Featured, Corruption, BH Tourny, Song, Blizzcon, Interview, js1k

Update: The popularity listing has been parsed. However there are some bugs left (region flag not appearing, statistics not being shown ...). Meanwhile you can already add the published version of your map. Go into your map administration, look for "Battle.net / Manage published version" and add them :)

Blizzard finally updated their featured maps, they also resetted the popularity at the same time :)

Corruption ORPG by JakeCake26

Ask someone that never played Starcraft 2 to look at this video and I am pretty sure that they could not tell that's a fan based game. It really looks like some Korean MMOs. I hope it's going to be in beta soon so we can play it :)

Bounty Hunters Tournament by Tenshi

The Bounty Hunters tournament was really fun. Sadly I did not win :( Here's the final result and a video of the final frapsed by aTTari (the 2nd) to show you the map and great skill!

  1. StormDelay (11 points)
  2. aTTari (10 points)
  3. Rommsteinz (7 points)
  4. Trubadidudei
  5. Yaos
  6. Yrael
  7. Vjeux
  8. Keriz
  9. Wolrek
  10. Tanaroth
  11. Meldterren (apologizes for mistake...)
  12. BuuGhost
  13. Morgrim

Song: Play like a Toss by The609Productions

If you jauge the popularity of a product by the fan derivated work then Blizzard must be really well ranked. Here's a song called "Play like a Toss" for your pleasure!

Blizzcon Program

The Blizzcon program is out. Friday 3pm to 4pm there will be a talk on "Starcraft 2 Custom Maps and Editor" on main stage. They will probably announce the Contest Winners with a demo. Also we may hear something about the Market Place! (Thanks to Lascero for fixing my blindness :X)

progammer Interview


Hello progammer, can you present yourself in a few words?

I don't support the realID thing :P. So my name is progammer, currently a sophomore in software engineering. Actually I'm an international students reside in US.

I'm a true fan of Blizard but just recently took up the galaxy editor for Starcraft 2, enjoyed custom map in Warcraft 3 a lot.

What was the first map that you worked on with the Galaxy Editor?

Well the first one I tried was to remake an AOS for Warcraft 3 called DDay: Judgement. Huge thanks for Bifuu for his hero tutorial, then I just abandoned it for so much work. Then ChessCraft is right after it :)

Basically I heard people talking so much about Starcraft 2 being a chess and chessing is so popular at the same time, so there goes ChessCraft.

The input system using beacon and mouse was my creative idea to that make sure the map stand out. There's couple of chess map being made on mapster at that time. I was the first to finish all the rule.

It was also a good experience for me to learn some basic coding logics and such. Don't look at ChessCraft's messy code and evaluate me now :) I might redo all of them for a major update for that map in the future.

I see that you also entered the minigame contest at sc2mapster. You seem to like more small projects involving advanced logic rather than long RPGs.

I find RPG grinding and boring (but I do play them sometimes). I'm more of a coder guy so I love doing these kind of thing. Also I have zero artistic skill so such big project is not in my interest.

Depot Snake in the minigame contest was made in about 4-5 hours, with some additional time to make video/document it.

Baneling Burstout was another map made based on the Breakout type of game. Its collision detection system is quite unaplicable at the moment though.

This one is the entry to the UI design contest. Its called Battlenet 0.2 as an attempt to mock the current state of battlenet and custom game. Just so you know how much you can do with just the editor's dialog capabilities. :) The whole video is made from one map only.

I believe that you entered the Blizzard Contest and I'm ready to bet it's another map like this!

Yep I tried to brainstorm for a while without much idea. Suddenly I only have more than a week to make a bomberman map in which the bomb is banelings (they're always cute). So the name is Bomberling Arena (it was Super BomberQueen before I wanted to avoid copyright thingy). Other than traditional bomberman gameplay, I twisted some gameplay element such as how bombs travel, upgrade and HP. Super Bomberman 4 in NES was really fun at the time. Find my map now and play on EU or US. :)

For the users that don't know yet, you are a sc2mapster moderator. Can you tell us what it means to you and what you are doing as a moderator?

You guys did a really good job promoting and building this community. It is awesome being a moderator here :) The first thing I noticed when I'm a moderator is that people started to notice that my name is pro-gammer instead of programmer. :D

I started to make the Cinematic Player when Xaragoth discovered how to make cinematic scene, even though these model animation was very limited to actually do something.

Next is an attempt to both learn the data editor and make a WASD system with hope of getting less lag (its really negligible for now sadly).


Just recently, I polished OneTwo's workaround to track mouse position in realtime. This should be the most useful library I have ever done :)

Other than developing library, i moderate the forum, collecting things to news, usually hanging around help what I could.

Do you have some secret project going on?

Hint up next, in the next few days you will see my new library that let you play any video file inside your map, whether its tutorial, mapster logo intro, or any thing for single player map (no i'm not talking about porn :D ). Its almost done for now, might need some help with recording a video

I'm also helping on coding ElementTD, the popular TD of Warcraft3, remade with the same Warcraft 3 team.

About my secret map project, it wont be out of the box until its ready to :)

I've made quite a bunch of things from polished map to crappy concept, check out here for anything I missed: http://www.sc2mapster.com/profiles/progammer/maps/

Any last word? :)

Hmm, I would say don't lose faith in Blizzard. They are the most awesome game developer ever. This Galaxy Editor can and already did almost anything you can think of. Don't give up on your project just yet. :)

We already see improvements being made, problem being addressed and bug being fixed by Blizzard. Let's hope our community can expand even more, and be ready to take over the world (or galaxy) at any moment :)

js1k - Tiny Chess by Óscar Toledo G.

This has nothing to do with Starcraft 2 Mapping but I've been shocked yesterday by this. The js1k contest is over, you had to do some awesome things in 1k of Javascript. Óscar Toledo G. did a Chess game that includes the drawing, the Chess rules, the player interactivity and a very strong AI. You realize that I did not manage to beat a 256 characters AI ... This is killing me! He has just become my newest god xD

A6J57IKJT576,+-48HLSUmgukgg OJNMLK  IDHGFE".charCodeAt(y++)-64
:7);function X(c,h,e,s){c^=8;for(var o,S,C,A,R,T,G,d=e&&X(c,0)>1e4,n,N=-
=o-9?l[61+G]:49;do if(!(R=I[T+=l[C]])&&!!G|A<3||(R+1^c)>9&&G|A>2){if(!(R-
2&7))return K;n=G|(c?T>29:T<91)?o:6^c;S=(R&&l[R&7|32]*2-h-G)+(n-o?110
N);if(!(h||e-1|B-O|T-b|S<-1e4))return W(),c&&setTimeout("X(8,0,2),X(8,0,1)",
&&++C*--A))}return-K+768<N|d&&N}function W(){i="<table>";for(u=18;u<
99;document.body.innerHTML=i+=++u%x-9?"<th width=60 height=60 


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