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    posted a message on Trigger module bug: comparison operator & records
    Quote from Thalassicus: Go

    I've discovered a workaround to the bug I indicated in the first post. For step 6, do the following:

    1. Select the custom script option when attempting to choose a record member
    2. Enter anything (a single space is fine)
    3. Click ok
    4. Re-select the member
    5. Change back to the Variable option. All the record members are now selectable.

    nice workaround there :) was just battling with this my self

    i am kinda having even more trouble with Within Bounds... can't really seem to add a Record at all... so i have to use a Local Variable...

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on [Help] Automating Units with the Data Editor
    Quote from ShuckBeam: Go


    Don't use the search area effect.

    Use an (Effect - Target) Ability with auto-cast enabled and use Only Neutral and Resource (Harvestable) as the target filters. Make sure you set Auto-Cast Aquire level to defensive.

    Have the ability point toward an 'Issue Order' Effect that points back to the ORIGINAL gather ability.

    Using the gather ability as the dummy, you can use the new auto-cast button to harvest manually, without cluttering the command card.

    I've done it up quickly on a map to illustrate:

    mmh... has anyone tried this lately? i can't get this to work... and even ShuckBeam's "Automine_ability.SC2Map" doesn't seem to work for me... did a patch break this recently?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Transform issue, Not Working after point in game

    @SnyderGuy: Go

    not if the ability doesn't have a button

    just don't make an command card button for the ability... and make a trigger order the unit to use do the ability
    (at least i think you can do that... right?)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Button frames for uploaded command card art

    @Bilxor: Go

    cool good job :)
    i'll be sure to give it a read if you write a link here

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Button frames for uploaded command card art

    can't say i know much about photo/picture editing... but...
    try importing one of Blizzard's buttons arts to your map... and see if it also bug... i mean it could be a general bug with importing button art?

    other then that... i normally only use MSPaint... so anything transparent is lost on my end... but tried bringing up your button and Blizzard's button next to eachother? and see if the border is 100% the same

    only real help i can be... sorry

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Footprint] structure with custom footprint don't snap to build-grid

    @REDlandry: Go

    ok... so it's a bug... that's good to know :) it's not me going crazy i mean

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Footprint] structure with custom footprint don't snap to build-grid

    @REDlandry: Go

    that is what i have been doing really... and well... it just act oddly the moment i use my "duplicate" of the default footprint... even if it's totally the same as the default footprint...
    i haven't tired changing the default footprints cause i don't wanna break units that may be using those

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved]Problem with model selection radius

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    made it work :) thanks
    didn't know there was more then one kind of Actor... learn something everyday using this editor

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Footprint] structure with custom footprint don't snap to build-grid

    @REDlandry: Go

    like i said... Movement: Pathing Footprint - Placement is the default Footprint 2x2... haven't messed with that one

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved]Problem with model selection radius
    Quote from Builder_Bob: Go

    The method I suggested worked actually. Here's a map for reference.

    You will require two actors per unit. One actor will show the model, and the other actor will act as the selection box. Which is attached to which didn't make any difference, so it is best to use the visible model as the main actor. This way animating the unit will be much simpler.

    What you need to do with the main actor:
    Set it up with the model you want for the unit and everything else as you normally do.
    The field Art - Model Flag 'Allow Hit Test' is what allows the cursor to detect the actor. Uncheck this flag.

    What you need to do with the model addition actor:
    Give it a model that has the shape most resembling the visible model for the unit.
    Scale it so it will match the visible model.
    Uncheck 'Model Scale' and 'Scale' in Properties - Inherited Properties.
    Add a UnitBirth event so the ModelAddition is created for the unit.
    Add a SetOpacity 0 event on ActorCreation to hide the model.

    One final thing I did in the reference map unrelated to the selection problem was that I set Selection Radius in the model to a higher number to increase the green selection circle of the unit.

    ok been trying to do this... had the editor crash two times now... ... ...
    i guess i am missing some basic understanding of for actors work... (i can't use the same actor for multiple units?)
    following the map for reference here... i create a second actor and all that... but as for how i do the "Add a UnitBirth event so the ModelAddition is created for the unit. " i am not sure how (Actor Events are still very confusing to me... anyone know a good tutorial about Actor Events)

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Changing model scale w/o selection

    @illidans911: Go

    i don't know if you fix the problem you had in you map... but i am kinda having a problem like it... that's why i necro-ed your thread *sweatdrop*
    but if you did fix it... i'd love to hear your solution... since you never posted it here

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Changing model scale w/o selection

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    that does sound like a good idea... only i have no idea how i'd go about doing that

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Reset Upgrade via Command Card?

    @dingoo71: Go

    well... i'd suggest looking at the Ghost's Hold Fire and Weapons Free abilities and see how it works with hiding and showing the button

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Reset Upgrade via Command Card?

    then i guess you just need to make some dummy command card abilities and have triggers check if those abilities are used... that'd also be my way of doing it

    but i my self am still battling with making a dummy ability... so not sure i can help much there right now

    Posted in: Data
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