Stargate Galaxies

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Stargate Galaxies will be a Unique Singleplayer RPG thats Expandable by the Users themselfes.

simple explained - It will be an RPG in the stargate universe where youre able to travel to other planets (maps that load after you dialed the correct address).
the game starts on earth in the stargate center - you have the stargate and some coordinates, you dial them and advance to the next planet.

this project is infinite expandable by users, because all they have to do is create a map, insert the stargate base stuff and add their address to the stargate.

Help is Welcome, if anyone out there wants to participate in this project, just send me a PM


Hey Guys.

We, the Stargate Galaxies Team, knows we didn't posted any updates since this thread exists, and we are very sorry for that.

We had some very slow progress, the project was in some kind of hibernation over some time so we simply had nothing new to show.

Now the team worked out some things in the last few days and i want to share that Stuff with the Community!

Twitter and Facebook!

First of all, we Created an own Twitter account - we'll try to provide updates to everyone that is interested as often as we can.

There is nothing yet, we just created that account some days ago, but we definitly will post Updates on it and answer your questions or comment on your thoughts!

Also we created a Group on Facebook!!/group.php?gid=128810007168252

im not really into that facebook stuff, so im not sure if this link works, but if it does, feel free to join it and discuss whatever you want :)

Game Informations!

This thread is relatively old, and has never been updated since it exists.

We have found several things out, that were very problematic for this project, due to the lack of Support from Blizzard and also decided some more or less major gameplay aspects.

1. - there is NO Map Changing on 2.0
its just not possible to change the map on an active multiplayer game on bnet2.0 - support tickets about that, written from an EU account has just lead in predefined answer emails telling me i should ask on the US forums - very funny Blizzard!

Without Map Changing online, we had to make a very big deceision about the game itself, that has a good and a bad side.

The keyword is: Singleplayer Modification!

Stargate Galaxies will be a FPS/3rdPS Singleplayer RPG.

Its not as epic as it could have been with real online map changeing, but we think this still will be a great project and wont stop until it is finished.
Also we have some idea for an online based 'Arena' where you can compete with your Characters from your Singleplayer progress, to test your skills against other players.

The good side on this one is, we dont have to care about trademark issues (at least for blizzard reasons), we dont have to care about map sizes (tons of custom models will be there :)) and we can be as rude or whatever as we want!

2. - Gametype - First Person/3rd Person Shooter!

We Decided to create this game as a FPS/3rdPS. nothing much to say about this deceision, we just thought that we cant create an rpg like this with an top-down view from an RTS game like StarCraft2.

3. - Skills, Leveling and Experience

We dont have much on this topic to reveal right now, except that we are going to use a very own kind of experience gathering (Percentage based Only, Infos on that will follow 'soon') the Skills System will be like known from serveral other RPGĀ“s (MassEffect2, Alpha Protocol) and The Leveling in general wont make you the UberSoldier to defeat the goa'ould like nothing, even if you are on Level 200. (just an example, no levelcap known yet.)

Ingame Progress!

We have models and very skilled terrainers, so lets have a look at some of their work!

We have all models we need, we are able to import them into StarCraft2 - but its like a puzzle on some of them, so these pictures wont show completed models, just parts of them.

Fans of the Stargate Franchise know Places like the Alpha Site, and now we will show you the first looks at the nearly finished Alpha Site terrain, as well as the latest SGC Redesign! (SGC pretty old, redesigned - no custom models in them yet)

(rightclick -> show graphic to view full size)

We have an very talented 2D Artist aboard, that made us some Icons for several Ingame things lately, and we want to show you some of them too!


Thats all for now!

i hope anyone who likes this project and wants to see it finished forgives us for the very late update, but we will try to bring more of them now as soon as we have new stuff to show.

and we are still recruiting! triggerer and data editors (effects) needed!

kind regards, PatchOne


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 20, 2010
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