• 0

    posted a message on [REQUEST] Lord of the Ring's Models

    I'm looking for LoTR models for my War of the Ring map. I need basically everything, i heard you can extract em from games, eg; BFME2 (Battle For Middle Earth 2)...

    Looking for-

    • Nazgul
    • Nazgul on Fell Beast
    • Witch-King
    • Witch-King on Fell Beast
    • Orc Warrior
    • Orc Archer
    • Elven Warrior
    • Elven Archer
    • Gondor Warrior
    • Gondor Archer
    • Gandalf (Both)
    • Aragorn
    • Legolas
    • Gimli
    • Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin
    • Saruman
    • Uruk'Hai

    Yeah, you get my point...

    Posted in: Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on AcidCraft

    Lol that's okay.. I just thrive on feedback, i love it when i receive good feedback, but i am totally opposite when given harsh feedback, somewhere in the middle from yours Vjeux.. But its good, i'll learn from it :) Thanks. I've figured it out,the level that is, its alot easier and such for players...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Memorize units

    Just set a variable to the position of the unit.

    In the actions, when the building is built, set [VARIABLE] = Position of [BUILDING]

    Then when you go to the spawn..

    Events every 2 seconds

    Actions create 1 [UNIT] for [PLAYER] at position [VARIABLE] facing [VARIABLE]..

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on AcidCraft

    Yeah i know... What i may do, is leave the tutorial alone for the time being, and work on the first level (AKA an easy level, as pointed by Vjeux) And see how it works out.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on AcidCraft

    @vjeux: Go First of all, thank you for the feedback.. :)

    Quote from vjeux:

    Remove the tutorial: no one wants to read 10 pages of text before playing.

    Yes, i thought it would of been boring... Sorry about that.. : / I'll do an updated Video later on which will include the 2nd level which introduces the cards. But when i release the game itself, the map will have a Tutorial Skip button, if you have played before.

    Quote from vjeux:

    For example change the color of all the cases seen by the marines to red when he is moving. And to orange when he is in hold. People will know that they should not cross they path.

    That is a great idea, thank you. I shall make the colors change so it is easier to tell.

    Quote from vjeux:

    We have no idea where the end is. Make it visible (blue color for example)

    I have already changed the End Area's to red.. I know i should of fixed it before...

    Quote from vjeux:

    Indicate the movement path of the units. You are making puzzles where you want the user to think about the solution. Making him die 10 times to figure out what's the enemy path is lame.

    I know i know.. I just thought maybe it would be a good tutorial.. : / And showing the path of the enemy.. I can do that.. i think..

    Quote from vjeux:

    make the game goes faster, because it's boring as hell atm.

    I will try to speed up the gameplay a bit also.

    Quote from vjeux:

    Do not ever make the strategy to be to do nothing for 4 turns, really this is no fun.

    I'll change the layout of the first level a bit to incorporate other paths.

    I'm guessing i didn't do anything right the first time Haha.... : / I'll fix it up, make it better.. Or try to. Thanks.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on AcidCraft


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on AcidCraft


    By Pshyched

    I know, alot of you are thinking "Jeez, this guy makes alot of map ideas", Yes.. i know i do, i can't help it. But.. i do get some great idea's once in awhile. And this, is one of them... AcidCraft..

    So, what makes this map unique?

    This map is unique in a number of ways. It is turn based, Requires strategy, uses a card system, has some form of AI (Which i hope to improve dramatically).. It also has a storyline, so its not just your average play-around map. And also, it is Single player. Also, the map has a starting tutorial, so it will help you get to know how to play the map. This is just a tease of what the tutorial will look like.

    AcidCraft - Tutorial Test

    Watching the video in 720p + Maximized is recommended, for viewing of the Tutorial Text

    AcidCraft Screenshots


    This is a screenshot of the Next tutorial level in development.

    You said.. Cards?

