Audio Development

Enjoy working on music, sounds, or tracks for your map/mod projects? Here is the place to talk about it.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
[Request] Overmind-ish: about 8 sentences >>
by _ForgeUser7604059
1 1,608
Sourcing blizzard cutscene SFX >>
by Pr0nogoPlays
0 1,575
Suggestion for some Heroes >>
by zarxiel93
1 1,489
Check out Saints & Scoundrels! >>
by _ForgeUser11600919
0 1,489
Looking for some good Voice acting! >>
by _ForgeUser4352791
0 1,472
Need cinematic and Morales audio >>
by zarxiel93
0 1,467
Overwatch Sounds >>
by Queen_Gambit
0 1,319
RejuvinateEnergySound >>
by ChronAuroS
0 1,310
Changing Unit Phrases? >>
by _ForgeUser21686859
1 1,263
Attaching a looping sound to a unit? >>
by _ForgeUser20830246
0 1,205
Self-learning for audio plugin development? >>
by j1enik
0 491
Web Developer transitioning to Audio Implementation >>
by h1avar
0 46