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    posted a message on HotS Pre-Order

    @XLIIVI: Go

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on HotS Pre-Order

    I have pre-ordered the new game from the Blizzard vendor. I want to generate the Tempest unit visible on stream. The HotS key will help an intermediary step to the creation.

    Why is Amazon different from Blizzard vendor? Is it different?

    If I have to order twice to obtain the result, I will not be happy. I thought Amazon takes 8 extra days to send the key. What is the story of the other vendor?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Bunchabilities

    hey sorry i put a bunc hof work into this map and there a bunch of great abilities on this map and you'll really enjoy. however, i made this post while drunk and so it is lacking in the essential cleverness. if you want you can delete it, or if you test the map you'll be happy you did

    Hey what's up I'm drunk and feeling a spur of motivation. I'd like to join a design team like the design team for Special Forces Elite. Here's my abilities map, with a bunch of custom abilities. During my last phase of motivation I wrote all the stuff about how the abilities work. Then I added more abilities that don't have descriptions.

    When you test my map you'll see that the player has 3 heroes, and each hero has custom abilities. I will be revisiting this stuff to give a more thorough description at a later time, when I'm not drunk. Here are my abilities. If you see my abilities and like them you should contact me about joining a design team for maps.


    Posted in: Data Assets
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    posted a message on Valhalla (MOBA + MTG + LotR)


    Is to be a game of Vikings vs Overlords.


    On death, Vikings create additional revenue streams for Vikings team. Vikings players are required to make judicious trade-offs between active Vikings, and Vikings @ Valhalla (generating additional resources). I envision Vikings team heroes to function like those of MOBA, gaining levels and experiencing time-out on death.


    Overlords players gain resources and a measure of control for Overlords that are kept alive. Overlords players are required to make judicious trade-offs with Overlord-positioning. Each Overlord provides regional control and greater influence is accrued when more Overlords are present in the local region. However, if too many Overlords are present in one combat region, there is the possibility of a costly massacre.

    Note About Overlords Overlords statistics will scale (like MOBA Tower damage) as the game progresses. However, the Overlords themselves are not the team heroes. Instead, the Overlords team will behave more like the forces of Sauron in LotR. The Overlords, like the Nazgul, will provide regional control at the Overlord's location; snaring enemies and bolstering allies. However, the Overlords

    Principles (Largely MOBA Standard)

    • Minion Waves: Both teams have AI-controlled minions spawning in waves (a la MOBA). AI-controlled minion-types are determined by default.
    • Minion Waves (cont.): Players choose player-controlled minions with a selection mechanism (like probe -> beacon).
    • Player Spells: Players cast regional and global spells (a la MTG) by allocating resources.
    • Resources: Damaging not-allied minions and critters generates resources.
    • Resources (cont.): Kills generate additional (bonus resources) and can be denied.
    • Heroes: Levelable-MOBA-esc with a classic SCBW LotR feel. Overlords, like the Orcs and Trolls will be more minion-dependent (perhaps 1 player on the Overlords team will be more hero-dependent). Vikings will be the antithesis of the Overlords. Vikings will be more hero-dependent.
    • Bases: Each team will have an allied base. The base will be divided into encampments. There will be neutral territory separating the team bases.
    • Encampments: Within the team's main base, there will be an encampment for each player. Each encampment will be styled according to a particular theme (like Rohan, Gondor, Shire, Men of the West in LotR). Players will be able to choose their team and faction, and heroes and minion-types will be allotted accordingly (a la LotR).
    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Wanderer unit wander not

    With wander behavior, attack acquire problem there is. If aggressive the wanderer is then wander not will he. Suppress attack, react not the unit should

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Data] Revive Heroes

    what sort of timer is appropriate for revive hero? does the hero lose experience and how do you apply thsechanges

    Posted in: Tutorials
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    posted a message on Chuck Norris Break & Saving Random

    I'm creating a new ability titled "Chuck Norris Break." There will be a lot of random effects and random offsets that are applied to targets. It should be possible to save randoms (easily, without behaviors) so that my caster unit is able to follow the path of Chuck Norris Break targets. My pride requires that this be data-only. Open to suggestions or patches.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Weekly Terraining Exercise #107: Assets (HOTS beta keys inside!)

