'' Most units seem to Autoattack. Some nice effects with lightning and planets, but since it has already been seen also doesnt impress that much. ''
He's not gonna make every single zerg units have a trigger commanded specific action. And things that have already been seen aren't much impressive? LOL You musn't be a fan of professional sports! ''Golf: Yeah that was a good Hole in One 250 yards. But it have already been seen 11 years ago.. so it ain't impressive.. '' xD
Sorry man, but you are asking too much. Crainy ain't a professional cinematic crew on his own.
I go with GePanda. Zerg are known to be an endless swarm... we can feel it in your machinima. Congratulation!
I liked your trailer a lot. It looks professionnal. Specially the part with the zergling dying on the marine shield.!!! Don't mind Zenx1.. He's in a mad mood :P
Hope we can see the final product before christmas 2012 :D
Would be awesome if you made a map that would contain 5 or 6 minigames like this, and you earn points through winning minigames. or even<sub>,</sub>, MAKE MARIO PARTY like game!!!!!! :D
The shared stash isn't small, it's a couple time bigger than Diablo 2 one and I haven't been able to fill half of the first page it offers. (yes I'm in BETA since december 2011, hahha, take that Zeldarules28!!!)
And the character limit, that's grossely one slot for each character possibility. (male/female for each 5 class) So they will probably increase it whenever new character comes in :D (D3 Expension pack)
right, but the point of the butterfly was to get insect transparent wings (wings of which we see the veins and a little bit of gray while still behing able to see trough them.). Your tutorial shows a nice colored 0% transparency butterfly.
I'm the newbiest newb on Data Editing and I would like to create a new spell for a hero with a spell effect, all on datas. (I think Meph did his spell that way with his SmashCraft map)
So, how do we do?
Exemple of nice spell: Super Charge: Hero goes forward and knock the first target it encounters. At 2 foots from the target unit, create huge explosion of lights. Targeted unit is pushed back 3 foots.
LOVES THE BUNKER BUILD if i wasnt darn late on exam's homeworks, which exam is tomorow morning I WOULD PLAY ALL NIGHT
@Crainy: Go
Nice :D Glad you are keeping the heavy work
@zenx1: Go
Proper feedback?
'' Most units seem to Autoattack. Some nice effects with lightning and planets, but since it has already been seen also doesnt impress that much. ''
He's not gonna make every single zerg units have a trigger commanded specific action. And things that have already been seen aren't much impressive? LOL You musn't be a fan of professional sports! ''Golf: Yeah that was a good Hole in One 250 yards. But it have already been seen 11 years ago.. so it ain't impressive.. '' xD
Sorry man, but you are asking too much. Crainy ain't a professional cinematic crew on his own.
I go with GePanda. Zerg are known to be an endless swarm... we can feel it in your machinima. Congratulation!
I liked your trailer a lot. It looks professionnal. Specially the part with the zergling dying on the marine shield.!!! Don't mind Zenx1.. He's in a mad mood :P
Hope we can see the final product before christmas 2012 :D
I don't get it. I won the game on normal mode and all I've got was 105K $....
Can i see a replay getting to high bucks amount so I can see how you do?
Would be awesome if you made a map that would contain 5 or 6 minigames like this, and you earn points through winning minigames. or even<sub>,</sub>, MAKE MARIO PARTY like game!!!!!! :D
@Kueken531: Go
The shared stash isn't small, it's a couple time bigger than Diablo 2 one and I haven't been able to fill half of the first page it offers. (yes I'm in BETA since december 2011, hahha, take that Zeldarules28!!!)
And the character limit, that's grossely one slot for each character possibility. (male/female for each 5 class) So they will probably increase it whenever new character comes in :D (D3 Expension pack)
@GlornII: Go
Alright, thank you both of you, I found it out.
Here is what I've done.
Set value of ''Effects'' ''PsiBlades'' ''Amount'' for player (Triggering player) to ''0''
Again, thank you really much :D
@CSMakoInfused: Go
Sorry, I'm quite newb when it comes to Catalog values and Datas. Can you explain a bit more?
I've: Set value of ''Effects'' ... then I'm lost.
Thank you for the reply.
Hello mapsters.
I've been on my map for quite a while and I've encounter a problem lately.
What I want: The ''field value'' to change my zealot Attack Damage via the trigger ''Catalog field value Set''
I know that to change my unit armor, the field value is LifeArmor, but I don't know for Attack Damage.
Thank you.
@Zolden: Go
right, but the point of the butterfly was to get insect transparent wings (wings of which we see the veins and a little bit of gray while still behing able to see trough them.). Your tutorial shows a nice colored 0% transparency butterfly.
I still wanna see My Insect wings, but I would like to propose Tentaculas too. The Hybrid Reever's one are nice :D
Hey Zelda, I've got a question for you.
I'm the newbiest newb on Data Editing and I would like to create a new spell for a hero with a spell effect, all on datas. (I think Meph did his spell that way with his SmashCraft map)
So, how do we do?
Exemple of nice spell: Super Charge: Hero goes forward and knock the first target it encounters. At 2 foots from the target unit, create huge explosion of lights. Targeted unit is pushed back 3 foots.
Thank you Zelda.
@CrazyTwigman: Go
well you could make it through with a little trigger.
EDIT: Here is the whole triggers just for you.
Edit 2: If there is any problems or questions or comments on my post, please PM me and send me the link back to this post. Thank you :D
@progammer: Go
Which mean any talented hacker can see my triggers, and find the RSA code I'm using?
Well, I'll just let them hack in then.. Whatever.. if they want to remove their own pleasure of playing an RPG normaly...