I have no idea because I've barely scratched the surface of banks.
SaveBankfileEventsGame-PlayerAnyPlayertypesachatmessagecontaining"-saveBank",matchingExactlyLocalVariablesConditionsActionsPlayerGroup-Pickeachplayerin(ActivePlayers)anddo(Actions)ActionsBank-Preloadandsynchronizebank"CityofHorrorsSC2BankFile"forplayer(Pickedplayer)UI-Display"Initializing Bank Files..."for(Allplayers)toSubtitleareaBank-Openbank"CityofHorrorsSC2BankFile"forplayer(Triggeringplayer)UnitGroup-Pickeachunitin(AnyunitsinHeroesownedbyplayer(Triggeringplayer)matchingExcluded:Missile,Dead,Hidden,withatmost1)anddo(Actions)ActionsBank-Storeunit(Pickedunit)as"SurvivorHero"ofsection"SurvivorLoad"inbank(Lastopenedbank)
You don't want the preload and synch there, it can only be used at the start of the game
save the bank after you store what you want in it in order to have it save the data.
The guy in the sound byte doesn't have the feeling in his voice to match what he's saying.
It's actually kind of funny to hear a passive voice saying "face my wrath." and it doesn't sound like radio static, it sounds like feedback, which is more irritating.
Will this code work?
I have no idea because I've barely scratched the surface of banks.
On a side note, I need an opinion on this audio file: http://thorcraftgames.com/MitchelCorruptedFinal.mp3
Yes it's supposed to sound kind of like Radio Static.
Still alive and kicking, just busy.
My guide to the trigger editor (still a work in progress)