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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Unit Compare Cargo

    That is correct. After i couldnt get it to work by setting the validator to Equals 4 / greater than 3. , i also tried the wrong invers Setting, less than 4/Not Qual To 4. Didnt work either. The behavior was Not removed with less than 4 Cargo, neither with 4 Cargo on both settings

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    posted a message on unit giving permanent vision (xelnaga tower)

    i got it working. thank a lot

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    posted a message on can auras be placed on the creep itself? please read and help.

    you can create a trigger to check for creep. if unit is on creep, you apply the behavior

    event - timer - every 0.5 seconds of game time unit group - pick each unit in unit group ->unit in region entire map matching condition condition - if else creep is present at position of picked unit == true

    action - apply behavior to picked unit

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    posted a message on unit giving permanent vision (xelnaga tower)

    Hey,i was trying to create a neutral unit that acts similar to a xelnaga tower but grants permanent vision, even if the 'capturing' unit leaves it. my first approach was modifying the xelnaga tower. after i couldn't figure out how that thing works, i have been trying to create unit that can be occupied by walking near it with another unit. Which then can be taken by another player by again walking close to it with a unit.

    yet again i cannot figure the hell out how to get that working. i tried using a behavior buff which modifies owner in connection with a search effect and an interact ability which is being autocast when a unit enters the search area.

    after i didnt get that working, i am now out of ideas.

    any idea how to realise this idea (possibly in an easy way)?

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    posted a message on Hydralisk melee and range attack

    try putting the validator on the first effect, linked to the weapon. in this case it is launch missile i believe. i am not sure this will disable the use of the weapon though

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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Unit Compare Cargo

    I am having the same problem. the validator just doesnt seem to work. I want a behavior to be enabled when cargo of a bunker is full. Im having the validator on a permanent behavior "(disable)+" which has the purpose of initiating the effect, once the bunker's cargo is full. I have tried several setings but the behavior stays permanent instead of being disabled, not matther what setup i choose for the validator.

    can someone explain the proper settings for the validator to work

    Posted in: Data
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