    Yes, in-fact i did. The map itself will hold quite a number of cards, which basically add statuses to your character, as in +200% life for X turns, +20% Damage for X Turns, Throw grenade, deal XX damage.. Etc, Etc, Etc... You will be able to find cards aswell, and once you found a certain number of cards (Your deck can only contain 20 cards), like about 30, You can enter your Deck, and set which ones you would like in your main Deck to play with. There will be very rare cards which are quite hard to find, and have a awesome bonus.

    So.. How does it all work?

    Okay, when you have finished the tutorial, you are given 15 cards... 15 basic cards, these cards will be able to get you through the first stage easily.. if used correctly.. You also start off with 3 AP (Action Points), 10 CP (Card Points), and 10 HP (Hit Points).. Yes, you can die with one shot. so there really isn't any point in trying to Rambo the hell out of it.

    Do you have a release date?

    As of yet.. No, but hopefully i will finish the Tutorial levels for everyone to play around with. I'll be making about 3 different levels which will help you get the hang of the entire gameplay system.

    Closing Comments

    I am happy to answer any questions you have about the map. I am also looking for feedback too, Do you like the idea? Confused about something? Have a suggestion?... I look forward to the comments!..

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Lack of 'SEA' choice for region

    Yeh im from SEA too...i was wondering too.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on MMORPG Possible?

    It has been done though, and that was in Warcraft 3.. Read up Project WarSoc.. But yes, it does suck however you cannot Zone-In to other maps.. the whole fact of XX amount of maps, have to be perfectly Bank synchronized aswell...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on MMORPG Possible?


    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on MMORPG Possible?

    Since warcraft 3, a few people have ideas of a MMORPG within Warcraft 3... Now that Starcraft 2 is out, i wonder if it is actually possible at all.. Factors to include:

    • The way blizzard hosts maps is from they're server.. So, somehow being able to link each map COULD be possible...
    • Banks have evolved high enough to store enough Data for many people Auctions/Guilds, etc..

    Anything you'd like to add? Even an answer to my query would be nice.

    And by the way, Project WarSoc was a third party tool.. It allowed Multiplayer Campaigns (Although never finished)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on [Misc] Codec System (Dialogs)

    I know alot of it is pretty basic, i just need help with the real variables.. i posted a help topic in triggers, but noone was able to help me.

    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on [Misc] Codec System (Dialogs)

    I would love to get some feedback from everyone aswell, I'd like to know how well i did :P If you like it, etc.

    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 0

    posted a message on Memorize...


    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Misc] Codec System (Dialogs)

    Metal Gear Solid Codec System Tutorial

    By Pshyched


    Last night, whilst playing Metal Gear Solid, i thought to myself.. How easy would it be to convert a system like that into Starcraft 2?... So, i decided to make it, and well.. it wasn't that hard really. I'm already pretty skilled with dialogs, so i decided to try and make this, release it as a tutorial, so other people can try it, and maybe even make it better..


    This is the preview video i made for it. To show you how it work's In-Game. Watch in 720p


    Below i will post a Step-by-Step tutorial on how to implement this into your map.

    Step 1 - Initialization

    Step 1 is where you create the Triggers and Variables for the Codec system. Triggers are in Red and Variables are in Blue.

    • Triggers
    • Codec Init
    • Codec Use
    • Codec Hide
    • Frequency Set Right
    • Frequency Set Left
    • Connect
    • Variables
    • CodecUsed = false <Boolean>
    • Contacter = No Dialog Item <Dialog Item>
    • ContacterText = No Dialog Item <Dialog Item>
    • FrequencyLabel = No Dialog Item <Dialog Item>
    • Connect = No Dialog Item <Dialog Item>
    • Contacts = No Dialog Item <Dialog Item>
    • FrequencySetRight = No Dialog Item <Dialog Item>
    • FrequencySetLeft = No Dialog Item <Dialog Item>
    • Codec = No Dialog <Dialog>
    • Frequency = No Dialog <Dialog>
    • RealFrequency = 140.01 <Real>
    • You can also add Variables for Contacts, but does not work with Reals.. Integers only

    Now that we have created all the Triggers and the Variables, lets move on to Step 2.

