Kerrigan does not get Biomass [ENSR ep.3]. #684

  • 628w created this issue Apr 10, 2021

    Bug Map

    ENSR ep.3, Zerg05a "Heart of Darkness" and Zerg05b "Shadow of Darkness". (8.0.1)

    Bug Description


    If the Intro plays to the end, Kerrigan will not gain Biomass during the game after killing an enemy.
    If the Intro is skipped, that's not the problem.


    Solution proposal:
    1. In the "Start-Cutscene" trigger, disable the "KerriganBioMassUpdate" trigger.
    2. In the "Start-After" trigger, turn on the "KerriganBioMassUpdate" trigger.


  • 628w edited description May 28, 2021

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