Lucian Crisis

Hiya guyz BJ again,


Got a fancy new campaign (still being made so don't expect amazing stuff as i'm still learning) with branching story-lines, which includes a prologue that introduces the player based race. The race is titled colonist and is still being tweaked on so any feedback would be great note that they are suppose to be weaker then all the other groups but are suppose to be 'quicker' in terms of building a sizeable force.


If anyone's got any suggestions feel free to add some, just gotta be aware I know like half the stuff needed ta make maps so it might be a bit slow o.O


(WARNING: maps must be placed in same folder as each other and the mod must be placed in appropriate folder)


Feedback thread:

If you post feedback I'll probably reply pretty quickly.


Also if anyone wishes to sign up ta help with the project Here's the recruitment page always looking for new peeps even if all ya wanna do is discuss things such as balancing:


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 22, 2017
  • Last Released File
    Jun 13, 2017
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