    Step 2 - Creating the Dialogs

    Codec Init

    • Game - Map initialization
    Local Variables
    • Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (800, 500) at (0, 150) relative to Top of screen
    • Variable - Set Codec = (Last created dialog)
    • Dialog - Create a Modal dialog of size (400, 250) at (0, 250) relative to Top of screen
    • Variable - Set Frequency = (Last created dialog)
    • Dialog - Create a button for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (150, 50) anchored to Bottom with an offset of (0, 0) setting the tooltip to "" with button text "CONNECT" and the hover image set to ""
    • Variable - Set Connect = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Create a button for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (50, 50) anchored to Right with an offset of (0, 50) setting the tooltip to "" with button text ">>" and the hover image set to ""
    • Variable - Set FrequencySetRight = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Create a button for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (50, 50) anchored to Left with an offset of (0, 50) setting the tooltip to "" with button text "<<" and the hover image set to ""
    • Variable - Set FrequencySetLeft = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (150, 50) anchored to Center with an offset of (25, 0) with the text (Text(RealFrequency) with Any Precision decimal places) color set to White text writeout set to false with a writeout duration of 2.0
    • Variable - Set FrequencyLabel = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Create an image for dialog Codec with the dimensions (150, 250) anchored to Right with an offset of (30, -50) setting the tooltip to "" using the image Assets\Textures\thorportrait_static.dds as a Normal type with tiled set to false tint color White and blend mode Normal
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Codec with the dimensions (50, 50) anchored to Top with an offset of (0, 25) with the text "P.T.T" color set to White text writeout set to false with a writeout duration of 2.0

    This is what it should look like..

    Dialog Trigger (Click to Enlarge)

    Now that we have finished Step 2, it's onto Triggering the Buttons in Step 3.

    Step 3 - Triggering the Dialog Items

    This is where we create the triggers for buttons, so that we can use them in-game.

    Frequency Set Right

    • Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player Any Player with event type Clicked
    Local Variables
    • FrequencySetRight == (Used dialog item)
    • General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
    • RealFrequency == 142.01
    • Dialog - Destroy Contacter
    • Dialog - Destroy ContacterText
    • Variable - Set RealFrequency = 140.01
    • Dialog - Destroy FrequencyLabel
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (150, 50) anchored to Center with an offset of (25, 0) with the text (Text(RealFrequency) with Any Precision decimal places) color set to White text writeout set to false with a writeout duration of 2.0
    • Variable - Set FrequencyLabel = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Destroy Contacter
    • Dialog - Destroy ContacterText
    • Variable - Modify RealFrequency: + 0.01
    • Dialog - Destroy FrequencyLabel
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (150, 50) anchored to Center with an offset of (25, 0) with the text (Text(RealFrequency) with Any Precision decimal places) color set to White text writeout set to false with a writeout duration of 2.0
    • Variable - Set FrequencyLabel = (Last created dialog item)

    So, it should look like this..

    Frequency Set Right Trigger (Click to Enlarge)

    The next trigger is very Similar, But make sure you change everything that needs to be.

    Frequency Set Left

    • Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player Any Player with event type Clicked
    Local Variables
    • FrequencySetLeft == (Used dialog item)
    • General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
    • RealFrequency == 140.0
    • Dialog - Destroy Contacter
    • Dialog - Destroy ContacterText
    • Variable - Set RealFrequency = 141.99
    • Dialog - Destroy FrequencyLabel
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (150, 50) anchored to Center with an offset of (25, 0) with the text (Text(RealFrequency) with Any Precision decimal places) color set to White text writeout set to false with a writeout duration of 2.0
    • Variable - Set FrequencyLabel = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Destroy Contacter
    • Dialog - Destroy ContacterText
    • Variable - Modify RealFrequency: - 0.01
    • Dialog - Destroy FrequencyLabel
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Frequency with the dimensions (150, 50) anchored to Center with an offset of (25, 0) with the text (Text(RealFrequency) with Any Precision decimal places) color set to White text writeout set to false with a writeout duration of 2.0
    • Variable - Set FrequencyLabel = (Last created dialog item)

    Again, a picture showing how it should look in the editor.

