MLG, Campaign Models, Voice, CardCraft, Island, Tutorials

Attention! The first map stealing has occurred on Turret Defense from Galois1. We are looking for solutions with Blizzard to handle these issues. If you are getting this happening to you too, the right thing to do is talk about it! Keep posted for further news on this subject.

MLG Tournament on Starcraft 2

Even if you come to mapster, you are probably interested on the normal game anyway. Note that our partner MLG is starting tournaments for Starcraft 2. The first event will be in Raleigh August 27-29. You can join the tournament or just buy tickets right now :) Click the image for more infos.

Campaign Models Listing by Zarakk

You've probably played the campaign and saw the high-poly models. Did you know that all those scenes are maps done within the editor? And you can even use the models! They are probably too heavy for but could be useful for cinematics. You can get a listing of all those done by Zarakk.

Voice Great Destroyer by IskatuMesk

I've seen many people working on maps, models, artwork but that's the first time I see someone making voices. IskatuMesk is giving us a preview of the voices of his main character: The Great Destroyer. It is really well done, I couldn't say that it was made by a fan!

Cardcraft SC by BeLugh

I am going to promote your maps that are released on and we start with Cardcraft by BeLugh. It's a game that let you play cards with a real time fight associated. It's a pretty cool concept and even playable with AI if you can't find anyone due to the popularity system :)

Islands at War by depthsofchaos

Another map available on EU. This is a really cool concept, you create buildings on islands and try to control the whole map. It also features an automatic border detection which is pretty nice.

Tutorials Part 1/2

During the few weeks of the beta, a lot of tutorials have been written by you! They cover a wide range of things from introduction to the editor to advanced stuff. Since I want to show off your awesome work, I am going to post in two days all the tutorials. I'm sure it will help a lot of people! Keep up the great job!


Editing for Beginners

Customizing the Editor




Galaxy Language

Terrain Editing



Trigger Editing


User Interface

Camera and Cinematics




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