area

    I mean, ArcanePariah did mention texture sets, but I was still skeptical. Seeing it live is somehow so overwhelmingly different.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on And the new Arcade UI is revealed!

    Very little information about arcade and i am so skeptical about two buttons "Join" and "Browse".

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Swarm 3.0 Coming

    Prepare for death of maps after patch XD. I think so many new bugs will appear :D

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Increase performance of Warcraft mod

    @Renee2islga: Go

    This is what i had in my actor, i did it myself before you posted it. And it still does not work for Abomination. It did not work for rifleman also, but after unknown actions it started work for rifleman and still does not work for some other units.

    EDIT: Found weird bug, just reseted macroses for actor of Abomination and it works... Before this I changed marcos field to remove Console Status Bar. Then changed War3_DeadAnimationMacroUnit (Unnamed). And changes in War3_DeadAnimationMacroUnit (Unnamed) have not applied to this unit. Seems it's errors in editor. So just need to reset macros field of all units and then remove Console Status Bar again, lol.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Increase performance of Warcraft mod

    @Renee2islga: Go

    Yes, but some units still have death model removed after long time, for example Abomination.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on Increase performance of Warcraft mod

    @Chewiest: Go

    Death Time does not have any relations to death time of death model of unit. Demolisher have 0 death time but death model removed through War3_DeadAnimationMacroUnit (Unnamed) actor settings. I fixed rifleman, don't know how, but just did everything again and set death model animation to 5 seconds in War3_DeadAnimationMacroUnit (Unnamed) actor.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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