Yeah interesting, but you can only make rectangle triangles. I would like to have more effecient, custom triangles. Is it possible to modify natives script now, like events?
Hiiiiiiiiiii haaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm back in town Bi"""es!!
Sorry, I don't have a map to present, as I don't have time like normally, but I'm searching in previous WTE to find ideas to a melee map. A chance that you made this thread, Moz, or else I'll be on a blank page.
Keep going your good work guys, I don't log frequently, but I like to take a look of your pictures.
Normally Web sites have a special secret caracters that bots cannot see in the script. They just have to put this kind of protection and it will be alright. If I remember well, we talked about that already 4 years ago, so I dont think it will change soon...
My worm exploding action is actually a script of like 930 lines, which checks footprint of buildings depending on the type of the unit. So if I put this script in a normal trigger, it becomes too heavy and the editor crashes, as I need to create 25 triggers of that kind (with deferent periodic event time, depending on the frequency that I want). You can see at the very last line that I choosed a random number between 20 and 40 seconds, so the value will be fix for the rest of the game.
Yeah, you're true, it's always better with actions and loops than trigger, but as I said below, it becames too heavy to handle for the editor (I checked with the overview manager and the 25 actions takes 4,5 MB once compressed).
Yeah, I also tried this, but I need to put the create thread option on or else it will make wait the entire script. So when I put this on it kills my computer performance, because my script is relatively heavy.
I tried setting with a variable, but I can't change the value once it's created, as arcanes said. So if you use a random number between 0 and 2, it will randomly pick a number and this number will be the same for the rest of the game.
Is there a reason why you need to have a constant variable on event? I need to put a different time to fire a periodic event trigger and I cannot change the time between 2 period. I did a workaround, but it could work best with a variable...
Ah, yeah you're right. You're not the only one who say that...
By the way, I already tried to modify the image with cliffs and it's too repetive. I don't know if somebody here could explain me how the editor calculates the deformations on the image to model it on the cliff.
It is the last step before sharing my ultimate terrain generator. I've developped my skills since 5 years and I'm sure that you will be very impressed by the results. With this, you'll be able to generate a melee map in like 3 seconds. I also added many features that will give ideas for next generation of RTS.
I hope too. I had the same problem when I tried too create a workaround for a settlers 2 map. I can't make that units prefer to pass by certain points instead of going strait
Now it's clear, thanks for your advice. It partially answers my question.
So I needed to do 2 things : 1. I uncheck the all units base height flag (It makes all ground units to follow the terrain with relative height) and 2. I just modified the fly movers in data tab (to prevent air units to 'dig' in high mountains or be very high in low mountains).
Ok, I'm not sure that I have understand everything, but changing the base height is not an answer because I need to change the height many times during the game. So I can have a height of +2 now and have a height of -5 2 minutes later. I'll try to see of there's an event for every unit's height actor.
Hi guys, I opened my terrain editor once again and I noticed that when I lower the terrain with terrain deformers, all the ground units just float in the air while the shadow follows the terrain. Is there an actor event that could works? I don't want to use triggers because I will be obligated to put a region for each coordinates in the map. I must say, everything works well when I raise the terrain, but not when I lower it.
Is someone got the same problem? I put this thread here because I don't know where to put it. Thanks!
Edit : I just post an image of what I mean. You can see that the cursor doesn't follows the terrain too.
Yes, thanks for the reply, I did the division first and it works fine. I just asked the question to avoid doing the same error twice. And when I do 86400 * 50000 / 30, it works, but if I replace 30 by an action parameter (example : lp_integer) who also have 30 as a value, it returns in an error.
Yeah interesting, but you can only make rectangle triangles. I would like to have more effecient, custom triangles. Is it possible to modify natives script now, like events?
Is is possible to upload a map on the forum? I don't know if it is possible...
Thanks in advance!
Hiiiiiiiiiii haaaaaaaaa!!!! I'm back in town Bi"""es!!
Sorry, I don't have a map to present, as I don't have time like normally, but I'm searching in previous WTE to find ideas to a melee map. A chance that you made this thread, Moz, or else I'll be on a blank page.
Keep going your good work guys, I don't log frequently, but I like to take a look of your pictures.
Normally Web sites have a special secret caracters that bots cannot see in the script. They just have to put this kind of protection and it will be alright. If I remember well, we talked about that already 4 years ago, so I dont think it will change soon...
Yeah, it's a pleasure! I made it in 3 ways:
-Full action, the least possible of trigger.
-Mostly done with action, but keeping main actions via triggers.
-Fully with triggers and loops.
The second choice was the best for me. I ran the action that takes 5 seconds (with waits) every 30 seconds (approximatively).
