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    posted a message on escort question

    Hey there!

    Here's what I'd do, assuming I have the same vision in my head that you do.

    Let's say there are a couple of units called "Escorts" in the map and you want them to follow your Hero unit. I'd have a repeating timer of a couple seconds and when it triggers, I'd use a "pick each unit in unit group" action, specify the unit group as "units in region matching condition," then say all Escorts in region "Entire Map." Then for the actions I'd order each "Picked Unit" to "Attack" to point "Random Point in Region" and specify the region as "Convert Region to Circle" central point "Position of Hero" and radius 6 or so.

    In theory, that would make it so every couple of seconds each Escort is issued a command to attack to a random point surrounding your Hero is a small radius.

    Instead of ordering them to attack to a random point in a region around the hero, you could order them to attack to a "Point with Polar Offset" with point "Position of Hero," Radius of 6 or so, and Angle as "Random Angle." This would make them always keep some distance away.

    Another way you can do this if you don't like repeating timers via triggers is to give each Escort a behavior that last forever and fires off a useless "Set" effect every couple of seconds. Then make a trigger that fires on Action "Effect Used" and specify the effect you made. Then have it do the same thing as above except without the "Pick each Unit" loop, just have it order the "Triggering Effect Unit Caster" to move to the point you want.

    Just some food for thought, best of luck!


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help!

    Hey there!

    For colliding projectiles, definitely check out this tutorial:


    I'd recommend making his first ability exactly the way the tutorial describes then spend as much time as you can dissecting it and modifying it. Try to figure out what every effect does-once you understand it from top to bottom you'll be able to make pretty much any colliding projectile you can imagine!

    As for dialogs, I'd suggest searching for tutorials. Here's one I found just now (haven't watched it myself):


    There are a ton of tutorials on sc2mapster and youtube. Dialogs are pretty easy though-once you figure them out they're a piece of cake. Just really really time consuming.

    I think there are some tutorials for FPS and WASD movement, but I'd highly suggest you stay away from those types of games-current Bnet lag makes WASD games unplayable for me and for a lot of other people.

    Just some food for thought.

    Best of luck!


    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on City-Based Arcade Map, Need Terrainer

    Hey there!

    This is rut, the creator of the game StarDodgeBall. I’m working on a new project that takes place in a crowded city. The idea is to have masses of AI-controlled Marines walking around a realistic, visually appealing city (streets, a common square, back-alleys, etc). Human players then attempt to blend in with the neutral Marines and stalk eachother. There are special weapons you can pick up, some abilities (Blink, Cloak, Hallucination, etc), and the goal will be to have a flexible number of game options (FFA, Teams, CTF, etc.). My wife wants me to call the game "Sidewalk Sociopaths," but I can't say I'm decided on that...

    The only problem is I’m utterly incompetent with Terraining.

    This isn’t a super large project. It’s not a DOTA remake or a crazy RPG—all I really need is a moderate to small-sized bit of City Terrain for the setting of the game. If it gathers popularity we can think of new arenas and such, but it really only needs one at the moment.

    If you’re interested at all, please post here or contact me at [email protected]. I can’t offer anything except your name on what could potentially become the greatest SC2 Arcade game of all time (there’s a chance for that, right?). And I also want to mention that this is a game that will be completed and published. It’s not a large game in scope and I’d love to have it published after a few months.

    Thanks so much for reading—you guys rock!


    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on -RELEASED- 3D City Defense 12/12/12

    Hey there! I saw the video and started up a game with just myself to see how it felt, and I wanted to leave you some feedback.

    First off the look is absolutely amazing! It's no secret you put a tremendous amount of time and effort into the project. I also enjoyed the voice-acting and the tutorial very much.

    On the negative front, the feel of the game was very difficult for me to get used to. Input lag always makes WASD controls a little clunky, but the lag associated with right-clicking to move the camera around made camera-movement frustrating.

    I noticed that in the video, the minimap shows where your screen is looking; however, when I played it the minimap only showed my unit as a little dot, making navigation very difficult. It was also tough to distinguish my dot from the other dots that were mostly green on the minimap. Perhaps making a player's Hero unit a larger dot would help.

    The dialogs and items were very professional-looking but the text was pretty small-I actually had to scooch up to my screen to read what the items did. Unfortunately, the game started so very quickly, I did not get a chance to figure out the inventory/equipment system.

    One other thing that was difficult for me was using abilities. I wasn't sure of the range for my attack-perhaps having a range indicator around the Hero like how a sieged tank does in a melee game would help players. Also, some of the abilities felt clunky, mostly because of the orientation of the camera (having to click on the ground was surprisingly difficult).

