whatever you import in your map, it will send you that message.
Just save the map and maybe close/re open it for the "asset" (picture/model/model dds/whatever) to appear (in the import/export window and everywhere else in galaxy) /be properly imported in your map.
Once you know this, then you can start importing galore. (i spent hours on this, hope REMINDING people regularly helps them not lose that much time)...
That "bug" is ridiculous and has never even been "reported" i guess, by any mapmakers in a blue thread prone manner.
Reminds me of the "rejoin bug" (when you finish playing an arcade game and you rejoin another one (whichever path you take) .. and the game gets stuck endlessly on joining that map (and it never works)). One has to force quit sc2 and reboot it to re access anything multiplayer... (sometimes zoning in the menus like replay / other / waiting works.. but sub par and occasionaly works).
Those e bugs are real lame!
What could be even lamer is the absence of a community "fixing" those for them (and yes that starts with players/coders uniting "versus" the game devs ; which they don't /generally speaking).
i bow to your impeccable vernacular.. please add "upload limit" on that mission critical list <3
(needs to be doubled-uped)
what i do on mapster?
i hope for community news
i hope for "news"
i read/write on forums
i upload my files (.sc2map/jpg/gif/...) unto my project page
i polish the presentation of my (now white beurk) browser page
and hope to one day be in front page..
More seriously, i am learning the editor and i like forum exchanges (even though i am awful at networking, i still somehow feel a sense of being less alone in my HUGE project by "surfing" mapster)
and i want to get people (much better coders/mapmakers) to want to do my project too, so i try to get their trust/friendship.. to test or help/participate (that must be a karma thing also)..
in a broad aspect, i want to make galaxy become a movie making machine ..
for me too.. yes
(if i'm honest, i want coders to tell my stories, i m a screenwriter first and foremost, for me galaxy is maya/flash/etc and although i like doing the work, i'm going blind already from all tables/data fields)
.. furthermore
i'm wanting this (camera work improvements/access/awareness) for everyone
Take the melee scene for instance, it is sorely lacking any sexyness in the showcasing of pro players 1v1.. that is so sad i want to inspire/make someone on mapster save them...
Take the arcade scene.. why does mapster not have a 24/7 stream on showing all the videos showcasing everything that there is to showcase LIVE! (everything arcade) all the cool videos featuring the maps available (their gameplays/other) , the live maps (shown on stream/in dev/player showcasing it/etc).. the crowded maps etc...? ;
i would answer because galaxy 's movie capacity is but a foetus and it could be a hybrid/ultralisk/odin.. if there was mapster impulse for it (impulse sc2/blizzard wants!!)
impulse that will inevitably come..
Whether mapster is on point or not is a community question really !?
The map file is uploaded/download-able, just the message beneath "Recent files" is incorect, it should feature/link the file i did upload which is available .. or am i wrong?
i just wanted to see how this super front page worked .. so glad the "default" is on popular (just like blizzard's pop system, sub par!).
i knew that it would not put my map on front page "dynamically", i was "subtly" lobbying for it to be done in a (soon(tm)) future.. since the new site "code" is so glittery new and awesome and tall and handsome with a mustache and smells nice [sigh] ...
So basically.. the current front page that would be opened by a potential new mapmaker wishing to DO her/his project would try several times to upload a map and then?..?
muppetstore needs a front page with "current events" window(s)
- links to current events threads (think monthly map test/ terrain weekly exercise / etc)
- latest bug fix / question answered (link to thread/name of poster/link to thread linked as answer if applicable)
- latest hot topics
- latest maps (NOT ONE MAP!)
- links to 10 last posts
- a window with a live current mapster user stream open (if there is one online)
- a window for muppetstore arcade map ads with ALL videos played out (in an updated loop)
This type of "active" front page would help/matter..
the current one is overwhelmingly inefficiently thought out for its purpose (getting people exited to be on said site / generate traffic / help users get what they want/need)
Yes .. one has to be clear..
whatever you import in your map, it will send you that message.
Just save the map and maybe close/re open it for the "asset" (picture/model/model dds/whatever) to appear (in the import/export window and everywhere else in galaxy) /be properly imported in your map.
Once you know this, then you can start importing galore. (i spent hours on this, hope REMINDING people regularly helps them not lose that much time)...
That "bug" is ridiculous and has never even been "reported" i guess, by any mapmakers in a blue thread prone manner.
Reminds me of the "rejoin bug" (when you finish playing an arcade game and you rejoin another one (whichever path you take) .. and the game gets stuck endlessly on joining that map (and it never works)). One has to force quit sc2 and reboot it to re access anything multiplayer... (sometimes zoning in the menus like replay / other / waiting works.. but sub par and occasionaly works).
Those e bugs are real lame!
What could be even lamer is the absence of a community "fixing" those for them (and yes that starts with players/coders uniting "versus" the game devs ; which they don't /generally speaking).
bye bye
new mapster?
New mapster?
New mapster?
New mapster?
New mapster?
New mapster?
New mapster?
