War of the 12 Kingdoms


War of the 12 Kingdoms, the wildly popular map by Mr. MoneyBags and Edited to it's final form by King_Leopold on Warcraft 3 is now entering development. The map is being terrained by Milpheus and Coding By Shock on NA Server.

Some footage of the gameplay in alpha testing:

A terrain overview:

The project will be officially hosted at www.12kingdoms.net, and is part of the projects @ BrokenAlliances.com, the official home of Broken Alliances, War of the Lost Kingdoms, Rise of Empires and War of the 12 Kingdoms - All planned Warcraft Conversions.

The map shares the same circular format as it's predecessor with a few changes, there is now both and inner and outer circle, proving for more diverse base entries and army traveling. This was actually the biggest flaw in 12k on wc3, it was just circular in nature. I recorded a video clip to show the amount of activity we expect, this was with 10 people in game and without any creeps in place at the time, so activity will be very high in this map.


12 Players, 12 Bases. Players fight for minerals, each kill grants a bounty. The goal of the game is to kill your enemies and make alliances to do so. When not fighting an opponents army, take part in multiple quests throughout the maps many areas of exploration.

Each base allows for upgradable units spawned every one minute, armor, attack and ability upgrades will be featured as well.

Other Details:

- 12 Unique races, all World of Warcraft Models used in the unit creation in this map. - The same team who made this map on WC3 will be making it on SC2 - Quests, Quests, Quests! Fight and complete several brand new WC style quests while competing for the spoils from those quests. Equip your hero's with items that drop upon death and kill the crap outta each other for them! - Quests are base locations, the successful completion of a quest objective will create a vassal base where a 13th race can be spawned, the mighty Ents! - The warcraft feel to a starcraft map!

Developers: Team Lead - Shock (Current Editor of Broken Alliances and War of the 12 Kingdoms on WC3) Terrainer - Milpheus

Follow development at the official forums:



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 26, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Jan 31, 2012
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