    As you may have noticed, all of my negative feedback is entirely with the UI. I think the game itself and especially the visuals are amazing! If it were a little easier to use, especially for first-timers like me, I think this game could be one of the best!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Tutorial] Global publishing to all locales

    Thanks so much for this guide! You have no idea how much trouble you've spared me. You're awesome-thanks again!

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on HOTS Beta Dependency Question


    I know not a lot of people have access to the Beta, but for the mappers who do, do you have any experience with loading existing maps into the HOTS editor and/or using any of the HOTS dependencies with your maps?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on HOTS Beta Dependency Question

    Hey everyone!

    I just got a HOTS Beta invite and have been fiddling around with the editor. However, a scary thought popped into my head regarding the dependencies. Will we be able to add HOTS dependencies to our existing maps to use the new units/models/sounds/etc? It seems that the campaign dependencies for HOTS are currently disabled, which is understandable, but I haven't been successful yet with loading any of my existing custom maps into the HOTS editor in order to add anything new to them.

    Has anyone been able to do this? I'd love if this was human error on my part and a very simple process could be used to mix HOTS and WOL dependencies together in existing maps.


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Disable/Enable a specific smart command

    When you say you want Attack-click still in there, do you mean that you want the option of auto-attacking when the unit is given the command to attack-click? If you just want the unit to attack at a point or on a unit when you click down the mouse, you can do it with abilities and triggers much easier than with weapons.

    Or perhaps have the weapon set to be unable to attack units with a certain behavior or flag, and when you select an enemy unit with your mouse, a trigger gives it the required behavior or flag to make it targetable?

    I would bet triggers would be the way to go.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on StarDodgeBall Advertiser/Project Page

    Hurray, I managed to figure out how to make a Youtube video:

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on StarDodgeBall Advertiser/Project Page

    Thanks for the replies!

    I'd love to get the game on the SC2Mapster front page and all that other jazz, but without a Youtube video, I can't do much! That's primarily the purpose of this thread - to find someone who can make a YouTube video.

    @ Dragoneles, Thanks for the offer! I'm unfamiliar with sc2ID, but it's awesome that you would like to share! I'll definitely try to learn more about them.

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on StarDodgeBall Advertiser/Project Page

    Just wanted to bump this thread, and to also mention that the game now has fome fantastic music courtesy of the Einhander OST. Check it out!

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on StarDodgeBall Advertiser/Project Page

    My name is rut and I have just published and debugged a fun little Custom map called "StarDodgeBall" (NA server). It's a Dodgeball game that I think has a good amount of potential. I'm also getting to be quite busy in my personal life so I'd like to have a co-conspirator to possibly take over the project in the future. All the coding, data-stuff, and terrain stuff is done for now, but if the game gathers any ground, I'd love to implement more features.

    Long story short, I need someone who can gather people to play the game as well as do anything else he/she might think necessary to spread the game.

    The reward for helping me out? I can't offer anything beyond acknowledgements and the potential to take over the project if interested and if my personal life gets too hectic.

    Not sure you're sold? Well then! Just search "dodgeball" in the NA server and try the game out! Just add computer players (recommended 4v4 as 6v6 can get a bit hectic for your first time) and play a round or two with them. If you like how it feels and would like to play a part in its development, please pm me or email [email protected]

    And of course any feedback/bugs/comments are always welcome!

    Thanks for your time! (Try the game out!)

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on Projectile ability - keep traveling?


    Here is a tutorial explaining how to create missile effects like the ones you're describing. Basically you start with an initial persistent effect that uses as its period effect a launch effect that will travel until it reaches the periodic offset you give it. To detect collision, the missile has a persistent effect that constantly searches for enemies around it.

    Hopefully this helps! I've used this tutorial and the types of missiles it creates for well over a year now.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unreasonable Load Time (Solved!)

    Good news, the culprit has been found! Turns out one of my actors (a turret actor) was bugged in some way, even though I created it a very long time ago. For some reason if I click on it individually, it freezes the editor but I can still highlight it along with other actors with shift-click. Really wierd. If I delete it that way, it somehow keeps the game bugged and it won't load. However, I tried moving everything in my map except that one actor into a new map and it works just fine.

    Long story short, if your map refuses to load via Test Documents, try searching through your actors (individually clicking each one) and see if any of them are bugged. Hopefully this isn't a relevant problem to most people.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unreasonable Load Time (Solved!)

    I tried deleting all the triggers, units, and actors and it still won't load. Even when I try opening the map with all modified actor information deleted, it freezes on "Loading Actor Data." I'm absolutely stumped, perhaps it really is related to the new patch.

    Any ideas or suggestions?

    Posted in: Data
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