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    posted a message on I need a database for UED

    Nice! You even made a custom cliff type for the UED.

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on SC2Mapster Classic Skin

    For those of you who're using the newest version of Firefox, you might've noticed that Stylish is being marked as a legacy update and it won't work with Firefox version 57 and beyond. Stylus seems to be a new program compatible with the new Firefox, but any old Stylish styles you have must be converted first.


    I've already converted the two SC2Mapster styles to a .json file. All you have to do is to import the file via Stylus and you're good to go.

    Here is a link: Click me!


    You can also do this yourself according to this FAQ, but you can save like two minutes with this :P

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on I need a database for UED
    Quote from Alleyvipersc2 >>



    How would you call this? Is it not a database? I always thought it was called like that. =(

    Technically-speaking you could call this database I guess.  It's just uncommon to use it in that context, because people just say "I want to copy this or that unit or ability", that's all.
    Anyway, I also had trouble with morphing units in the past, but maybe I can get it to work now.
    I've worked on a map with a new command center really quick. You can download it here: Click me!
    The map contains both a normal command center, as well as a new command center. For testing purposes I gave it the bio-dome model.
    If you try to lift-off and land the new command center, you can see that it has different command cards (one button is moved).
    Animations don't work because I was too lazy to add them specifically for the bio-dome, but otherwise this should work.
    The trick is that  1. both the standing and flying command center use the same actor, and 2. you have to replace every reference to the old command center, as well as flying command center, in the actor events.
    If you know how to use XML view, you can just copy the code from the existing command center, replace the old unit ID with the new one, and paste the code into the field of your new actor.
    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on I need a database for UED

    I think database is the wrong word to use here.


    If I'm understanding this right, you want a mod/dependency with working units, and those units use your UED models - is that what you want?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on I need a database for UED

    Could you please explain what exactly you mean by "database"?

    Posted in: Map Suggestions/Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on SC2: Mass Recall. Is it possible to replace ingame unit portraits?

    Starcraft 1 uses 2D images for all of their portraits, even the HD versions from Remastered are images.


    They are not models, therefore you can't just use them in Starcraft II (or the Mass Recall mod for that matter), as all portraits there are 3D models.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on (After last patch 3.171 Editor Command Enter and others do not work in XML. )

    It's not just you. The latest patch caused this.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on SC2 Mapster Upgrade Discussion Thread
    Quote from MaskedImposter >>

    This discord is nice. I've gotten some good help there. The only problem is that as far as I know there's no search function for past subjects. So you're limited to getting help there if someone happens to be on who knows the subject.


    There's a search field in the upper-right corner (lower-right corner on mobile). Contrary to popular belief, new users to get access to chat discussions which happened before they joined, so you can search for older topics after all.
    If you couldn't find something, then it's probably because you used the wrong search terms. I got the best search results by searching for just one word, and check every search entry. It's better than nothing.
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Publishing is not enabled

    Ever since the last patch, there are some severe issues when playing and/or publishing a map or mod to the Arcade. Blizzard disabled the publishing feature until they've fixed it.


    See the link below for details:


    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Curse killed sc2mapster

    Files that are not inside a zip file are all broken nowadays, and this started happening before Curse did the forum redesign.


    So technically-speaking it is Curse's fault, but it's not a recent problem. They must've changed their system a long time ago.


    To anyone trying to upload something new: Always put it into a zipfile or else it won't work.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Using a Single Texture to Blend Different Sets: Avoiding "Visual Artifacts"

    Not all errors are important.If the error message is red then it's a real issue, otherwise it depends.

    As long as it works in-game as intended, you can just ignore whatever non-critical error message shows up either in the editor or in-game. (You can disable error messages showing up in-game under Map Options).


    This multiple texture set error is one of those things you can ignore if necessary.

    You can use the same texture in both sets, it never caused any problems for for me. If it does glitch out, save the map and restart the editor. Only if the issue persists after that do you have to act, otherwise you're good to go.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0.96236012207528

    posted a message on Why the Story of StarCraft 2 Failed

    A very well-written piece!


    I also think that Starcraft 1 was as 90's edgy as it gets (Not to mention the music, Terran 1 is one of the music tracks of the 90's period), but the refusal to continue this direction and instead go for a more mainstream, not quite rated Mature storyline ruined things in the end.


    I think that World of Warcraft has changed them forever.  Blizzard no longer is a small, geeky and wild company, but a big influence for people all over the world. They couldn't pull-off another cynical storyline in any of their franchises even if they wanted to (except for Diablo I suppose).

    What's more, it's hard to write a sequel story for a game that was more or less finished. Duran and the hybrid were the only unexplored plot elements from SC1, so it became the overarching plot for SC2.


    A new start was needed, and by that I mean a considerable time gap.

    Look at Star Wars: The Force Awakens and how it taking place 30 years after Return of the Jedi allowed for some form of nostalgia, yet still gave new characters (and thus new plots) a chance to develop.

    Compare this to Starcraft II, which took place a mere four years after the first game. Too much conflict between old and new.


    Last but not least, Blizzard has never been good at telling a very detailed story. They've always been a gameplay-first company.

    In most of their games you have some mission briefings and some dialogue during missions, and that's about it. But Wings of Liberty had a proper storymode (Hyperion).


    Don't get me wrong, I like the chatter with all the NPCs, but it made players think that the story had to be taken more seriously. The story is considered more integral to the game experience.

    Compare this to Starcraft 1 in which you could just skip all the briefings and start the mission immediately. You could pay attention to the story, but it wasn't forced upon the players.


    Players had to spend more time thinking about the plot, which is good if the plot is good, and bad if it isn't. It either paid off big time for people who like the story, or further increases the frustration with the bad writing.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0.96218487394958

    posted a message on Map wont publish in any other locales except enUS

    The game selects the language/locale of the installed game language. So if you have English installed, then the game will only display English text when playing.

    That means that you can't test another language and check it for errors in a live game. You have to check the text manually in the editor, or ask for help from other players who have a different language of Starcraft II installed.


    The mapname is another issue entirely. Unless you press on the "use for all locales" button, the system will translate your mapname for all other languages. So if you want a consistent name across all languages, make sure to check that.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Editor Bug: Camera All Screwed Up Now
    Quote from EDHRIANO >>

    If I understand it correctly the bug is because using the latest patch.


    Soo .... is there a way to revert back to older patch, one without the camera bug?

    Nope, it's either using the latest patch or not being able to play online. Unlike Warcraft III and Starcraft I, there don't exist manual patches either.
    If you don't open the Battle.net/Blizzard App and don't update the game, you can still use the editor with an older version. But that is depending on luck (people haven't played in a while), so even if you got lucky, you can't expect other players to not updating.
    You have no choice but to wait for Blizzard to fix it unfortunately.
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on StarCraft II: Annihilation Campaign
    Quote from JayborinoPlays >>

    Anyone having cinematic issues with this map specifically?  I'd like to play it, but wanted to check first.

    Editor Bug: Camera All Screwed Now


    It affects the camera regardless of the map, and it's not just cutscenes (try rotating the map by pressing Delete or Insert multiple times).

    It affects everyone, including Windows users (you know things are dire if it's not just broken for Macs).


    You might want to postphone playing anything Starcraft II-campaigns until it's fixed.


    As for Dudki:

    Technically-speaking, doing camera transitions that are 10 seconds or less and pause between each transition avoids these issues. But creating a workaround just for this bug? I don't think it's worth it.

    Give it a month or two. If Blizzard hasn't patched it by now, you may consider it.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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