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    posted a message on Cant loot items

    Ok that trigger works with left click the item, but it doesnt really work in a TPS because left clicking will just select the hero instead of the item nearby

    So is there a way to use right click to pick up the items (just like normal...)?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Trigger] WASD Movement: The "S" Key and You.

    just curious, does this system work for 8-12 players?

    would the input delay, and any trigger lag make the map unplayable for 8-12 players?

    or is the input delay and/or trigger lag be stable and manageable?

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Battle Royale

    "At the dawn of the millennium, the nation collapsed. At fifteen percent unemployment, ten million were out of work. 800,000 students boycotted school. The adults lost confidence and, fearing the youth, eventually passed the Millennium Educational Reform Act, AKA the BR Act...."

    Based on the Movie, Novel, and Manga, Battle Royale is 3rd Person Shooter immersing YOU in the Battle Royale Program!

    If you have watched the movie and ever wished you could have participated in killing your friends and classmates as in the movie, now is your chance!

    • 3rd Person shooter, FFA survival, 1-12 Players (the more the merrier)
    • Full 3rd person Shooter controls~ WASD to move (strafe to dodge gunfire bullets or arrows etc), left click to shoot weapon, right click to use support backpack item/weapon, and spacebar to melee attack)
    • Each player has a student randomly selected for them (all 42 students of class 3-B are playable)
    • Every student gets the weapon that was assigned to them in the movie, ie. fork, machinegun, paper fan, grenades, shotgun, etc, and you kill other students and loot their weapons
    • Any slots not filled by human players, will be filled with computer AI, that can run around, shoot, attack, dodge gunfire, like a real human, (but they don't pick up items or enter houses) for 14 players FFA mayhem!
    • New weapons can be found by killing other players and taking their loot, or by searching in houses, which have a randomized loot table of 100+ different and unique weapons ranging from potassium cyanide, to baseball bats, to special guns (sniper rifles etc)
    • With randomized assigned students, randomized start locations, randomized start orders, randomized danger zones, randomized weather, randomized loot table of houses/stores of 100+ weapons, each game is bound to be unique and different from the last.

    Now Released on US Servers


    Battle Royale is my favorite novel, movie, and a great manga (another manga takes the cake), and so of course during the heyday of Warcraft 3, I just had to make Battle Royale map

    Now its time for Starcraft2, and with it a Battle Royale for the Starcrafters in all of us!

    BTW In 2009, Quentin Tarantino listed Battle Royale as his favorite film released since he began directing in 1992.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Weird bug with having full inventory and clicking on your own unit?

    Thats in units stats item right? nope none of the heroes are items, or have flags as items, even regular marine with inventory does this

    EDIT: FIXED this by adding a target filter that requires ITEM for the inventory ability

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Weird bug with having full inventory and clicking on your own unit?

    If my hero has a full inventory of 6 items out of 6 possible spots, then when you right click on your hero you get a "Cannot carry anymore" error message

    If the hero has 5 or less items, then clicking near or on your hero is fine, and theres no message

    Anyone know why if hero has full inventory, then right clicking near or on the hero will give the cannot carry anymore message?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Possible to hide units on the minimap?

    bumping an old topic because i have a similar question:

    Is there a way to hide units on the minimap for specific players?

    If you use the Trigger action, send actor message Set minimap visibility, that affects all players...so is there a way to hide the units on minimap for some players, and then dynamically during the game show/hide units on the minimap for certain players?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on How to increase range of picking up items?

    thx lol, i tried just changing the stat range un the ability but it seems you need to change both stat range and drop range fields

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on How to increase range of picking up items?

    I found a "pickup" ability in data editor, but when I change the range of that from 1, to 10, it doesnt do anything, and heroes still need to walk up close to get the item

    Anyone know how to increase the range of picking of items?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HALP! Randomize heroes and give item

    Ok i have a ported over trigger from warcraft3 that randomizes heroes, removes each one from the unit array as they are made so there are no doubles

    It works perfectly in SC2 also, there are never doubles of heroes, and each person always get a different hero

    However, the assignment item that is matched with the hero, very rarely may be different for some reason

    For example, Marine hero is "unit(1)", and Marine hero should always have "item(1)" given to that hero, but sometimes he gets another Item from the array


    Rndp1, Rndp2, etc are global integers

    N is a global integer

    Hero is a unit array

    playunit is a unit array

    Items is a unit array


    Variable - Set Rndp1 = (Random integer between 1 and N)

    Unit - Create 1 Hero[Rndp1] for player 1 at (Center of Region 001) facing 270.0 degrees (No Options)

    Variable - Set playunit[1] = (Last created unit)

    Unit - Create one Items[Rndp1] item in the inventory of playunit[1]

    Variable - Set Hero[Rndp1] = Hero[N]

    Variable - Set N = (N - 1)


    0.3 seconds later in another trigger...................

