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    posted a message on UI Request
    Quote from Ahli634: Go

    For example, only a couple of people know about the new UI feature of animations and state groups (but to use these features you need to abandon the SC2 editor for UI editing).

    Raises his hand, I know about em, I just have never got animations working properly, and have never needed more than 2 states.

    Edit: How do you get a button to use 3 states anyways?

    Posted in: UI Development
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    posted a message on Record[SOLVED] vs. Array[UNSOLVED]

    @ZMilla93: Go

    that would actually be index[1] as arrays are still zero based in SC2, blizzard just sets GUI array sizes to SIZE+1 since so many people didn't know this.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Renaming Individual Units (Revisited)

    It technically is, however note that the edit box consists of one line for text, you could show what the final text would look like using a label though.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dynamic Command Card + In-Game Unit Generation

    You'd use catalog trigger to modify it, however, remember that catalog changes are on a player specific basis. Note that i don't know the specifics of modifying icons and text, but i know it is possible.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dynamic Command Card + In-Game Unit Generation

    @hardball69: Go

    You can modify the icons through the use of triggers, however, you'd want to list the icons available for the to swap from somewhere though (like a dialog).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Renaming Individual Units (Revisited)

    @BigDonRob: Go

    The variables would be wiped of the references to those units.

    In any case

    @hardball69: Go

    Dialogs are the GUI of starcraft, in order to create a simple name creator one, you can use a dialog item of the edit box type (for a player to type the unit's name in), and a button for them to click when they've entered the name, to apply it to the unit.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Record[SOLVED] vs. Array[UNSOLVED]

    I notice that you still want help with when to use arrays.

    Let's say you have a bunch of variables named, player 1 hero, player 2 hero, etc., not only does this make calling them hard, but you have create a whole bunch of different variables, instead it's much easier to create 1 array called player hero[8]. You can create an array by checking the array box when you've selected a variable, you can then either set its size to a number of your choice, or a constant. The size of the array determines how many values it can hold.

    Note that you can set record variables as arrays, allowing for you to store a bunch of player specific data.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Dynamic Command Card + In-Game Unit Generation

    Changing build times, resource costs and supply costs are definitely possible, I don't know about changing the button tooltip and icons however, but it should be possible since you can change them when you upgrade them. You'd want to use catalog triggers to achieve this.
    Note that you cannot add or remove (you can hide them though) abilities from a unit in game, they have to be there already
    The best way to create custom units is to modify their build costs and times using catalog triggers, and then upon unit creation add behaviors to modify it's damage and armor, and the set unit property action to modify it's health speed, and other properties.

    Also Note that catalog changes are on a per player basis for a unit type. so giving another player units will modify their supply and built times.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Function Call vs Local variables

    Are we talking global or local variable referencing, if you are just using the unit in that trigger only it's easier to use last created unit (unless you create a whole bunch of units obviously). If you need to reference the unit in another trigger, you want to use a global variable since while last created unit can work, but it can also change at any given time, based on creation of a unit.

    One could argue that while they decrease the RAM eaten by running the function multiple time, they also increase the overhead memory requirements.

    If you make a record, you can use local record variable to utilize it in each trigger. Remember that variables aren't erased from the memory when exiting a trigger just simply wiped clean, since the trigger still exists in memory (so that events can run it).

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED, or is it?]Replacing (Triggering unit type) with burrowed counterpart(Respawn)

    Just order the unit to burrow before fading it back in.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on get location of potential player starting positions

    I did use the Custom Script option, one of my checks was to display what i was processing, however I do think that the editor tries to compare the point's name and the ASCII string as strings, not text.

    Another fun thing I did was use substring of string and display it, and which despite what i thought should happen (displaying that many characters), what happens is if you set the length of the substring to


    it processes this instead


    which shows that it automatically closes out characters strings.

    However in the end i was still unable to get "\xec\x8b\x9c\xec\x9e\x91\x20\xec\x9e\xa5\xec\x86\x8c\x20\x30\x30\x31" to correctly link up a point when using get point from name.

    Edit: Also if you compare ASCII character strings, it doesn't compare the resulting characters, but the characters of the string for each character, this causes "\x8b" and "\x8B" to result as not the same (if you validate capitalization), even though they return the same character.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on get location of potential player starting positions

    So I think this may be a bug by blizzard, however with my testing I have been unable to figure out why it is acting like it is. I have found other stuff that I may have screwed up on. However you should make this bug report to blizzard. What I think may be causing this is that the name of the point is rendered as a text but the ASCII string never converts and then it tries to match strings, but they don't match.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on get location of potential player starting positions

    I must point out that there is no 001 at the end of your string there

    Edit: Had to pause testing of this, but I've learned that I can produce the same characters as the point's name, but it won't find the point. Will resume testing later.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on get location of potential player starting positions

    You can use this ( https://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/third-party-tools/126614-sc2-unicode-translate/#p1 ) to convert the korean characters into ASCII, then you can use that to create a generic starting point from name tool.

    Posted in: Triggers
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