    Frequency Set Left Trigger (Click to Enlarge)

    Now for the main one, the connect trigger.


    • Dialog - Any Dialog Item is used by Player Any Player with event type Clicked
    Local Variables
    • Connect == (Used dialog item)
    • General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
    • RealFrequency == 140.03
    • Dialog - Create an image for dialog Codec with the dimensions (150, 250) anchored to Left with an offset of (30, -50) setting the tooltip to "" using the image Assets\Textures\adjutantportrait_static.dds as a Normal type with tiled set to false tint color White and blend mode Normal
    • Variable - Set Contacter = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Codec with the dimensions (500, 50) anchored to Bottom with an offset of (0, 25) with the text "INSERT TEXT HERE" color set to White text writeout set to true with a writeout duration of 5.0
    • Variable - Set ContacterText = (Last created dialog item)
    • General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
    • RealFrequency == 140.11
    • Dialog - Create an image for dialog Codec with the dimensions (150, 250) anchored to Left with an offset of (30, -50) setting the tooltip to "" using the image Assets\Textures\marineportrait_static.dds as a Normal type with tiled set to false tint color White and blend mode Normal
    • Variable - Set Contacter = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Codec with the dimensions (500, 50) anchored to Bottom with an offset of (0, 25) with the text "INSERT TEXT HERE" color set to White text writeout set to true with a writeout duration of 5.0
    • Variable - Set ContacterText = (Last created dialog item)
    • Dialog - Create a label for dialog Codec with the dimensions (200, 50) anchored to Bottom with an offset of (0, 25) with the text "....No Answer..." color set to White text writeout set to true with a writeout duration of 2.5
    • Variable - Set ContacterText = (Last created dialog item)

    Again, a picture showing how it should look in the editor.

    Connect Trigger (Click to Enlarge)

    Now that that is done, one more thing left to do, and thats in Step 4..

    Step 4 - Finalizing

    This is the final Step to follow, this is the activation of the Codec. So, you trigger the Button to press to use it.

    Codec Use

    • UI - Player Any Player presses Tab key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Allow
    Local Variables
    • CodecUsed == false
    • Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players) over Default seconds
    • Cinematics - Fade Out over 1.0 seconds using color (0%, 0%, 0%) and 0.0% transparency (Normal style, Wait until it finishes)
    • General - Wait 1.5 Game Time seconds
    • Variable - Set CodecUsed = true
    • Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode Off for (All players) over Immediate seconds
    • UI - Hide game UI for (All players)
    • Dialog - Show Codec for (All players)
    • Dialog - Show Frequency for (All players)

    Again, a picture showing how it should look in the editor.

    Codec Use Trigger (Click to Enlarge)

    The way i hid UI and so forth is probably the worst way to do it.. There is probably another way, but oh well.

    Codec Hide

    • UI - Player Any Player presses Tab key Down with shift Allow, control Allow, alt Allow
    Local Variables
    • CodecUsed == true
    • Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players) over Default seconds
    • Dialog - Hide Codec for (All players)
    • Dialog - Hide Frequency for (All players)
    • Cinematics - Fade In over 1.0 seconds using color (0%, 0%, 0%) and 0.0% transparency (Normal style, Wait until it finishes)
    • General - Wait 1.5 Game Time seconds
    • Variable - Set CodecUsed = false
    • Cinematics - Turn cinematic mode Off for (All players) over Immediate seconds
    • General - Wait 0.5 Game Time seconds
    • UI - Show game UI for (All players)

    Again, a picture showing how it should look in the editor.

    Codec Hide Trigger (Click to Enlarge)

    And there you have it, a working Codec system in your Map.. you can always add more contacts, just follow how its done in Step 3.

    I will be happy to answer any questions if need be :)


    Posted in: Tutorials
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