Wouldn't last too long but you could try randoming some of the more popular multiplayer arcade maps. If it's not broken, would love to see Husky's old map played. The one with huggerlords and zombies n such. I think it was called Imba League by Zetal.
I can't wait for him to replicate it in his video feed! (wink wink, nudge nudge)
Wouldn't last too long but you could try randoming some of the more popular multiplayer arcade maps. If it's not broken, would love to see Husky's old map played. The one with huggerlords and zombies n such. I think it was called Imba League by Zetal.
I played Noir Automata lvl 5, and I feel like I now know Jay on a more intimate level and his feelings about reavers. :)
Congrats. So did ya do the face cam, or is that still coming? :P
One post... Odd looking url... I'm not clicking that but someone else can :P
I made a Jayborino once!
The map ended with a really cool boss battle :D.
I uploaded a vid finishing the map. But uhh... boss spoilers?
When he reaches 10k subscribers, he's gonna be raking in so much dough, he won't know what to do with it!
Hey Jay! you should wear these headphones when your face cam reveal comes along!: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA8N13U07294&ignorebbr=1
It's 2nd map of Blixor's new campaign. It's in beta.
@JayborinoPlays: Go
Yea, Blixor is a pretty good map maker. Real premo stuff.
Shots fired!
Yes! We buried your body! o.o