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    posted a message on How to make units "defend" a location?

    If the units are protecrting another unit, you can issue a move command with the protected unit as target. As a basic solution with a trigger, i would suggest using the event you mentioned: Event- unit leaves range of unit/leaves region

    Condition- triggering == unit of unitgroup (guards)

    Issue order to triggering unit to move to center of region/position protected unit (replace existing orders)

    Simple solution and should work properly

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Abilities's Levels

    am i missing sth?! isnt it possible to just create an upgrade that increases the abilities dmg and cooldown?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make progress bar fill up opposite direction
    Quote from Bilxor: Go

    ...while I'm on the subject, is it possible to change the colors of these bars?

    i believe you can change all bar colors including the status bar. This has to be done individually for every unit (marine, marauder, helion...) you want the status bar color to be different from the custom grey color. this also means that the status bar color is changed not only for your one behavior but for all uses of the bar on the modified unit meaning every behavior status bar will of your chosen color.

    select the units actor and look for -UI: status colors+. select duration and change/add the values you like

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (solved) Adding attribute point via ability?

    ive read sth about this in a similar old threat. I was hoping s.o. Had figured out a more comfortible way of doing this by now. Im going to do it this way. Thx For answer and upload.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (solved) Adding attribute point via ability?

    Hey there,

    if i am having a hero unit, having a veterancy behavior and attributes, is it possible to add attribue values not only through leveling but also via ability/effect (or trigger if nothing else works)?

    should work sth like this: MARINE levels up -> gains +1 STRENGHT automatically via my attribute strength and additionally gets a skill point which allows the player to skill either strength or dexterty or whatever

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on I want a unit to protect neighbors by consuming their damage

    try using the conjoined behavior but add a buff to each of the protected units which prevents damage on them. sth like that may solve your problem

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (solved) having trouble with simple unit compare condition

    thanks bashar. wasnt familiar with that function

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on (solved) having trouble with simple unit compare condition

    hi there,

    im trying to check wether variable of type unit (lets call it HERO) is of a certain type (lets call in MARINE)

    i tried it like this: -units in region matching condition: entire map -unit type: MARINE -owned by any player -unit filter... -with amount...

    variable(unit) HERO

    but this doesnt do it.

    can someone give me a way to correctly compare the unit type of my HERO unit

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Removing a unit's ground collision

    For people who might still belooking for a solution.

    Set 'Movement: Radius' to 0 and 'Movement: Pathing Footptint:' to none

    that should do it

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Add upgrade for unit (Data)

    Select the stimpack ability on the abilities tab. Then select execute and change the requirement to none.that should do it

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Make issue order intelligent?!

    Im not too familiar with the bw reaver. Could you explain a little more, so we can find a solution? Is the reavers projectile thingy a unit or a missile? Which mover does it use? Is it following its target if the target unit moves?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Units spawning and attacking a point

    How do i set the target for my issue order command to a certain point or ubit on the map? I would assume, with target-target point. But then, how do i set my custom target point?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on make a unit not being deselectible (Solved)

    alright i got it working. i didnt include the deselect unit group part.

    thanks for the map example

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on make a unit not being deselectible (Solved)

    as you believe it or not. i tried THIS EXACT trigger code on a test map and it did not work for some reason.

    two problems: - when i select another unit, my hero unit will be added to that selection, meaning i have two units selected (i could insert a deselect command) - this does only work on the players own units. as soon as an enemy unit is being selected the 'select hero unit' thingy doesnt trigger anymore

    what now

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on make a unit not being deselectible (Solved)

    HI, i am working on a map on which each player only controls one unit.

    i just spent an hour+ to figure out a way to make it that players cannot select anything else but their unit. i neither could figure out a way to do this in data editor, nor in the trigger editor (in which i guess this is propably easier to do).

    as i just watched some tutorials and used the sf in the forum but failed to find sth of use for solving my problem.

    i'd like to know if s.o. can come up with a way to do this?


    Posted in: Triggers
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