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    posted a message on Detachment Problem

    @PharaonicAssault: Go

    The times I have had similar issues it was because I had moved or removed the texture from the place the editor was looking for it. When I wasn't using mopaq paths it was because I had moved the folder on my computer. And when I did use mopaq paths it was because the texture was not imported to the map I was using to test. I usually like to keep a test map with all of my models and textures open any time I preview, otherwise it defaults to the test map which only has blizzard textures loaded

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Detachment Problem

    @PharaonicAssault: Go

    I am not sure on your first question, I haven't run into that error before.

    For the 3rd issue though when you are in the diffuse texture of the material one of the buttons just above the drop down box is "show standard map in view port", make sure that is selected and you should see that texture on the meshes with that material applied.

    As for the warnings in the editor they are just letting you know that it is using the material from the folder on your computer instead of a library within the map file. When you export use the export floater and make sure use mopaq paths is checked to prevent that from happening. You will also need to import the texture into the map.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Detachment Problem

    The art tools only displays one texture of a material at a time, but in engine all of the textures are applied. Most of the time this is enough to give you a rough idea of what the object will look like, but I almost always preview the model between changes to make sure things are working correctly.

    Generally when I have an animated model that I am working with that I need to attach a part to I import a model mesh, and complete model. Then you can detach whatever you want from the mesh model and attach to the complete model without losing your bone attachments.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Protoss Death Animation/Particle Effects

    Right now I am not happy with my Raszagal unit's death animation. The unit can be downloaded below. Would like to improve/add particle effects to make it really stand out. I was hoping for some feedback on what additions I should make to improve this model.


    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Protoss Wireframe Shield

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    That did it, thanks for your help. I was dreading trying to create them free-hand. I have been using Paint.net for most of my work so far, but found a plug in for it called outline object which performed the same task. I never would have found it if you hadn't pointed me in the correct direction.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Protoss Wireframe Shield

    I have been working on a protoss unit. I created a wireframe for it, but haven't made a shield wireframe yet. I was curious if anyone had a simple way to create the different files needed.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on How to use ingame textures with imported models?

    @Borington: Go

    When you export with art tools make sure use mopaq paths is selected. Hopefully that will take care of the problem.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Gradual appearance and disappearance

    @Zolden: Go

    I came across this thread while working on a death animation. Thanks for your help Zolden!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Art Tools protoss dreadlock ribbon and death animations

    @JacktheArcher: Go

    Thanks for pointing me to that! After I saw your post I also found a very helpful video tutorial he created as well. Between this tutorial and Taylormouse's I think I should be able to do exactly what I want. I never would have thought I needed to apply a material to the particle emitter, it makes sense now but I still have a lot to learn.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Art Tools protoss dreadlock ribbon and death animations

    Looking at the art tools examples the protoss zealot and high templar use ribbons to animate their nerve tendrils. But I have not been able to figure out how they work. I am running into a similar situation with the protoss death animation. I am able to import blizzard's particle effects, but if I try to create my own they don't function. Has anyone done a tutorial on the particle/ribbon systems or the death animations? Or is there a better reference than the art tools documentation?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Starcraft Art Tools Glowing eyes for portrait

    @ZombieZasz: Go

    I was thinking I would need to do some sort of particle effect, that is much easier. Thanks again!

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Starcraft Art Tools Glowing eyes for portrait

    I am working on a protoss portrait, but I am struggling with recreating the eye glow. Has anyone done this with the art tools that could point me in the right direction?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Can someone make three decals for me

    I have attached a sample map with working decals as well as some modified decals.

    Make sure you set the player decal to one of level 7 protoss/zerg or panterran terran.

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on Custom Decal

    Haha never mind wrong post

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Can someone make three decals for me

    When I was attempting to work through some similar problems I came across this thread.


    It was pretty useful to me.

    Haha, never mind I see your post is at the bottom of it now. I am going to sleep but I will try to help you figure it out tomorrow.

    Posted in: Requests
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