• 0

    posted a message on Prime Hunter 2.0

    Update 2.2 :


    - Added option "Mod Music" to enable / disable the imported music.


    Known issue : Banks reset with update.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0.949552930787063

    posted a message on Area Indicator Actors ( Quad )

    Open the archive browser (Window -> Console ; Type "browse").

    Search for "stretchline", you will find some models that might be at your convenience.


    As for the ability range (the famous circle), I used to play with a workaround actor with a model as well. A few exists that fits the expected visual.

    And because of the actor events that work similarly to Range actor.


    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0.949564065776404

    posted a message on Area Indicator Actors ( Quad )



    If I remember correctly, since the model is a decal (a "painted" texture over another), the terrain cells must not be hidden.

    Else, you may use 3D models and adjust position/rotation with Site Ops or even its scale in actor events.


    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on How to setup a Structure for Upgrades for players?



    Take example on the Xel'Naga tower.

    The ability type responsible to share the unit is "Interact".

    You should not have difficulties to make it.


    However, you must create Upgrades with help of Prerequisites (default way to create them).

    Look for the Engeering Bay, it's one way (and laborious but more controllable) to organize upgrade levels.


    More information here :



    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Get Player who spawned at particular start location?

    I imagined that you would do something with player's units, so I opened it for you.


    However, if you want something even shorter than that (and that's something I utterly forgotten in the answer), you can use the function expecting a point instead :


    Player - Start location of player


    Which simplifies the previous script :

    Player Group - Pick each player in (Active Players) and do (Actions)
             Variable - Set PlayerStartLocations[(Picked player)] = (Start location of player (Picked player))

    Note 1 : Whether the order it gets from the pick order, the table stays in order since the index P is player P.

    Note 2 : No player = No point.

    Note 3 : If this returns an error because the Start location has no player, insert a "if" that checks "No point" from the returned value.


    Combine and replace some of the previous script with this loop, and you will get a stronger one.


    Have a nice day.


    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Get Player who spawned at particular start location?



    Let's take a 4 players example :

    1 -> 4

    2 -> 2

    3 -> 1

    4 -> 3

    When you think something like this, you must create a variable as a table (a matrix with 1 dimension). I called it "PlayerStartLocations".

    What you may know is that Start Locations are a certain type of points.

         Game - Map initialization

    Local variables
         i = 0 <Integer>
         radius = 10 <Integer(Constant)>
         points = No Point <Point[4]>
         groups = (Empty unit group) <Unit Group[4]>


         General - Action Group: "init points"
                 Variable - Set points[1] = Start location 001
                 Variable - Set points[2] = Start location 002
                 Variable - Set points[3] = Start location 003
                 Variable - Set points[4] = Start location 004
         General - For each integer i from 1 to 4 with increment 1, do (Actions)
                 Unit Group - Add all units in (Any units in (Region(points[i], radius)) owned by player Any Player matching Excludes : Dead, Hidden, Missile, with at most Any Amount) to groups[i]
                 General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                         (Number of Living units in groups[i]) > 0
                         Variable - Set PlayerStartLocations[i] = (Owner of (Random Living unit from groups[i]))


    To explain what this does :

    - For each points (= start locations), find any units around the point within 10 squares.

    - If the unit group has at least 1 unit, we get the unit to retrieve its owner.

    - We save the integer.

    - A 0-value means no player on the location.


    Have a good day !

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Issue with different units selection



    Can you go to the Model tab, look for your Spider Mines model and look for the field "Selection Layer" ?

    Usually, the layer for structures is 2 and common units 0.


    I had a similar issue where my building was not selected with others but being selected with army units, which should not happen.

    You may have the same problem.


    To learn more :



    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Data
  • 1.86599112337659

    posted a message on Vision Blockers



    You can use footprints with "block vision" flag. Make it hollow so that the unit inside don't see the outside and conversely.

    Create a footprint for each shape you need for your clouds.

    Set the footprint to the unit as "Footprint" (not "Placement footprint").


    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Prime Hunter


    This is the thread for map review for PRIME HUNTER.

    Feel free to write whatever you want (ofc, respect rules) about your review, what's good, what's bad.

    If you think your thoughts are more suited for feedback :



    Link to project on CurseForge : https://www.curseforge.com/sc2/maps/prime-hunter

    Link to project on SC2Mapster : https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/prime-hunter

    Link to project thread : https://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/project-workplace/265253-prime-hunter-2-0


    Thank you for playing !


