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    posted a message on New UDK Shiny

    @ProzaicMuze: Go Pain in the ass, since they're not self-made. Finally done with this though.

    Expect some tasty TPS-SC2-Screenshots in the near future, because I'm pimping my Portfolio a bit. After that there will be more shiny UDK and hopefully something special in the next 6 months for everyone ^^

    Also updated the first post with a new gallery.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on New UDK Shiny

    @Mozared: Go Because that's the level I'm working on right naow :P

    There will be different stuff in the near future, don't worry. But this is pretty much the final version.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on New UDK Shiny


    There. Have fun.

    Edit: UPDATED.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on A New Warcraft?

    @Blackveiled: Go
    In that case, you didn't even closely take a look at the story since WoW came out. Basically, they retconned everything they could get their hands on, to fit their expansions ... because MOAR MONEY.

    It's a sad day in hell when Draenei suddenly crash into Azeroth with a friggin' spaceship, just because the Alliance needs another Capital City at the ass of the world or Death Knights become commonplace, because that Class was best fitting the Lichking Expansion...

    They even did the same shit as they did with the Zerg "Oh the Scourge isn't evil, Arthas is just holding them back, blablabla" - not to mention since Chris Metzen is doing all the stuff, we probably will see more parallels like Dark Voice -> Sargeras, Lichking -> Kerrigan, etc in the future of Blizz Franchises.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Terrain Feedback

    @Nebuli2: Go Still hurts the eye =P

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Feedback

    I'd like to point out that I'd prefer the Tarsonis one. It sets a good counter-note to the green trees and plants. If everything is green, I think it gets a bit boring. And god, the damn teal hurts my eyes.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on How you create good looking terrain simple / fast?

    Set everything in Lighting to 0.


    Just kidding, mostly you can do it with an easy mix of gras/sand, some rocks, trees, shrubs and more rocks. Rocks mostly. Only add rocks. Rocks rock.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on How to get any Feedback at all in the SC2 community?
    Quote from PatchOne: Go

    Good Evening.

    It's always morning on the Internet.

    You just aren't very good. So, why would people want to play your map? What's the USP of your maps, besides "it's inferior to that other copy"? Especially the people that might actually give you incredible feedback (Malu, TKC, EW, Moza, Tomura, Otixa, Eiviyn, me, other people I can't call from my brain at 4am) are not interested in this kind of stuff. Look at other projects around, they have a far higher quality level than your maps and are a lot more interesting. Or to be precise: You are number 183234 or something of the many people who would like to become famous by making a map. Well, sucks to be you, because it ain't that damn easy. Lots of factors are involved to actually make something people want to play. And a lot more to make the map known. And sometimes those factors are just goddamn downright crazy (Nexus Wars).

    So... get better and make something that actually is worth playing.

    That's all I can say to that.

    Oh and EleTD has a huge community from WC3 which is pretty loyal, so no wonder Ka... Kara... Kasawara... Ihavenoideahowthefuckheevergotthatnamespelledcorretly ... gets a lot of posts while you are viewed as someone, who tries to get a piece of his cake.

    Also, good morning.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Terrain Feedback

    @Nebuli2: Go Note: Agria rocks are t3h best =)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Feedback

    @Mozared: Go Sense. Terrain has none. But add more rocks anyways :P

    @Nebuli2: Go Looks better. Still don't like your Lighting though, way too tealish in some places, ruins it a bit with too intense colors. But maybe that's just me. Wait, that's the only important opinion here. Change it immediately! :P Just joking.

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Feedback

    @Nebuli2: Go Try a dark-greyish. Not brownish =)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on [Video] It's almost here...

    Trailer hyped with shiny text and let me down afterwards 8[

    But, I don't really like TDs, so... Looks very polished and it's probably THE choice for TDs on SC2 right now. Took you long enough, too. <insert lame "like duke nukem" joke here>

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on irc chat banned?

    Guess it was because of the Curse Network shutdown? *scratches head* I think the Freenode is the Curse IRC hosted by them, or is it?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Terrain Feedback

    @Nebuli2: Go In that case you either got a pretty good pc or a small map or it isn't done yet ;) Everyone who made good looking TPS projects up to this point came across this problem at some point =)

    Posted in: Terrain
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    posted a message on Terrain Feedback

    Fog will not prevent your game from lagging horribly, since SC2 does not correctly render on a horizontal view. You will have to come up with a decent way of streaming your map, if you want to go TPS. Otherwise, shit will go down bad ;) On the terms of doodads: I meant stuff like fern & bushes. They get ugly very fast if you scale 'em that big. Rather use a few more of them in one spot and build a good level streaming, instead of placing one giant bush that hurts people's eyes =)

    Dug up some of my old TPS stuff on the forums. Might help you get a decent idea of what I meant exactly. For indoor, please refer to TheKC and the Vector Project ;)

    LandingZone01 Cavern Swamp

    Most are just quick works for ModCraft or a test level though. Nothing fancy.

    P.S.: lol ... 466 rocks ... that's kinda cute :P Come back when there's 46600 rocks, and I'll tell you a secret *g*

    Posted in: Terrain
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