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    posted a message on Looking for a French SC2 mapper (work wil be paid)

    Hey, I'm french and I'm interested. Thing is that I need to know what you need help with. If you want to keep your project secret, feel free to send me a PM !

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Concept: Squadcraft, Would you play it? (With Video)

    I'd play a squad based melee game like Dawn of War 2. But I don't get your races description. Why the races have to be extreme opposites ? Resultats are that Zergs are a mass, Protoss are a few good, and you have trouble finding a place for Terran. You should simply have a different gameplay, a bit like common melee have already.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Project Vector Strikes Back

    Hi, really impressed indeed. Yet the new focus that the project is taking sadden me. I was totally going for a silent deadspace-like games with falling-from-my-chair scary scenes ! :( This interface blind the whole screen and if a villain start talking to you endlessly, you couldn't see what he's up to !

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Help Panel] Customizing

    @theantig: Go

    Hey, sorry for rezzing the thread, but you mention a trigger that is not in the screenshots. I'd like to know how to remove the tech tree buttons and let the units buttons.

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on [Release] Comprehensive Squad System

    Great, feels just like w40k Dawn of war II !

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Sorry I haven't been very active...
    Quote from Karawasa: Go

    @AegisRunestone: Go

    Is there a particular reason why anyone would give a damn? Perhaps you could elaborate on why you felt this post needed to be made. You mentioned that only 10% of people here care about league games, but you failed to realize that 0% of people here care about you. Are you by chance one of those people who tweets about eating lunch?

    And are you by chance one of those fresh boys that don't show any respect and are full of bitterness because they've past too much time behind a screen ?

    Seriously, show some respect. If you don't know him and can't help him about his spell, ignore the post.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Add ons to the 3 three races require data wizz mapster

    I like your sense of details and background, I often do sketches myself of ideas when it is for a map.

    Now I don't really like the idea of this race. To me it's not really starcraftish. In fact, that's the very fact that they are humans and their technology is quasi similar to the protosses that bugs me. Maybe you should think outside of the box (as you already have put many efforts) and think of something a bit more original, even if you're creating a new race out of starcraft original lore (or you can search lores for clues of other races and develop a part of the lore http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Kalath_Intercession)

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on [SFX] IskatuMesk Sound Packs & Music

    @IskatuMesk: Go

    Oh okay, thanks !

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on [SFX] IskatuMesk Sound Packs & Music

    Hi, nice stuff. Can I know what program you used to do the music tracks ?

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on SotIS Unlocked

    If you have a question about a map, ask the author. Period.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Library] Talent System

    @MaskedPoptart: Go

    Great work ! I was actually doing one but I'll never finish it I think.

    Posted in: Trigger Libraries & Scripts
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    posted a message on Left 2 Die will be deleted @ 11:00AM on Friday
    Quote from Colt556: Go

    @Mephs: Go

    The number of people matters because that's the entire basis for the name, hurr. That makes it worse, you're trying to make a play on a name without even knowing what the name stands for. Left 4 Dead was a funny play on words because they were left for dead, and it was 4 people. Left 2 Die does the same thing, two people left to die at the hands of the zerg.

    Your map takes the name, and kills all the originality in it. Your map is not a play on words, it's just a bunch of people fighting zombies, there's no reason to have a name that plays on words when it doesn't describe your map. Name's are suppose to represent the item that carries them. What's the point of giving a map a name that has NOTHING to do with what the map is about?

    It's a moot point anyways, Blizzard already shot you down for trying to take their name, and they did so with class.

    Let's call it "High 5 to Death !" then

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Valve is Trademarking DOTA

    I don't know about you guys but I have the strong impression that Blizzard DotA's appereance at Blizzcon and the decision to make that custom map by official developers is linked to the recent announcement of a Valve DOTA2. I think of it as a way for Blizzard to control the concept and rights, and to not loose the DOTA copyrights as this news is demonstrating.

    These two companies are going on war....

    Quote from Victiln: Go

    Could these companies stop fucking around and accually come up with games that isn't halfbread and fucked up around each corner, instead of spending their resources on such things?


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on So abandon our projects, or abuse pop system?
    Quote from sandround: Go

    @WhiskeeGX: Go

    Yup, whiskee. No matter how much people complain, the regular player base is very happy with the popularity system. I disagree that blizzard say we should dumb them down. But the current system is made for a few maps to fill up fast. And that's what popularity system is good for. And regular players don't care for diversity, otherwise they would have just quit playing the same 5 maps that had been here since release.

    Thing is, the regular player base you're talking about are not mapmakers.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Nexus Word Wars was banned
    Quote from XanoX02: Go

    @xenrathe: Go Theses word have NO CONTEXT and are not toward any player.

    Lol, I just imagined a nexus word wars where you get to send insult at your opponents.
    "noob" "butthead" "fucknut"

    Posted in: General Chat
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