    In the tradition of secret paths, the secret path is not appreciable unless one walks it in-game.

    included are: Cabin (Futuristic Hut): "The Solar House," Secret Path, and Waterfall (from Development of my Water World)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Missile
    Quote from AstralCV: Go

    I'm just glad we get tooltips at all. The less user friendly an editor is, the more dedicated the modders or mapmakers need to be to learn it.

    Which in turn increases the overall quality of custom maps that end up being uploaded.

    And for those who are interested in learning what each field does, there are wonderful resources like this site that make it a breeze. Most of the fields have very detailed information here on the Wiki, and even some have detailed examples of how to use the field.

    I wish there were more users uploading "major" custom map efforts like Chain Charge. Improving your use of the data editor seems to be a function of knowing tricks and the best models.

    i.e. it's a lot easier to imagine something when you have a working knowledge of the best models and tricks with actor messages.

    Me, personally, I'd love to contribute more to this site. However, on account of political problems with one notorious programmer (aka Pretty Fly For A White - Programmer (Sometimes Devilish).mp3q ; insidious, double-dealing, bent-on-frustrating others / a curious character ; could be more helpful :: stop making things unnecessarily difficult ::hostattachrefpossibilitiytint:color(set666) end transmission: 91123451234559089012341245 yardovich) beep bop a dope.

    due to inteference by the aforementioned party I've been unable to contribute in the capacity i'd prefer

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Sup, Movers Diagnostics Simulator

    Could some skillful guy create a 3D Box or graph, and then create stock equations for the parabola and throw drivers. Possibly there could be multiple guidance phases.

    Anyway, this wouldn't have to extend to the revolver / orbit stuff to keep the complexity manageable.

    I'm visualizing something like a 3D Box where a developer could select "Parabola" and then specify starting and ending points like in Paint. From there the developer could tweak the line by moving midpoints (a la paint curves).

    This would make it a lot easier to achieve predictable results when designing movers. And of course it would be super awesome if there were someone genius enough to include the revolver phases and show motion across time in the 3D Box thing

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Missile

    i hear you, it's just a question of timing. also, the projectile system is pretty interesting. i hope future patches expand on the fields available; maybe remove some that shouldn't be there, and add some more decription to how the fields operate.

    • the movers system is complex enough that examples and accurate information about every value could make it a lot more user friendly.

    it's one of those systems where very specific information about each value is very helpful.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Missile

    why missile can't miss.

    missile outro negative assumes missile not miss. if missile miss then negative value is positive miss value

    missile miss is good if you are tying to overshoot u target

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Simultaneous Beams

    [solved] separate effect to call each beam

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on (Solved) Simultaneous Beams

    What's the story with simultaneous beams and the same unit? This isn't a situation that shouldn't come up much.

    I'm having trouble with Riley's double beam actor advice. Even if I dupe the beam model, and then create two separate actors for the same beam model, and then use those two beams individually for my attacks, the double beam animation doesn't suit me.

    That is, the beam visuals aren't there. I'm using the same effect to call both beams. I think they should be both be visible but in-game they cancel each other out or something. I'd like to see both of them at once. Surely it's possible. (I've witnessed multiple (1+) beams issuing from the same unit).

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Footprints and Interaction

    Pretty much I'm trying to design a "thin" wall with the Force Field model to be the visual. The wall is created via a create unit effect.

    The strange thing is that pathing (with a custom Movement: Pathing Footprint) will path around a circle instead of interacting with the print itself.

    Thus the wall interacts with units (melee attacks and unit movements) using the footprint radius instead of the shaded area. I'd like to use the shaded area instead of the radius to determine interaction.

    Posted in: Data
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