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    posted a message on [Released!] Sarah Kerrigan Ghost
    Quote from Keyeszx: Go

    @Yaos01: Go

    Really? I must have been missing something. I am going back and checking that. I thought it looked exactly like nova but with black hair.

    EDIT: Just looked and I'm seeing the exact same models except hair color. Are you sure we're talking about the same model?

    Woops, I just checked and you're right, I remembered it differently :) (Maybe because Ecco has an original portrait that really doesn't fit his unit model)
    Yeah so that's exactly the nova model with different color, so it's still not more appropriate to do sarah's model on this echo model !

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Escape Zergling!

    @Tridgit: Go

    Hey, some image would be greatly appreciated :)

    Posted in: Map Review
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    posted a message on Wait for condition make my local triggers bug ?

    Hi I have a problem with a trigger, I'd hope you would help me on this one.

    This trigger is called when an "custom achievement" requirements are acquired.
    It is supposed to set data and send it to a general trigger with local variables that will show a nice lilttle frame that informs you of the achivement you just won.
    Here is the code :


    Variable - Set CurrentNumber = 1
    Variable - Set AchievementNumber = 3
    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
    AchievementMenuSelectAchievementLocked_Boolean[AchievementNumber][CurrentNumber] == true
    General - Wait for (Conditions), checking every 1.0 Game Time seconds
    (Achievement Notice is on) == true
    Trigger - Run Achievement Notice (Check Conditions, Don't Wait until it finishes)

    As I don't want several achievements notices to pop at once, I've put a "wait for condition" function waiting for the trigger to be on to run.
    Now when tested, the first achivement notice pops normally, but the second just show an error :


    "00:01:03.38 Trigger Error in 'gt_AchievementNotice_Func': Une erreur est survenue lors du démarrage de StarCraft II. Veuillez recommencer."

    It says basically that an error occured when Starcraft 2 was launched, and I need to try again (Now I have no idea why the message is in french, I'm french but never finished an installation of the game in that language.)

    Why is this happening ? It seems it's the "wait for condition" function that makes it bug, if I remove it, the two achievements pops at the same time but works correctly.
    Any solutions ?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Zerg Guardian Model

    Tempests and Purifier (soul hunter) are NOT in the editor. The "swarm guardian" (guardian with a tail) is though.
    Sad but true.

    That's only me but I find the soul hunter model kinda out of place in starcraft... It just doesn't fit.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Released!] Sarah Kerrigan Ghost

    @Underp4ntz: Go

    There is a echo model, but I don't see how it'd fit Sarah Kerrigan model better - ecco has short hair, asian features and have a red mecanic eye.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [Request] Psionic Hydralisk Model & Portrait

    Even though its lacks a death animation, it looks insanely good !

    Well they don't like hybrid zergs to me, but it could be definitivly used for a scenario where a brood of zergs were exposed to high psychic energy on a lost planet or something.

    /drool thinking of psychic ultralisk

    Posted in: Requests
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    posted a message on [Release] Onetwo's TD

    Hey there, I've played this TD and I found it quite refreshing. It's true Retribution TD is good, but a lil bit too hard and not intuitive.

    I've got two points :
    - There's actually a trick used in all the recent games I've been playing : creating a sort of dual maze that the player close the end with a tower to make the mobs go all the way back and all the way down. This is repetitive infinitely, and not really challenging. This is especially easy to use against ground bosses.

    - The terrain for each player is really frustrating as the path used by the mobs uses only one square, but you always end up with many two squares in your maze. Could be cool to make the terrain a square larger.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Project VECTOR (TPS)

    Looks damn great !
    Reminds me of Dead Space.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Custom Deathmatch Tournament] Bounty Hunters

    that was kinda fun, I should've played the map before the tournament !
    The zerg temple as a final level totally took me off the hook.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Old Theme

    New theme is neat. Old theme make me wanna go to sleep with a sandwich

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Map] Footmen

    wow, just wow. You're being insanely rude to this guy, just give him a chance !
    Well I don't like footmen maps ever since War3 footmens, and from what people says, those unbalanced heroes things must remind us of some bad days with all those WC3 unbalanced hero maps thrown at Battle.net and quite popular (gogo DemonHunter with max AGI tomes - and I never could understand the Avalanche hero either)
    But seriously just point the guy at the right direction !

    Less features means more balance. Just make an intuitive game with counter and suchs.
    Good luck with your map !

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Detect unit dying from ability

    @agweber: Go

    Thanks :)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Detect unit dying from ability
    Hi, I'd like to detect if any unit dies from an zone ability (Barrage (Odin)) it'll do some actions. Is that possible ? Thanks.
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Release] Onetwo's TD

    Unable to find it on EU.
    This search function must have been programmed by drunk monkeys. It's pissing me off you can't imagine ...

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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