When my project brainstorming went from 'what cool game do I want to make' to 'how do I design my map to succeed in the popularity system' that was the deathblow for me. Case in point: Nexus Word Wars. I mean, really? Talk about going to the logical extreme.
When I make a map, it's something I think is fun and interesting. I don't care if it's popular (sure it was a nice feeling when I made page one for a week) but I DO want to be able to play my games and not see them buried under a terrible system. Right now it feels like half the effort goes into making the map, and the other half goes into advertising to find people to play so it's not lost somewhere on page 13 of 'more games.'
Honestly I feel very silly for how much time I spent learning the editor at this point.
It's not easy being a gay gamer — and apparently that holds true even if you aren't actually homosexual.
Microsoft recently banned a 26-year-old gamer from Xbox Live, accusing him of violating the online gaming service's code of conduct by publicly declaring that he's from the town of Fort Gay.
A customer service rep from the company told Josh Moore, an unemployed factory worker, that the town's name was considered offensive.
But Microsoft now finds itself having to issue an apology not only to Moore but to the entire town of Fort Gay, West Virginia. Yeah…turns out it's a real place.
10 million views in less than two weeks. They're doing something right.
BTW trying to embed links in this forum is kinda annoying. http://wiki.sc2mapster.com/markup-types/
Nice project. I'll keep my eye on this one, mostly to see how bnet and the popularity system treats it. Good luck.
Something I put together over a few days. Enjoy!
I threw in the towel myself, but but of luck to anyone still plugging away and fighting the system.
That is all.
When my project brainstorming went from 'what cool game do I want to make' to 'how do I design my map to succeed in the popularity system' that was the deathblow for me. Case in point: Nexus Word Wars. I mean, really? Talk about going to the logical extreme.
When I make a map, it's something I think is fun and interesting. I don't care if it's popular (sure it was a nice feeling when I made page one for a week) but I DO want to be able to play my games and not see them buried under a terrible system. Right now it feels like half the effort goes into making the map, and the other half goes into advertising to find people to play so it's not lost somewhere on page 13 of 'more games.'
Honestly I feel very silly for how much time I spent learning the editor at this point.
Virtual dub program. Freeware.
Two different flames, depending on what? One for ground one for air? Or just alternating one flame than the other?
If the later...
1. Download http://www.sc2mapster.com/maps/godzilla-attacks/files/24-kerenskys-expanded-data-package-v1-1/
2. Place a few 'Omnimech' units on the terrain.
3. See what their attack graphic looks like.
If this is what you are talking about, check out how I configured the weapon 'Omnifire'
Best of luck!
And I was just starting to care again, what a disaster.
It's not easy being a gay gamer — and apparently that holds true even if you aren't actually homosexual.
Microsoft recently banned a 26-year-old gamer from Xbox Live, accusing him of violating the online gaming service's code of conduct by publicly declaring that he's from the town of Fort Gay.
A customer service rep from the company told Josh Moore, an unemployed factory worker, that the town's name was considered offensive.
But Microsoft now finds itself having to issue an apology not only to Moore but to the entire town of Fort Gay, West Virginia. Yeah…turns out it's a real place.
EDIT: Fixed link
With the gun arm?
Why does this need two threads?
Tried it in beta.
Interesting idea, but after playing once, never again. Having to spam click is brutal.