bool lib3_gt_WormMediumCreation1_Func (bool testConds, bool runActions) { Variable Declarations
unit lv_u;
actor lv_a;
region[3] lv_reg;
point[21] lv_p;
int lv_i;
fixed lv_r;
Variable Initialization
Actions if (!runActions) {
return true;
while ((lv_p[0] == null)) {
lv_p[0] = RegionRandomPoint(RegionPlayableMap());
if ((CreepIsPresent(lv_p[0]) == true)) {
lv_p[0] = null;
} else {
} } libNtve_gf_CreateUnitsWithDefaultFacing(1, "WormM", 0, 15, lv_p[0]);
UnitIssueOrder(UnitLastCreated(), OrderTargetingPoint(AbilityCommand("attack", 0),
RegionRandomPoint(RegionPlayableMap())), c_orderQueueReplace);
lv_u = UnitLastCreated();
Wait(RandomFixed(15.0, 30.0), c_timeGame);
libNtve_gf_CreateUnitsWithDefaultFacing(1, "WormEM", c_unitCreateIgnorePlacement, 15,
lib3_gf_WormExploding(1.0, lv_u);
libNtve_gf_PlayAnimation(libNtve_gf_MainActorofUnit(UnitLastCreated()), c_animNameDefault, "Birth", 0, c_animTimeDefault);
libNtve_gf_CreateExplosionAtPoint(libNtve_ge_ExplosionSize_Large, libNtve_ge_ExplosionType_Zerg, UnitGetPosition(lv_u));
libNtve_gf_CreateActorAtPoint("LightOmniOrangeLarge", UnitGetPosition(lv_u)); lv_a = libNtve_gf_ActorLastCreated();
Wait(4.5, c_timeGame);
libNtve_gf_PlayAnimation(libNtve_gf_MainActorofUnit(UnitLastCreated()), c_animNameDefault, "Unburrow", 0, c_animTimeDefault);
Wait(2.0, c_timeGame);
ActorSend(lv_a, "Destroy Immediate");
return true; }
void lib3_gt_WormMediumCreation1_Init () {
lib3_gt_WormMediumCreation1 = TriggerCreate("lib3_gt_WormMediumCreation1_Func");
TriggerEnable(lib3_gt_WormMediumCreation1, false);
TriggerAddEventTimePeriodic(lib3_gt_WormMediumCreation1, RandomFixed(20.0, 40.0), c_timeGame); }
My worm exploding action is actually a script of like 930 lines, which checks footprint of buildings depending on the type of the unit. So if I put this script in a normal trigger, it becomes too heavy and the editor crashes, as I need to create 25 triggers of that kind (with deferent periodic event time, depending on the frequency that I want). You can see at the very last line that I choosed a random number between 20 and 40 seconds, so the value will be fix for the rest of the game.
Yeah, you're true, it's always better with actions and loops than trigger, but as I said below, it becames too heavy to handle for the editor (I checked with the overview manager and the 25 actions takes 4,5 MB once compressed).
@FunkyUserName: Go
Yeah, I also tried this, but I need to put the create thread option on or else it will make wait the entire script. So when I put this on it kills my computer performance, because my script is relatively heavy.
I think that if the triggers are not firing, they don't use space, instead of action définition.
@ArcaneDurandel: Go
Thanks, it's what I wanted to know.
@MaskedImposter: Go
I needed 5 levels of frequency, so I just made 5 triggers that are initially off. I tried with action définition with create thread and while loops and it's horrible in term of performance. So I just put most of my script in an action with no create thread and it works fine.
I tried setting with a variable, but I can't change the value once it's created, as arcanes said. So if you use a random number between 0 and 2, it will randomly pick a number and this number will be the same for the rest of the game.
Hi guys,
Is there a reason why you need to have a constant variable on event? I need to put a different time to fire a periodic event trigger and I cannot change the time between 2 period. I did a workaround, but it could work best with a variable...
@Zolden: Go
Ah, yeah you're right. You're not the only one who say that...
By the way, I already tried to modify the image with cliffs and it's too repetive. I don't know if somebody here could explain me how the editor calculates the deformations on the image to model it on the cliff.
It is the last step before sharing my ultimate terrain generator. I've developped my skills since 5 years and I'm sure that you will be very impressed by the results. With this, you'll be able to generate a melee map in like 3 seconds. I also added many features that will give ideas for next generation of RTS.
Hi guys,
Do somebody know how cliffs work? I'm talking from the aesthetic point of view. I saw that there's a cube mesh and there's a normal image of a cliff.
I want to recreate a cliff illusion with units and I don't know where to start.
@Zolden: Go
I hope too. I had the same problem when I tried too create a workaround for a settlers 2 map. I can't make that units prefer to pass by certain points instead of going strait
@greythepirate: Go
Now it's clear, thanks for your advice. It partially answers my question.
So I needed to do 2 things : 1. I uncheck the all units base height flag (It makes all ground units to follow the terrain with relative height) and 2. I just modified the fly movers in data tab (to prevent air units to 'dig' in high mountains or be very high in low mountains).
Thanks guys!
Ok, I'm not sure that I have understand everything, but changing the base height is not an answer because I need to change the height many times during the game. So I can have a height of +2 now and have a height of -5 2 minutes later. I'll try to see of there's an event for every unit's height actor.
Hi guys, I opened my terrain editor once again and I noticed that when I lower the terrain with terrain deformers, all the ground units just float in the air while the shadow follows the terrain. Is there an actor event that could works? I don't want to use triggers because I will be obligated to put a region for each coordinates in the map. I must say, everything works well when I raise the terrain, but not when I lower it.
Is someone got the same problem? I put this thread here because I don't know where to put it. Thanks!
Edit : I just post an image of what I mean. You can see that the cursor doesn't follows the terrain too.
@ArcaneDurandel: Go
Yes, thanks for the reply, I did the division first and it works fine. I just asked the question to avoid doing the same error twice. And when I do 86400 * 50000 / 30, it works, but if I replace 30 by an action parameter (example : lp_integer) who also have 30 as a value, it returns in an error.