New mapster?
thank you for the term "mission critical" <3
poster sends virtual cheesecake]
i bow to your impeccable vernacular.. please add "upload limit" on that mission critical list <3
(needs to be doubled-uped)
what i do on mapster?
i hope for community news
i hope for "news"
i read/write on forums
i upload my files (.sc2map/jpg/gif/...) unto my project page
i polish the presentation of my (now white beurk) browser page
and hope to one day be in front page..
More seriously, i am learning the editor and i like forum exchanges (even though i am awful at networking, i still somehow feel a sense of being less alone in my HUGE project by "surfing" mapster)
and i want to get people (much better coders/mapmakers) to want to do my project too, so i try to get their trust/friendship.. to test or help/participate (that must be a karma thing also)..
in a broad aspect, i want to make galaxy become a movie making machine ..
for me too.. yes
(if i'm honest, i want coders to tell my stories, i m a screenwriter first and foremost, for me galaxy is maya/flash/etc and although i like doing the work, i'm going blind already from all tables/data fields)
.. furthermore
i'm wanting this (camera work improvements/access/awareness) for everyone
Take the melee scene for instance, it is sorely lacking any sexyness in the showcasing of pro players 1v1.. that is so sad i want to inspire/make someone on mapster save them...
Take the arcade scene.. why does mapster not have a 24/7 stream on showing all the videos showcasing everything that there is to showcase LIVE! (everything arcade) all the cool videos featuring the maps available (their gameplays/other) , the live maps (shown on stream/in dev/player showcasing it/etc).. the crowded maps etc...? ;
i would answer because galaxy 's movie capacity is but a foetus and it could be a hybrid/ultralisk/odin.. if there was mapster impulse for it (impulse sc2/blizzard wants!!)
impulse that will inevitably come..
Whether mapster is on point or not is a community question really !?
TLDR/too long didn't read:
A community is what i want on muppetstore..
FORUMS are mapster
(kind of mission cri ti cal too by the way!!!)
hope springs eternal
Just a poke:
if you wish to upload a project, the map file must be zip format, it will not accept a .sc2map format.
(A message stating that zip is the only format accepted would be good, no?)
The map file is uploaded/download-able, just the message beneath "Recent files" is incorect, it should feature/link the file i did upload which is available .. or am i wrong?
i just wanted to see how this super front page worked .. so glad the "default" is on popular (just like blizzard's pop system, sub par!).
i knew that it would not put my map on front page "dynamically", i was "subtly" lobbying for it to be done in a (soon(tm)) future.. since the new site "code" is so glittery new and awesome and tall and handsome with a mustache and smells nice [sigh] ...
So.. my map is not a file uploaded yet? Or is this me reporting a bug new people might scratch their head about?
nice idea <3
don't call it
"wall e"
compressing my map in a zip format worked..
now i am in the limbo of "approval" for my project.. (was cool when muppetStore had mods that are/were mapmakers...)
can't even pm superevil..
[insert selfsob here] .. my christmas present cannot be ...
.. to be auto promoted on mapster front page
(as most recent map uploaded wouldn't i be getting that gift?)
#waiting for approval of a project with a map that is playable / approved by blizzard) on bnet :?
ps: a cute/simple message SIGNALING that you have to zip the map on mapster (from now on)
would be fine by me...
<3 Edit:
was wondering what a new user would feel like.. starting a project
i got served
also, ty superevil
Has anyone thought to dissect the nice mister flamegoat's choice of id?
..or am i alone in the dark?
Guy falls into a hole,
he is distraught,
out of his mind, tries to climb out, yells for help like a tormented soul...
Dude strolls by and hears the pleas for help,
signals Guy to move back, Guy is like a carpet with snot profusely coming out of him.
Guy curls back to a corner of the hole.
Dude jumps in
Guy is even more distraught!
"what the f ck?!" "now you dumb f ck you are stuck here with me"
"i can't believe just how dumb you are"
"chill.. you were asking for help man!?"
"yes but I didn't need company.. I want to get out"
"that's cool"
"you are stuck here.. and you are uncomfortable i can see that"
"thing is.. i have fell down here before..."
"i know the way out"
1st spoiler on mapster <3
tsdr: too short do read-on!
So after being "arguably" neglected for several years, are we now going to be rejected ..?????
[insert half veiled sarcasm karma sigh]
"rejected" much lately ? i know the feels man'
So basically.. the current front page that would be opened by a potential new mapmaker wishing to DO her/his project would try several times to upload a map and then?..?
Edit ps: merry muppetStore to us all <3
Please post a mapster ribbon picture to replace the current flawed one
muppetstore needs a front page with "current events" window(s)
- links to current events threads (think monthly map test/ terrain weekly exercise / etc)
- latest bug fix / question answered (link to thread/name of poster/link to thread linked as answer if applicable)
- latest hot topics
- latest maps (NOT ONE MAP!)
- links to 10 last posts
- a window with a live current mapster user stream open (if there is one online)
- a window for muppetstore arcade map ads with ALL videos played out (in an updated loop)
This type of "active" front page would help/matter..
the current one is overwhelmingly inefficiently thought out for its purpose (getting people exited to be on said site / generate traffic / help users get what they want/need)
New site discussion ?
==> https://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/general/general-chat/182044-sc2-mapster-upgrade-discussion-thread
Please post here FEATURES you think would make this site a REAL live site!