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    posted a message on Heroes Editor


    I used CascView to extract the assets. Just point it at the HeroesData directory.

    You can then make a SC2mod (saved as SC2Components to be able to copy files directly into it) and move the Heroes files into it.

    I put thogether a working Heroes mod, but it's buggy as hell. For example: when placed on a map, units have their models duplicated and clipping through each other :S

    If anyone managed to make a fully working Heroes mod, it would be cool if you could upload it somewhere with the assets removed (no point in including 8GB of models and textures if we can extract and put them back in ourselves).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Heroes Editor

    I remember an interview with the Heroes producer where he said the editor (and custom maps) will happen, but not this year :(

    On the bright side, you can now extract the Heroes assets using CascView and import them into the SC2 editor as a mod.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Swarm 3.0 Coming

    I managed to import HotS assets (lots of bugs and errors, but most of it works) and I'm like a kid in a candy store. I just found some (never used?) cute pirate ladies! :O

    Cute Pirate Ladies]

    Does anyone know where HotS stores map files? I only found the tutorial map (which is a copy of Dragonshire).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Official - War3 Assets RELEASED!!!

    Does this mean that the PTR editor can now handle Heroes of the Storm models? Because I swear that water elemental is the same one Jaina has in HotS.

    Posted in: Warcraft Modding
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    posted a message on HotS Hero Models

    @TyaStarcraft: Go

    That's a good point. Hopefully the basic skins that come free with the game will be allowed.

    I'm sure there a are a few people who'll be fully satisfied with the basic Diablo or Tyrael skin for their sc2 maps :P

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS Hero Models

    Dammit... When I saw the title I thought you managed to extract the models from the leaked alpha client ;[

    I'm pretty certain that they will be importable and compatible with SC2. It's the same engine and the same editor, why would they change the format of the models?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Who doesnt have HoTS

    It's pretty simple: do you need those new tilesets, models and doodads that HotS brings? I usually lose interest in my projects (or realize that they're stupid/impossible) before they leave the prototype stage, so I won't be getting the expansion anytime soon.

    Edit: oh, are you talking about buying it, or just enabling it for your map? In that case I'd keep it WoL. There are bound to be people who won't buy it, so that means your map will have a bigger potential audience. ... Unles, again, you want those snazzy models :P

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Disappointment about the expansion

    You're not going to like this. You didn't have to buy the expansion to get the improvements and new features :] I didn't buy it and I've got exactly the same editor as you. The only difference is the access to the new tilesets, models, doodads, etc that came with HotS. If you bought the expansion just for the editor, then you just paid 40$ for a big editor DLC.

    Oh, and the big features came before HotS was launched: cinematic editor, AI module, all the little fixes and upgrades.


    am I the only person who bought HOTS for the editor

    You might be one of the few. Don't worry, I bought WoL just for the editor :P

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Extract cinematics

    They're in /Campaigns/enGB.SC2Assets, inside /Assets/Textures/. They begin with cinematic_ and are .ogv files.

    Posted in: Cinematic Creation
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson fired/steps down

    @EternalWraith: Go


    Dont embarrass yourself

    Oh, I don't think I'm the one embarrassing myself here...

    This the kind of "criticism" of D3 I see everywhere: Lol, the game is shit, mkay? Y U so stupid and not see it? Diablo 2 rox.

    You sound like the worst kind of fanboy. Irrational, easily provoked and vulgar.

    Good day to you, sir.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson fired/steps down

    @EternalWraith: Go


    Funny how Blizzard pays the reviewers for nice scores, but ultimately you cant fool the Diablo community and player-base.

    Consipiracy theory. Provide proof that Blizzard pays for reviews or GTFO.


    1. Story is weak, random(WTF Nice way to kill off Deckard cain) and a predictable cliche. The story unfold in Diablo 2 is a masterpiece and I knew it could never be topped of.

    The story of Diablo 2 was tacked on at the end of developement (search for "tacked" to find the relevant quote). Your masterpiece was an afterthought that was told mainly through cinematics and scrolling text.