    Variable - Set Rndp2 = (Random integer between 1 and N)

    Unit - Create 1 Hero[Rndp2] for player 2 at (Center of Region 002) facing 270.0 degrees (No Options)

    Variable - Set playunit[2] = (Last created unit)

    Unit - Create one Items[Rndp2] item in the inventory of playunit[2]

    Variable - Set Hero[Rndp2] = Hero[N]

    Variable - Set N = (N - 1)


    After 0.3 seconds, that another trigger for player 2, fires, then player 3 after another 0.3 seconds etc all the way to player 12

    All the heroes are created perfectly, never doubles and always different

    But the item assigned, doesnt always match up, perhaps maybe 1/10 times there is a non matching hero and item

    Anyone know why?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Computer player doesn't drop items?


    When a hero drops items on death, the items arent neutral....they are BELONGING to that player!, so if player 2 blue dies, the items he drops is player 2 blue owned!

    And the explosion kill/death is killing the items as soon as they spawn cause they belong to that player!

    Lol, finally figured it out, and got it working now...changed stuff so it excludes items when killing, and also trigger to change the items to player 0 neutral

    whew finally lol

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Computer player doesn't drop items?

    HAlp<sub> does anyone know if theres something funny with computer players, and dropping items?</sub>

    I clearly see the computer have the +damage bonus from the item so they have the item in their inventory, yet they dont drop it upon death...

    And my hero, when killed by a computer hero, doesnt drop any items either...

    Anyone know if this is a glitch with computer controlled heroes?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Fences and other doodads falling through ground

    I have some fences "Chain link Diagonal" and large home doodad that recently have been falling through the ground, ie, they dont retain the height that I set them at

    some bridges are using those fences, but when I found that some of the fences were lowered into the ground

    And one of the large home doodads that I place above water (and thus use alot of raise height) falls through the water and ends up on the bottom

    I dont know why this has happened recently, yesterday it happened once, and I had to go and use the CONTROL SHIFT A, to select all the fences and home doodads and raise them all up and delete the ones that messed up (not all fall through, only some)

    Then today just now I noticed it happened again....the large home doodad is in the bottom of the water...and maybe about half of the fences are fallen through the ground...

    Anyone know why this is happening and how to fix this?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on HALP! Ability is doing unintended damage twice

    THANK YOU Kueken531, DrSuperEvil, Talon0815!!

    got it to work!

    OMG, Kueken i think your fireball spell is what i based my spell on from a while back!

    this was the problem in the destroy persistant

    destroy persistent

    Target - Location + (None):Source Unit

    Target - Marker + 1:(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled):(Disabled|Disabled|Disabled|Disabled):Effect/SHOOTdestroypersistent

    theses 2 fields were wrong ( i had it on caster unit, and all the target markers for most of my effects were not correct) and thats what caused the multiple hits!

    thanks all again, now i can get back to more terraining and doodading hehe

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HALP! Ability is doing unintended damage twice

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    just took off the Persist Until Destroyed flag. and then there was no damage whatsoever

    do any of you guys mind making a quick demo map of ability that targets a point and does damage to the first thing it meets ( and only hits once of course lol) no actors, sounds or anything, just the basic spell so I can copy it, and see exactly what im doing wrong

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HALP! Ability is doing unintended damage twice

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    yep only does the damage twice (i have red attack text trigger when unit receives damage)

    could it possibly have to do with "target unit/point" or stuff I picked wrong?

    If i change some stuff to "source unit" then yea, the damage goes infinitely until the unit dies lol (funny stuff)


    ARGH, i just now went and looked through Wingednosering's Straight_Shot tutorial, and copied his ability into mines (in his map spells hits front guy target only once just like i want)

    then in my map, his "straightshot" would shoot directly into the ground at the caster going nowhere

    so then i took out some of his suicide height effects and got the spell to work

    however, It hits the target multiple times also!...why in his map his spell only hits once, but when i get it to work in my map it hits several times lol...

    his spell is different than mines too, he uses a behavior on the ammo unit that has the persistant on it, but for some reason in my map its hitting multiple times, just like my spell...

    Posted in: Data
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