    Posted in: Map Review
  • 0

    posted a message on Prime Hunter



    This is the thread for map feedback for PRIME HUNTER.

    Feel free to write whatever you want (ofc, respect rules) about your experience and your feelings.


    If you think your thoughts are more suited for a review :



    Link to project on CurseForge : https://www.curseforge.com/sc2/maps/prime-hunter

    Link to project on SC2Mapster : https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/prime-hunter

    Link to project thread : https://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/project-workplace/265253-prime-hunter-2-0


    Thank you for playing !

    Posted in: Map Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Can terrain be loaded?



    Copy-paste it.


    Open MapSource. Go to Terrain Editor, use Selection Tool (or press "Space" key), click and drag, you should see a green overlay. Copy it with CTRL+C.

    Open MapTarget. Go to Terrain Editor, paste it with CTRL+V. Align the green overlay. Left-click. Tadaaa.

    Switch between both documents with "Window" tab.


    Repeat for doodads, units, points, regions, cameras. I'm not sure about terrain objects and paths.




    A/ Close MapSource.


    B/ Close both. Close editor to flush memory if necessary. Open editor.


    Have a nice day !

    Posted in: Terrain
  • 0

    posted a message on Is it possible to make a dynamic Trigger?



    I'll try to understand your request.

    So ... If I'm right, you want to set a parameter for a variable value.

    Solution : Do not use trigger. Create an action definition (= an actual function).


    In order :

    1/ Copy-paste variables in variable section.

    2/ If your trigger has conditions, add an "If-Then-Else" action.

    3/ Copy-paste actions in action section, under "Then" of 2/.

    4/ Add a parameter with the corresponding type for the data your want to make "dynamic" (this word is plain of sense lol).

    5/ Keep events in your trigger and empty the rest.

    6/ In your trigger, you can call your new action, with a parameter.


    To be honest, this is only to re-arrange instructions.


    In your trigger, the script will read the action, execute what's inside, get out of the action and continue the rest of the trigger.

    So it will basically and naturally wait for the action to be fully completed before continueing execution on the trigger.

    If you don't want this trigger to wait the end of the action, there is an option "Create thread" (as a programming term) for the action definition.


    DO NOT ABUSE OF THIS OPTION : Threads are limited (though the amount had been extended), powerful, but also a pain to handle if you don't know what you do, without a global view of your variables, worse without programming notions.


    And I suppose the new action will "inherit" instructions in common with multiple of your triggers.




    Hope you will find your way.


    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 1.86927977219485

    posted a message on Projectiles/missiles and how to outrun them



    You need to designate that missile to be "nullified".

    This can be done with a "Modify Unit" Effect applied to your missile when it expires (= the impact, at that precise moment, doesn't happen ... yet).


    You achieve this by giving a Behavior with duration to the missile directly or from an effect tree that applies the behavior when the missile is launched.


    To go further :

    - Make the missile loses its target.

    - When expired, the missile's Actor will do its "impact" things. Usually, we use a "UnitDeathCustomize" to create another death effect (or simply remove it).

    - When nullified, the Damage Effect is ignored. But you can do something else.

    - The "Defense Drone" nullifies projectiles, you might take inspiration from its ability.

    - You want to outrun missiles. When used a Boost/Burners ability, find all missiles with a Search Effect and nullify only close missiles or any currently fired missiles with your unit as target.


    Have a nice day !

    Posted in: Data
  • 0

    posted a message on Remove a unit when it gets near map bounds



    Solution 1 :

    Use an Event "Unit Enters/Leaves Region".

    Convert the region into a Rectangle Region.

    Look at the attached image.

    Do the math.

    Then, in Actions, remove the triggering unit.


    Solution 2 :

    Place a region in the Terrain Editor.

    In trigger, on init map, use "Set Camera Bounds" with the new region and "do" the minimap bounds too.

    Create a new trigger, add an Event "Unit Enters/Leaves Region" with the new region.

    Then, in Actions, remove the triggering unit.


    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on Changing console skin by trigger



    I don't know where you found that action.

    However, the suffix name of a console skin is different from its proper name in the shop.

    For example the "Arcade Cabinet" skin is called "ArcadePurple" in UI, or the "Galactic" skin is called "XelNaga" in UI.


    I found some IDs in the UI Editor, look for file "ConsoleSkin" or "ConsolePanel". And be sure to read and not stop to the name file (which does not reflect the correct ID).


    Have a nice day.

    Posted in: Triggers
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