    4. Auction house literally killed the game. Bad bad bad stupid thing to implement. Dont even need to explain how this is bad for an Rpg especially like Diablo. Selling items for real money and Blizzard taking a cut?, Typical greedy bastards.

    Here's an innovative idea: DO. NOT. USE . IT. If you can't help yourself from buying stuff from the AH (gold or RM) then it your weakness, not the game.

    They implemented it because the fact is that people in D2 traded items for real money. When they got scammed, they went crying to Blizzard and demanding them to restore the item.

    There are more sure ways of making extra money off a game than implementing an experimental idea where players trade in-game items with each other. If they were "greedy bastards" they would just pump out a crapload of day 1 DLC and then release the bigger patches (Infernal Machine, Monster Power, Paragon Levels) as DLC. They're giving it out for free, they'll give out a lot of expansion features for free (like SC2 is doing). Long term, free support for a game doesn't seem like greed to me...


    5. Always online. Privacy protection?. Really?. So I cant even play Singleplayer Diablo 3 without having to be always authenticated and on the servers?. Servers are down = I cant play. And if up yea, then if my hardcore dies by a lagspike, ooops.

    People mainly played D2 online. I'm willing to bet that there are battle.net statistics for that. Do you have statistics of how many played offline? ;) I browse r/diablo from time to time and it's filled with the worst "fuck that loser trolls" imaginable, and even they don't mention the online thing.

    By the way, what would you play if D3 had offline and the server (or you internet) was down? A new offline character? Then you'd complain that you can't play that character on battle.net...


    6. In-game cinematics. Bad design 101

    What? Are you talking about the in-engine cutscenes? The ones that can be entirely skipped by pressing a button?

    Bad design? Maybe if they're overused or unskippable... Do you subscribe to the Valve method of doing them: locking the player in a room and making him listen to characters talk while he jumps around like an idiot?


    7. No PvP system.

    They should have added duels at launch, yes. But they announced the removal of the arenas months before release. You don't get to be entitled to that.

    Also, could you remind be of the awesome PvP systems in D2? :>


    9. Music score was average. Yep thats what happens when you lose Matt Uelman because you refused to increase his pay.

    Subjective, and you have to post proof about them refusing higher pay to him.


    Cant roll multiple characters of the same class. Well if thats not a precursor to the game becoming instantly boring when completed, then I dont know what is.

    You can roll multiple characters of the same class, it's just pointless. That's a plus. Making players re-level their characters just so they can test out a new skill? Now that's bad design.


    Diablo 3 hurr hurr you change and switch your abilities on the fly

    You can do it anytime, yeah. For 1-59 you're not penalized for doing it, thus you can experiment freely and find something you enjoy. At 60 your Nephalem Valor buff stack gets removed when you switch abilities. That's the whole "easy to learn, difficult to master" doctrine and that's good design. This guy says it better than I do.

    The points I omitted are subjective and can't really be argued for or against.


    The consensus has already been out on this for awhile now. This game is shit.

    There is no consensus. The game sold 10m and has high reviews. You can take a 1000 or even 10000 troll comments from Reddit or Kotaku or whatever and that's still no more than 0.001% of the player base.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Jay Wilson fired/steps down

    The scapegoat has been singled out and punished. Now all will be sunshine and puppies.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Dota 2 A lawsuit waiting to happen?

    Really? You just noticed this? Most of the character models in Dota 2 are made to resemble their Warcraft counterparts. I almost think the modelers had the Warcraft models pinned next to their monitor...


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Warcraft 3 dependancies in HOTS?

    A month ago, in IRC:

    Quote from Blizz-Deletarius:

    Hey guys, if we had collections/favorites for assets, would that be something that you use?


    /Dramatic Chipmunk

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on SCBW-esque briefing room in SC2?

    Wow... I wrote that briefing room for a remake campaign a very long time ago. Don't remember a thing about it :D

    Here's the source. It was supposed to be a launcher for the whole campaign, so there's also a mission selection and map file loading system in there, you can ignore them.

    Posted in: UI Development
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