Concept Hero Defence 2

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of StarCraft II. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Concept Hero Defense is loosely based on war3's Enfo's Hero Defense. However, the only thing that's being taken from EHD is the map design, but even that has been altered.

Concept Hero Defense is a 5v5 hero defense map. Players will have to choose a hero to defend their lane, while suffering harassment from the other team and vice versa. Players will have to work together in order to bring out the best of their heroes. Teamwork is highly prized and highlighted throughout the game in the form of skills. Players will need to pick different heroes in order to help their teammates to use specific skills. This will be explained below.

This map is completed and released in Bnet SEA, with patches and additional stuff planned

Design Philosophy


The objective is simple, both teams has 100 lives. For every unit that reaches to the player's home base, they lose 1 life. For every hero killed, the team loses 3 lives.


Currently there are 7 unique heroes avaliable. Heroes don't level up by experience. Rather, each creep killed will give the player minerals and vespene for the players to upgrade their hero through a hero upgrade center.


Probably the most important part of the game. Skills are are classified into a few different types. With the exception of Character skills, some heroes will share skills from the other types
Character - These skills are unique to the hero itself
Passive - Passive skills
Damage - Skills that mainly focuses on damage
Augment - Skills that buff the team or friendly spawns from the other lane
Parallel - Skills that can be used to debuff and buff at the same time
Whammy - Skills that are meant to harass the other team
Misc - Skills with 1 or more of these types grouped together
Omni - Ultimate skills.

Out of all these different types of skills, they are also divided into 2 different sub types. MAP skills, which has a range of 500 and normal skills, which has a range of 9 to 12. MAP skills are mainly used for harassing the other team and they cost vespene in addition to energy. Normal skills are used at the player's lane and during PvP.

Since there is no leveling up in the game, heroes learn skills by the skill window using minerals which is found at the hero's screen. The skill for heroes are made in a way that there are more then 1 way to play a hero. It all depends on what the team needs. Players are given free choice of whichever skills they want to learn, however they need to bear in mind the cost of the skill, which is Energy and Vespene for some.

Some skills also require "Branding", which only certain heroes has. This requires teamwork from the players to coordinate the skills that they want to take.


Simple and straightforward. Players buy upgrades from Hero upgrade center which will increase the damage/life of their hero. The upgrades include

Focus Hero - Increases life, energy, life regen and energy regen
Focus Offence - Increases damage, attack speed and a small portion of life and energy
Focus Defence - Increases armor, movement speed and a small portion of life and energy
Focus Ability Damage - Increases damage from skills
Focus Ability Cooldown and Duration - Increases duration of skills (if they have duration) and decreases cooldown of skills


This map is already released at BNET SEA, so please try if you are interested.

Here's a frap of a replay that I took. I am not sure why the music is missing at the start and I apologize in advance for the lag and lousy graphic settings, my laptop cannot handle anything higher. The video depicts 1 team play, so there is no harassment from the other team, as its hard to get more people when the popularity isn't high.

Concept Hero Defense is loosely based on war3's Enfo's Hero Defense. However, the only thing that's being taken from EHD is the map design, but even that has been altered.

Concept Hero Defense is a 5v5 hero defense map. Players will have to choose a hero to defend their lane, while suffering harassment from the other team and vice versa. Players will have to work together in order to bring out the best of their heroes. Teamwork is highly prized and highlighted throughout the game in the form of skills. Players will need to pick different heroes in order to help their teammates to use specific skills. This will be explained below.

This map is completed and released in Bnet SEA, with patches and additional stuff planned

Here's a frap of a replay that I took. I am not sure why the music is missing at the start and I apologize in advance for the lag and lousy graphic settings, my laptop cannot handle anything higher. The video depicts 1 team play, so there is no harassment from the other team, as its hard to get more people when the popularity isn't high.



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 19, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 11, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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